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Coni S. Rathbone Creative Structuring Coni S. Rathbone

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1 Coni S. Rathbone
Creative Structuring Coni S. Rathbone

2 Choices, Choices, Choices
C Corporation S Corporation Limited Liability Company ) Limited Partnership ) all taxed the same Partnership )

3 Entity Selection Corp vs. LLC
Primary Concerns Limited Liability Levels of Taxation Self Employment Tax Management flexibility Distributing Appreciated Assets to Owners

C Corp LL- 2 levels tax – No SET problem Flexible – “Deemed Sale” S Corp LL- 1 level tax – No SET Problem Not Flexible – “Deemed Sale” LLC LL- 1 level tax – Probable SET Problem Flexible – “No Deemed Sale” LP LL for LP only – 1 level tax – Probable SET Problem – Flexible – “No Deemed Sale” Partnership LL – 1 level tax – Probable SET Problem Flexible – “No Deemed Sale” *LLC taxed as partnership so other entities – Partnership, LP, etc. – treated same Exceptions Galore

5    LP Partnership Limited liability S Corp or LLC C Corp
OUT C Corp 2 levels tax LP Limited liability for LP only OUT OUT Partnership No limited liability Of course, there are reasons to use them! The Real Choice for most of your purposes ….. S Corp or LLC

6 *Not Settled Area of Law as to LLCs
Self-Employment Tax Profitable Operating Business (i.e., profits to allocate) LLC Member salary – SSI Member Probably taxed on SET on Allocations (manager exceptions) (some exclusions, i.e., rent & interest) S Corp Shareholder salary – SSI Shareholder NO SET on Allocation 1 level tax Probable SET 1 level tax No SET 1 Good 5 Bad *Not Settled Area of Law as to LLCs

7 Appreciated Property Distribution
Real Property Holding Company Timing Issue RP purchase price $10K FMV $50K Appreciation $40K LLC “No Deemed Sale” Distribute RP to Member, carry over basis, no sale No effect on basis of LLC interest or asset. When Member sells asset to 3P taxed on gain at the time of cash event (appreciation trapped in asset) C Corp “Deemed Sale” Distribute RP to Shareholder = $40K Gain Corp pays tax on gain now, No cash event (appreciation trapped in corp) S Corp “Deemed Sale” Distribute RP to Shareholder = $40K Gain Flows thru to Shareholder Shareholder pays tax on gain now, No cash event But: Shareholder gets stepped up basis in Property and in Stock (appreciation trapped in Shareholder) 10 Bad 5 Bad 1 Good

8 To Keep Lawyers in Business
Basic Rule: Profitable Operating Business S Corp best usually because no SET Problem Appreciating Assets Holding Business LLC best because no Deemed Sale Of course, always exceptions To Keep Lawyers in Business

9 (i.e., appreciating asset)
So …. For Real Property (i.e., appreciating asset) LLCs Rule!

10 Limited Liability Companies
No Owner Restrictions Perpetual Duration/Fixed Termination Manager or Member Managed Flow through taxation Check the box: Corporate Partnership Individual Totally Flexible Entity

11 Ownership Members Percentage Interests
Interest is “Personal Property” like stock Typically Significant Restrictions on Transfer

12 Management By All Members By Managers Appointed or Voted on by Members
Based on vote of percentage interest All Members have apparent authority to bind company By Managers Appointed or Voted on by Members Members only vote on Manager/Manager runs company Certain actions reserved to Members Only Managers have apparent authority to bind company

13 Tax/Accounting No entity level taxation
Profits and Losses allocated to Members Distributions of excess cash to Members Distributions vs. Allocations

14 The Basics: Straight Asset Contribution for Liability Separation/Asset Protection
Joe Developer 100% Ownership Interest Canby Property Albany Property 100% Ownership Interest LO Property 100% Ownership Interest 100% Ownership Interest Salem Property Canby LLC LO LLC Albany LLC Salem LLC Bankruptcy of Salem LLC does not put at risk Canby Property Income/Profit of Canby LLC still flows through to Joe Developer

