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Julia Karnemaat, RN, BS, CCM Kari Wildner, LMSW, LCSW

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Presentation on theme: "Julia Karnemaat, RN, BS, CCM Kari Wildner, LMSW, LCSW"— Presentation transcript:

1 Julia Karnemaat, RN, BS, CCM Kari Wildner, LMSW, LCSW
Navigating Muddy Waters: Case Manager Collaboration Across the Spectrum Julia Karnemaat, RN, BS, CCM Kari Wildner, LMSW, LCSW

2 The importance of coordination of care with the interprofessional team.
Exploring challenges and barriers to complex care planning. Communication strategies to keeping everyone informed and establishing a patient centered plan of care.

3 Who’s in the water?

4 Acute hospital stay Community care setting Long term care setting Skilled nursing and rehab Primary Care


6 What are our navigational beacons?

7 Service of the Poor Reverence Integrity Wisdom Creativity Dedication

8 Cultural Competency Meeting the patient where they are at Patient Engagement! Knowing yourself

9 Assessing the patient’s needs: Who needs a life preserver?

10 Initial Risk Stratification
LACE Tool Care Management Assessment Substance Abuse Assessment Palliative Care Assessment

11 What tools are YOU using?


13 How do we communicate the patient’s needs throughout all levels of care?
In the community During hospitalization At time of transition Advance Directives

14 Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety
TeamSTEPPS Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety


16 Community Health Workers PCP Community Health Workers
Navigators Liaisons Navigators Liaisons PCP Community Health Workers PCP Community Health Workers Patient Inpatient Case Mgr Health Ins. Case Mgrs. Inpatient Case Mgr Health Ins. Case Mgrs. Communication with individuals outside the hospital who are involved with patients’ care: Who’s at the center of care? Who else might you want to communicate with about a patient’s admission? Preferred method of communication? SNF Family/Legal Guardian

17 SBAR Call-outs Checkbacks IPASStheBATON Briefs Huddles Debriefing
AHRQ Interventions SBAR Call-outs Checkbacks IPASStheBATON Briefs Huddles Debriefing

18 HIPAA How does it affect our ability to communicate with outside entities?


20 Multi-Party Release form Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services

21 Barriers and Strategies to Overcome: Navigating rocks in the water

22 Psychosocial/Financial
Barriers System Logistical Psychosocial/Financial (insert Silo Barrier image)

23 Strategies Visual Take home tools Multicultural approach Levels of teaching/incorporating family Patient Engagement

24 The Spirit of Motivational Interviewing

25 An Underwater Moment

26 TEAMWORK Physicians Nursing Social Work Therapies (PT, OT, SLP, RT) Dietician Spiritual Care Palliative Care Ethics

27 Team Communication IDT Rounding Brown Bag/Lunch and learns Team Briefing Debriefings Complex Care Huddle

28 What’s on the Horizon? Telehealth Mobile Apps Telemedicine

29 I PASS the BATON I Introduce yourself and your role/job P Patient-Name, identifiers, age, sex, location A Assessment-Presenting chief complaint, vitals, Sx, Dx S Situation-Current status/circumstance, code status, level of uncertainty, recent changes, responses to Tx S Safety Concerns-Critical lab values/reports, socioeconomic factors, allergies, falls, isolation, etc.

30 I PASS the BATON B Background-co morbidities, previous episodes, current meds, fam Hx A Actions-what actions were taken or are required? Provide brief rationale T Timing-level of urgency and explicit timing and prioritization of actions O Ownership-who is responsible on team? Include Pt/fam responsibilities N Next-What will happen next? Anticipated changes? What is the plan? Backup plan?

31 Putting IPASStheBATON into practice
Walk through communication/coordination of care example

32 Case Study #1 A 54 yo male admitted from the community w/chest pain and is in need of emergent heart cath. He coded, was intubated, and transferred to ICU. He was found to have severe multi-vessel disease with low EF 20-25%. After day #3 on vent, he was successfully extubated and is now encephalopathic and has been transferred to general med floor w/1:1 sitter in place DISCLOSURE: This case was not taken from any particular patient or case, but is a hypothetical example from collective experiences

33 Case Study #1 (continued)
He reported previously living alone and working part time. He is uninsured/not eligible for Medicare. No known NOK or DPOA for health care. Pt’s ID shows a home address. No known mental health or substance abuse hx. He has no PCP and has not had any access for health care in the last 20+ years. PT, OT, ST (Cognitive) Eating/Bowel fx? Due Diligence…Ethics consult?

34 Barriers Strategies

35 Case Study #2 A 50 yo woman found down at her AFC home. Hx of schizophrenia and substance abuse, 2ppd smoking hx in the setting of COPD, CKD, and DM. Was found to be in acute hypoxic respiratory failure and was put on HFO2. Complications during her hospital stay accelerated her CKD to ESRD and she began HD.

36 Case Study #2 (continued)
Prior to hospitalization, she was her own legal guardian and had CMH services. Now mentation is waxing and waning, pulling at lines, agitated and “non-compliant”. AFC home cannot take her back and she is refusing Tx and medications, stating, “No, I don’t want that.” Per CMH, she has one adult dtr/only known NOK and who has limited contact with pt. At this time dtr is saying, “do everything for my mother.” Remember: WHO/WHAT/WHY not end result/disposition Consider Psych consult---capacity v. competency Complex Care Huddle

37 Barriers Strategies

38 Call to Action/Reflections
(Reference statistics about hospital d/c, coordination of care, communication) Reference handouts available

39 Take Homes Utilize evidence based tools when assessing Identify possibilities for enhanced communication within your interdiscplinary team AND with the interprofessional team Focus is on patient centered care

40 *add in Reference slide at the end

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