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Mrs. Mullin Grade Three Room 202

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1 Mrs. Mullin Grade Three Room 202
Welcome Mrs. Mullin Grade Three Room 202

2 Teacher Bio 8 Years at Saint Felicitas School - Grade 2
8 years at St. Gabriel ~ Grade 3 Mother of tenth grade triplets Goal- help students develop into life long learners & “responsible” learners

3 Discipline Policy First quarter we will be using the “clip chart”… clip up for good behavior/ down for poor behavior We will send home a check list of behaviors that your child needs to work on weekly. (If you child does not get a list sent home in Friday folder, assume it was a good week or that they have been responsive to teacher corrections/ reminders. Any major issues you will be contacted immediately

4 Discipline Policy con’t Checkbooks
Starting 2nd quarter (after students have demonstrated mastery of addition & subtraction) we will begin CHECKBOOKS! Students will earn $ for good behavior and lose $ for poor behavior. Students will earn $ for classroom jobs Fourth quarter, after studying our Economy Unit in Social Studies, students will participate in Market Day! More information to follow! (Favorite part of the year last year… great response from parents too!)

5 Friday Folder White St. Gabriel folder is “Friday Folder”
It will go home on Friday with papers & notes. Please return on Monday.

6 Reading We will be continuing the American Reading program.
We will complete 2 steps in school and 2 steps for homework Monday – Thursday. Students will be required to read 4 steps over the weekend. We will continue to recognize every 100 steps completed Note: 2 steps = 30 minutes

7 Reading Continued We have found the students who were diligent and honest about their home reading steps achieved success with the program. While it is the student’s responsibility to get their log signed by you, please help with this routine. Completed reading homework will be taken for 5 homework points towards their reading grade. (4 points each day for Monday- Thursday & 1 point for weekend steps) Reading steps are checked daily

8 Spelling We will be using the Developmental Word Study approach in order to teach phonological (phonics features) awareness at a pace that matches the developmental stage of your child.  Children will be given a list of Word Study Words each week that specifically targets phonetic elements your child needs to master. 

9 Spelling Each student will be given their individualized list of words
Words will be given on Monday. Tests will be on Friday on that “feature” or phonics skill Some words from the list will be on the test, some will not. Student will have to use the phonics skill (feature) studied that week to determine the spelling of that word

10 Spelling Homework Students will have a laminated “menu” in their red binder to choose 4 spelling activities to complete for the week to be turned in on Friday. Students will be given 4 homework points (1 for each activity) 1 point deducted for each day late.

11 Math We are continuing with Go Math Series Anticipate at least 1 homework page per night (Mon- Thurs.) reinforcing what was taught in class that day. Practice Facts: Moby Max classroom training/ practice & information will be sent home (Teachers who have used this program have been pleased. Allows kids to move at their own pace, teachers can monitor time spent practicing, and students rewarded with fun games for time spent practicing!) Log in information for your child is in packet on their desk.

12 Switching Classes We will be switching classes for Religion, science, and social studies. “Soft start” to switching in preparation for 4th grade. All 3 teachers will plan together and will be in on grading Grades are O, S, U.

13 Religion Prayer Kit: 3 minute meditation time - 1 student per week
- write a reflection & return on Friday Mrs. Golden’s Prayer Class - Expecting to meet once a week - Helping the students connect with Jesus ENCOURAGING FAMILIES TO ATTEND WEEKLY MASS. (Going on Wednesdays with the school is not enough)

14 Science 3rd grade are continuing the science program through Holden Arboretum Overview -life cycles, plants, animals, earth’s resources, environment, and matter

15 Social Studies Overview - Communities, map skills, economy (market day & checkbooks), Branches of government

16 Homework Students will receive Simple Solutions English Monday through Thursday. This homework will be checked for understanding and completion. Simple Solutions test will be given on Friday. Practice math facts each evening +/ - and eventually Multiplication & division as skills are learned. (Note: Once Moby Max is in full understanding and use, students will be required to do their fact practice homework with this site. Teachers can monitor student practice & progress)

17 Homework Along with this homework students may be given small homework assignments that go along with the lessons taught in class that day. Students should be reading for 30 minutes everyday.

18 Homework Students will write down their assignments in their assignment notebook daily. Please review your child’s homework and sign the assignment notebook to show that the student has completed his or her assignments. The goal is that the students will become RESPONSIBLE for independently completing their assignments as they grow into “responsible learners.” (Note: There are “help pages” in the back of the Simple Solutions workbooks)

19 Absent Work If you would like missed work to be sent home please call the office. Students will be given the number of days missed to complete missing work.

20 STARTING TIME!!! The classrooms will be open for students to arrive at 7:20 Warning bell 7:45 am Students are considered TARDY after 7:50 am!

21 Birthdays Your child may bring in a pre-package treat to share with the class on his/her birthday. (Please be considerate of allergies) To avoid disruptions to our valuable class time, please send/ bring the treat in the morning to be eaten during our snack time. Please avoid pizza parties, frozen treats, and cakes that need to be cut and distributed. Any questions please refer to handbook.

22 Snack The students should pack ONE healthy snack to eat each day during our designated snack time… (every year we have people relying on the kindness of others for their snack… please have your child be responsible to pack something) We will eat snack around 9:45 Recess / Lunch is at 11:30- 12:10

23 Transportation Everyone has been asked to sign-in to PikMyKid app.
In an effort to help your child become more responsible, when possible, discuss changes in how they are getting home, BUT still make changes via the app. We will not rely on the word of your child. We review changes with the class before dismissa If you miss the “cut-off time” to make changes (1:00?), please call the office. (Don’t me)

24 Communication Email ~
Phone~ School office: Note

25 Special Events Please consult “Virtual Backpacks” for any upcoming events. See also school website:

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