15 Protection from Other Owners
DOC A MEMBERSHIP $1 DOC B MEMBERSHIP $1 DOC C MEMBERSHIP $1 DOC D MEMBERSHIP $1 Doctor A LLC Doctor B LLC Doctor C LLC Doctor D LLC Cash for Ownership Cash for Ownership Cash for Ownership Cash for Ownership Building LLC - Cash Contribution represents extent of each Doctor’s risk - Income/Profit of Building LLC flows through to each Doctor LLC & then to each Doc - Bankruptcy of Doctor A does not put at risk the Building LLC

16 Real Property Separation from Operating Business
Owner Business Assets 100% Ownership Interest Real Estate Assets 100% Ownership Interest Lease Manufacture-Co S Corp Manufacture Building LLC Protects Real Property from liability of operating business Profits and losses all still flow to Owner

17 Now . . . Let’s get Creative!!!

18 A Case Scenario - Meet Bob Smith and Denny Jones
Two partners want to buy a farm, own it 50/50, and qualify for as many CRP contract payments as possible. The farm qualifies for $500K in annual CRP contract payments. They want liability protection in the structure they create. Smith has four kids, Jones has two. Smith and Jones want to keep control of operations. CRP limits amount each owner can receive annually - $50,000. Each owner must have joint and several liability. Farm qualifies; Owners qualify! The Solution Form a General Partnership to buy the farm consisting of ten (10) Limited Liability Companies.

19 Farm Partnership 101 Farm Partnership $500K CRP Mr. Smith LLC $50K CRP
8.4% Mrs. Smith LLC $50K CRP Smith Family 1 LLC $50K CRP 8.3% Smith Family 2 LLC $50K CRP Smith Family 3 LLC $50K CRP Smith Family 4 LLC $50K CRP Mr. Jones LLC $50K CRP 12.5% Mrs. Jones LLC $50K CRP Jones Family 1 LLC $50K CRP Jones Family 2 LLC $50K CRP Member Managed Mr. Smith only member 8.4% Mrs. Smith Manager Managed Kid 1 - 99% member Mr. Smith - 1% member & manager Kid 2 - Kid 3 - Kid 4 - Mr. Jones 12.5% Mrs. Jones Mr. Jones - Votes in Partnership Mr. Smith Votes 41.6% Mr. Jones Votes 37.5% Mrs. Smith Votes % Mrs. Jones Votes 12.5% 50.0% %

20 Smith & Jones $400K Left on the table! ØØØ Left on the table!
Farm Partnership 101 Mr. Smith LLC $50K CRP Mrs. Smith LLC $50K CRP Smith Family 1 LLC $50K CRP Smith Family 2 LLC $50K CRP Smith Family 3 LLC $50K CRP Smith Family 4 LLC $50K CRP Mr. Jones LLC $50K CRP Mrs. Jones LLC $50K CRP Jones Family 1 LLC $50K CRP Jones Family 2 LLC $50K CRP Total Max Annual CRP Payments - $500K Bob Smith $50K CRP Denny Jones $50K CRP Total Max Annual CRP Payments - $100K $400K Left on the table! ØØØ Left on the table!

21 A Typical Development Structure
A Partnership = Larry, Mo, Curly $$$ Undeveloped Property (Capital Asset) A Partnership $1M Basis Subdivided Property (Dealer Property) A Partnership 3P Purchasers $8M Sales Price Total Gain on Sale = $7M Ordinary Income Tax Rate 38% Tax 2,660,000 Net Gain 4,340,000

