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Department of Sociology

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1 Department of Sociology
LGB students in secondary schools: results of a survey study in Flanders Saskia Aerts Mieke Van Houtte Alexis Dewaele Department of Sociology

2 Research problem International research
Bullying and discrimination of LGB students in secondary schools Heteronormative school environment Have an impact on: Well-being and mental health School careers and future success in life

3 Research problem Situation in Flanders
Belgium as an LGB friendly country Positive attitudes toward LGBs BUT: Heteronormativity in secondary schools Negative attitudes among secondary school students

4 Research problem Research question
How do LGB students in Flemish secondary schools experience their school careers?  We compare school careers and experiences of LGB and heterosexual students

5 Research problem Focus Sense of school belonging School motivation
School performance Homonegativity in the technical and vocational tracks

6 Research problem Sample Online survey 1745 secondary school students:
90.4% heterosexual (N: 1517) 4.4% bisexual (N: 88) 5.2% homosexual/lesbian (N: 74)

7 Research problem Analyses
Hierarchical multiple/logistic regression analyses Measures: Sense of school belonging: PSSM scale (Goodenow) School motivation: mastery and performance motivation (Maehr & Midgley) School performance: A, B, or C certificate Homonegativity: ATLG scale (Herek)

8 Research problem Results
Lesbian and bisexual girls have a slightly lower sense of school belonging Lesbian girls are slightly less motivated to perform Lesbian girls are three times more likely to have received a B or C certificate Students from the technical or vocational track are more homonegative, but LGB students in these tracks do not perceive more bullying

9 Research problem Conclusion Vulnerable position of lesbian girls:
Girls internalize distress more Girls struggle more with their sexual orientation Invisibility of lesbians in society Social relations are more important for girls Lesbian girls experience different kinds of discrimination Gender role can be a disadvantage for some lesbian girls  Other explanations?

10 Research problem Future research
In-depth interviews with LGB secondary school students: Find out how they experience their school career Look for the stories behind the figures Find explanations for the vulnerable position of lesbian girls

11 Research problem Interested in more?
Aerts, S., Van Houtte, M., Dewaele, A., Cox, N., Vincke, J. (2012), Sense of belonging in secondary schools: a survey of LGB and heterosexual students in Flanders. Journal of Homosexuality, 59, 1, p Other articles: on demand

12 Thanks for your attention!
Saskia Aerts Mieke Van Houtte Alexis Dewaele Department of Sociology

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