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Personal, Social and Emotional Development

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1 Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical Development Move with increasing confidence, balance and control in a range of ways such as slithering, shuffling, walking, running, skipping, jumping, sliding and hopping. Hold pencil in pincer grip when ready, holding near to the point and developing increasing control – use froggy fingers! Draw lines and circles with increasing control, moving towards fine motor movements. Explore making marks and talking about what marks they have made mean. Begin to copy some letters, e.g. letters from name when appropriate.. LEARNING GUIDE FOR NURSERY Personal, Social and Emotional Development Extend play and keep play going by responding to what others are saying/doing. Know how to act in a friendly way, talking to friends and familiar adults with increasing confidence. Select and use resources with growing independence. Develop increasing confidence in asking for help and speaking about home and community. Become increasingly independent in managing to share and take turns. Areas of Interest for Children to Follow – Under the Sea, Summer and Holidays Summer Term 2017 Communication and Language Focus attention, and follow directions and simple instructions Begin to understand and answer ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions Use talk to explain and connect ideas, and to say what might happen next. Begin to use ‘and’ and ‘because’ to extend sentences and explain thoughts ideas and actions. Use talk to extend play and pretend that objects stand for something else. (E.g. The chairs are my big bus.) Listen and join in with stories 1-1 and in small groups sustaining attention for longer periods, recalling parts of the story and joining in with repeated refrains or key phrases. Mathematics. Join in with number songs and rhymes. Begin to represent numbers on fingers, or through mark making with support and modelling. Begin to recognise numerals more confidently, and to sometimes match numeral and quantity correctly. Use some number language spontaneously, and to use some number names accurately in play. Experience separating small groups of objects, such as animals in small world different ways. Begin to count small groups of objects - and beyond - accurately, saying one number name for each item. Develop an awareness of shapes in the environment. Begin to talk about the shape of everyday objects using language modelled in nursery, e.g. round, tall. Talk about shape during play or creative activities. Understanding the World Know some of the things that make self unique, and talk about similarities and differences in relation to friends and family. Talk about special times/events for family/friends. Begin to show care and concern for living things and the environment. Talking and asking about our familiar environment. Begin to talk about why things happen and how things work. Become increasingly skilled in making technological toys work, and in operating cameras and using age appropriate computer software. RE - Christian values – Friendship, Justice and Responsibility. Special places Special times Prayer in Islam. Literacy Talk about pictures in books, and about the main characters and events. Begin to be aware that stories have a beginning, middle and end. Begin to hear and say initial sounds in words Have opportunities to mark make for a wide range of purposes, and to talk about what the meaning of the marks they have made. Recognise own name, and begin to ascribe marks they have made to the writing of their name. When ready, to represent letters from their name or a beginning sound of a word in their mark making Expressive Arts and Design Move in response to music, and experiment with simple rhythms. Build stories and role play around toys, and use available resources to create props to support this. Become more confident in selecting and using different tools for different purposes. Begin to experiment with and describe the different textures of things, developing this through experience of collage opportunities. Develop construction and joining skills to create for a range of purposes. Experiment with, and talk about sounds and changing sounds with increasing independence. Experiment with, and talk about, changing colour with increasing independence

SCHOOL ADDRESS Lathom Avenue Warrington WA2 8AL SCHOOL TELEPHONE (Nursery Centre) – Please let us know as soon as possible if your child is unable to come to school for any reason. SCHOOL INFORMATION   NURSERY CENTRE HOURS 9:00am – 12.00pm 12:00pm – 3:00pm HEAD TEACHER Mrs K. Keen Acting Head Mrs R Pimblett   CHAIR OF GOVERNING BODY Rev. S. Parish NURSERY TEAM Class Teachers Mrs Griffiths Mrs Waterfield Teaching Assistants Mrs Nicholson Mrs Jones Mrs Knight Mrs Duxbury SCHOOL DATES Holidays Half term- Finish on Friday 14th February – Back in school on Monday 24th February. Easter holidays - Finish on Friday 4th April – Back in school on Monday 21st April For all other dates and events please refer to the school Newsletter SNACK SNACK MONEY IS £1.20 PER WEEK – THIS CAN BE PAID IN ADVANCE,OR WEEKLY ON A MONDAY MORNING. SCHOOL VISITS Manchester Museum & Experitots session Date TBA Things you can do to help your child at home Naming colours, counting and recognising numbers 1-5 Teach them to put their coat on and off Reinforce the letter sounds we are doing in Nursery s, a, t, p, i, n, m, c Help them to write their name-forming letters correctly We are aware that some children may be able to achieve some of these targets already. All children will be supported in their learning journey at their own rate and at a level appropriate to their needs, through a range of play activities and experiences. Remember to ask if you have any queries. CULTURAL PATHWAY Author – Michael Rosen Composer – Marc-Antoine Charpentier Artist – Jackson Pollock EXTRA INFORMATION – ST ANN’S WEBSITE: To access the St Ann’s website & VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) type in Here you will find Nursery and School information updates, along with an area dedicated to each class with learning guides, activities, along with ideas and links on how to help your child.

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