22 A Better Solution A Partnership = Larry, Mo, Curly
XYZ S Corp = Larry, Mo, Curly & Larry’s Wife Note $$$ $ Undeveloped Property (Capital Asset) Partnership $1M Basis Capital gain Subdivided Property (Dealer Property) *XYZ S Corp $7M Sales Price Supported by Wholesale MAI Deed 3P Purchasers $8M Sales Price Ordinary gain Many Deeds Gain = $6M Gain $1M Capital Gain Rate 15% Ordinary Income Rate 38% Tax 900, Tax 380,000 Total Gain 7,000,000 Total Tax 1,280,000 Net Gain 5,720,000 *S Corp because of related party rules *What is reason for structure besides tax? Partnership Liability, Shield of development liability

23 Adding it All Up A Partnership - XYZ S Corp A Partnership
Total Capital Gain 6,000,000 Tax ,000 Total Ordinary Income Gain 1,000,000 Tax ,000 Total Gain 7,000,000 Total Tax 2,660,000 Net Gain 4,340,000 Total Gain 7,000,000 Total Tax 1,280,000 Net Gain 5,720,000 ==== Total Tax Savings: $1,380,000 ==== ====

24 Asset Transfer, Value Discount
Mom and Dad own or want to buy $5,000,000 RP in Portland Goals: Want to retain ownership of a major part of their estate Minimize tax upon eventual transfer to children Keep control Reallocate income tax liability

25 Solution: Create Manager Managed LLC
Contribute property to LLC in exchange for majority ownership interests Minority ownership interest to kids Later transfer (gift) majority of LLC (Not Property) to kids

26 LLC Characteristics Manager managed, both parents managers
Unanimous vote to change managers Unanimous vote required to transfer ownership interest Profits and losses allocated in accordance with ownership interests

27 Property Portland Property LLC Mom Dad Son Daughter
49% Portland Property LLC Mom Dad Son Daughter $1,000 1% Parents each contribute their ownership interests in Portland Property to LLC for 49% ownership interest in LLC Son contributes $1,000 cash to LLC for 1% ownership interest in LLC Daughter contributes $1,000 cash to LLC for 1% ownership interest in LLC

28 Appraisal Value of LLC Not the same as value of its assets because entity ownership affected by other factors Asset contributed valued at $5,000,000 20% discount for lack of marketability (restrictions on transfer) of LLC Interest 35% discount for lack of control (manager managed) of LLC Entity (These are based on empirical evidence available to appraiser) Value of Assets Contributed to Company $5,000,000 Total: 55% Discount $5,000,000 x Total Value of Company $2,250,000

29 Transfer to Kids Gift 48% Mom Dad Son Daughter 49% 1% 1% 49%
Portland Property LLC Gift 48% 48% value is $1,080,000 Result Son = 49% Daughter = 49% Mom = 1% Dad = 1% Mom & Dad still Managers, so still in control Cannot be changed without their vote Profits & Loss of LLC now taxed at lower kid’s rate

30 Tax on Gift of LLC Ownership Interests to Kids
Mom to Daughter Value $1,080,000 Mom’s exemption $1,000,000 Gift Tax Rate Total ,000 41% Tax $32,800 Dad to Son Value $1,080,000 Dad’s exemption $1,000,000 Gift Tax Rate Total ,000 41% Tax $32,800 Total Tax on Transfer $65,600 Total Tax on Transfer $65,600

31 Gift of Property/Tax Without LLC
Mom and Dad gift jointly to son and daughter $5,000,000 IRS 15% fractional interest discount ,000 $4,250,000 Mom and Dad’s exemptions 2,000,000 Taxable $2,250,000 41% ,500 Total tax on transfer $922,500

32 Gift to Kids IRS Hates this Structure!
Of LLC Interest Of Real Property $65, $922,500 IRS Hates this Structure!

33 Coni S. Rathbone, J.D., CRE
4949 Meadows Road, Suite 600 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Direct: Office: Cell: Disclaimer No legal or other professional advice is expressed or implied by any of the presenters or in this written material. All parties are urged to seek competent legal advice before making any decisions concerning their particular issue. Special circumstances may cause different outcomes compared to those shared by presenter. Each case must be evaluated on its own unique facts and the applicable rules of law.

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