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Renaissance – Age of Exploration

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1 Renaissance – Age of Exploration
Period 4 Review Renaissance – Age of Exploration

2 He invented the printing press?

3 Where did the renaissance begin?

4 The theory that states that there is a set amount of wealth in the world and it is the job of each nation to gain as much of that wealth by creating colonies that act as the source of wealth. Mercantilism

5 Who was the leader of the Aztecs when the Spanish arrived? Moctezuma II

6 This dynasty was able to overthrow the Mongol led Yaun dynasty?

7 In order to invade England and to remove Elizabeth I from the throne Spain built this.
The Spanish Armada

8 This was the movement of animals, plants, and diseases between the “Old world” and the “New World”?
Columbian Exchange

9 This was a meeting that redefined and reaffirmed Catholic doctrine
Council of Trent

10 The leader of the Ottoman empire was known as a?

11 Who established the Tokogawa Shogunate?
Tokogawa Ieyasu

12 The decline in the native populations of the New World (particularly the Caribbean) lead directly to the start of? The Atlantic Slave Trade

13 Which Mughal emperor was responsible for an increase in rights for women.

14 What geographical areas were under Ottoman control at the height of the empire?
Most of the Middle East. North Africa, and the Balkans (Southeastern Europe)

15 This order of monks was established during the Counter (Catholic) Reformation and is responsible for the founding of many foreign missions in Asia and the “New World”? Jesuits

16 This was a group of Christian boys that were used as soldiers by the Ottoman Empire.

17 He was responsible for westernizing Russia?
Peter the Great

18 What was the theological difference between the Safavid and Ottoman Empires?
Safavids were Shi’a and the Ottomans were Sunni

19 This group was sent to settle the frontier regions and to help expand Russian territory?

20 What were the only two nations to have access to Japan?
China and the Netherlands

21 He was a Chinese eunuch that commanded the largest Chinese fleet during the Ming dynasty ?
Zheng He

22 He had a six wives and split from the Catholic Chruch?
Henry VIII

23 He is credited with the first circumnavigation of the globe.
Ferdinand Magellan

24 At this meeting Martin Luther was found guilty of heresy by the Holy Roman Emperor?
Diet of Worms

25 The first emperor of the Ming dynasty?

26 What is the greatest example of monumental architecture built during the Mughal dynasty?
The Taj Mahal

27 Which conquistador conquered the Inca in South America?
Francisco Pizarro

28 This split the globe between the Spanish and the Portuguese?
Treaty of Tordesillas 1494

29 He wrote The Prince, a book that advised rulers on how to gain power and to keep it.
Niccolo Machiavelli

30 What was the main difference between the Italian and Northern Renaissance?
Northern Renaissance did not focus on humanism while the Italian did.

31 Why did King Philip II of Spain want to invade England?
Elizabeth I was a Protestant and he was a Catholic

32 He was an advocate for Indian justice during Spanish colonial control?
Bartolome da las Casas

33 What are two examples of new technology that allowed Europeans to conduct their voyages?
Caravel and astrolabe

34 When the Ottomans conquered the Byzantine Empire under the rule of Mehmed II they changed the name of Constantinople to? Istanbul

35 What was the function of the Forbidden City?
It was a palace for the Emperor

36 He was responsible for getting rid of the last Ashikaga Shogun in 1573?

37 He established the line of Russian Czars?
Ivan the III (Great)

38 He established a trade route between Portugal and India by sailing around the Cape of Good Hope?
Vasco da Gama

39 Through what two cities did the Chinese limit foreign (European) contact?
Macao and Canton

40 This is the name given to the series of wars that sought to expel the Islamic Moors from the Iberian Peninsula? Reconquista

41 An importation of new crops from this region of the world helped to increase the population of China during the Ming Dynasty. The Americas

42 This is the practice of paying for the forgiveness of sin?

43 The 95 Theses were written by?
Martin Luther

44 Who was an example of a Renaissance Man?
Leonardo da Vinci

45 Name the three Islamic Empires.
Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal

46 What was unique about the Mughal attitudes toward Hindus?
They were tolerant

47 Prince Henry the Navigator is best know for?
Establishing a sailing school

48 Who was the leader of the Inca when the Spanish arrived?

49 Name one issues that lead to the decline of the Ming dynasty?
Incompetent rulers, Invasions, Drought and Famine, rebellions

50 Place the Chinese dynasties we have studied thus far in proper chronological order starting with the earliest. Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, Song, Yaun. Ming

51 What impact did the printing press have?
Is made books cheaper and it helped increase the literacy rate

52 The 30s years war a was a European war fought over what issues between 1450-1750?

53 A revival of this group occurred when the Ming Dynasty came to power.

54 He was a leader during the Catholic Reformation and was the founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). Ignatius Loyola

55 Contrary to Japanese feudalism European created this kind of relationship between lord and vassal.

56 During his reign Ivan the Terrible (IV) began to become an autocratic ruler. In order to accomplish this he began to purge Russia of this class of nobility. Boyars

57 This Renaissance concept is focused on accomplishments and capabilities of individuals.

58 As a result of Magellan's expedition Spain claimed this colony in the Pacific.

59 This crop arrived in the New World via the Columbian exchange and became vital to the commercial success of the region. Sugar

60 The westward expansion of the Safavids was stopped by the Ottomans at this battle.
The Battle of Chaldiran

61 The number one killer of the native populations in the New World after the arrival of Europeans was?

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