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Photography by John Howard/ Photodisc/ Getty Images

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1 Photography by John Howard/ Photodisc/ Getty Images
MLA Works Cited Page Photography by John Howard/ Photodisc/ Getty Images

2 Why do I have to do this? It is a requirement of MLA research paper formatting Provides information so instructor can find the exact material you cited The “legend” to your in-text citation roadmap It includes more in-depth publication information (publisher, year, page numbers, title, medium, etc.)

3 Format of Work Cited Page
Works Cited located at top of page, centered Each citation will be alphabetized by first letter of citation 1st line of citation left page aligned, following lines of citation will be indented 1 inch margin all the way around Works Cited page will be on its OWN page Double space between every single line

4 Example Page Double-space Alphabetize
Works Cited "Blueprint Lays Out Clear Path for Climate Action." Environmental Defense Fund. Environmental Defense Fund, 8 May Web. 24 May Clinton, Bill. Interview by Andrew C. Revkin. “Clinton on Climate Change.” New York Times. New York Times, May Web. 25 May Dean, Cornelia. "Executive on a Mission: Saving the Planet." New York Times. New York Times, 22 May Web. 25 May Ebert, Roger. "An Inconvenient Truth." Rev. of An Inconvenient Truth, dir. Davis Guggenheim. Sun-Times News Group, 2 June Web. 24 May Cooler Heads Coalition, Web. 24 May 2009. 1-inch Margins Hanging Indent

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