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How the Open Compute hardware community gets rid of all the traditional overkill in Enterprise Datacenters John Laban.

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Presentation on theme: "How the Open Compute hardware community gets rid of all the traditional overkill in Enterprise Datacenters John Laban."— Presentation transcript:

1 How the Open Compute hardware community gets rid of all the traditional overkill in Enterprise Datacenters John Laban

2 John Laban Reset Catalyst OCP Foundation @rumperedis Who am I

3 Agenda What is OCP Resetting intuitive mindsets
Traditional Data Centre Traditional server rack Software eats hardware OCP optimised Data Centre Thought for the day Agenda


5 What is OCP
The Open Compute Project Foundation is a non profit open source hardware community which since its formation in 2011 has been positively disrupting the 20th Century Data Century Industry What is OCP Ask me afterwards for more details about OCP and getting involved in the community

6 Nine OCP Projects & Technologies
Incubation Committee Project Leads Storage Data Centre Open Rack Server Networking HPC HW Mgmt. Interoperability Telco

7 What is OCP Technology Contribution Process Reviewed by community
Member makes a contribution Including technical documents Reviewed by community Voted by incubation committee Posted on Available to the public

8 What is OCP OCP Technology Principles
Efficiency - performance, cost, conversion & cooling Scale out - Tool-less design, OCP compliant management tools and documentation What is OCP Openness - Open Source, Open Interface, OCP Compatible Impact - Efficiency gains, new technology, leverage/empower prior contributions and enhance supply chain

9 OCP vanity free server

10 OCP Platinum Members Ask the audience if they know QCT, Wiwynn
Emphasis Delta during the presentation and how big a player they are in OCP power systems globally

11 Emphasise the telcos and Rittal
See Rittal YouTube video



14 Resetting intuitive mindsets
Open source collaboration is a better way Construct Data Centre facilities at half the cost of traditional Servers that use 30% less energy Software that eats 80% of the physical server nodes Data Centre PUE’s better than 1.1 99% reduction in server support technicians Resetting intuitive mindsets

15 Traditional Enterprise Datacenter
Enterprise data centre located in UK Uptime Institute Tier III Centralised UPS with 15min VRLA batt autonomy Split DX down flow CRACs into access floor 144 racks totalling 6,480 EIA rack Units 70% of U’s filled with servers = 4,536 nodes Average 5 kW load per rack PUE = 1.8 IT Load = 720 kW Total facility load = 1,296 kW Annual kW hrs = 11,352,960 Annual electricity kW hr = £1,135,296 Annual UK CO2e = _________ kg (see slide notes) 24 racks Traditional Enterprise Datacenter Assume all rack units used to 100% capacity with 70% servers; 20% storage ; 10% network Emission Factor, kgCO2e / kWh = See table page 22 at

16 Traditional Server Rack

17 20th Century Gear removed by OCP : 2 x TOR Switches
4 x Pluggable optics 86 x PSU’s 208 x 40mm Fans 4 x AC Power Strips 86 x IEC rear power cords 120 x RJ45 rear patch cords N+1 CRAC units Access Floor Cables in floor Based on 40 traditional one u servers in rack compared to the OCP equivalent. Group animations if required to minimize clicks. A remote mouse is desirable when showing this slide in view mode.

18 Software eats hardware
€ 5,500 per year for 38 million cars in France (10% of French GDP) 96% time stopped 0.5% in traffic jams 0.8% looking for parking 2.7% travelling from A to B (its Function) 3 out of 4 journeys have one person in car Asset efficiency is very low! Software eats hardware Radio 4 In Business interview Frederic Mazzella CEO & Founder Bla Bla Car OCP V1 18

19 Software eats hardware
What is the ICT asset efficiency in traditional enterprise data centre ? Software eats hardware

20 Software eats hardware
Virtual Machines 33% less 66% less Software eats hardware No VMs Heavy weight VMs 2008 Light weight VMs 2018

21 Software eats hardware
Hack & Hip Hop Virtual Machines Software eats hardware 80% less web server nodes No HHVMs With HHVMs

22 OCP optimised datacenter
Some of the over kill removed from a traditional enterprise data centre OCP optimised datacenter

23 OCP optimised datacenter
Traditional OCP Mechanical Cooling yes no Access Floors Centralised UPS Intelligent PDU’s 450 Racks 144 110 Server nodes 4,536 2,994 Server AC/DC PSU’s 9,072 110 rack rectifier shelves PUE 1.8 Better than 1.3 DC Facility construction cost $10,000,000 Reduces by > 50% Annual Electricity Cost £1,135,296 Reduces by >£500,000 OCP optimised datacenter A traditional server AC/DC power supply weighs about 1 kg . We have removed almost one tonne of these. DC facility construction cost approximately $10 million per MW.

24 Thought for the day Colo space in Europe expanded by 20%
whilst global server market shrinks 5% Thought for the day

25 John Laban Reset Catalyst OCP Foundation European Region

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