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Group members: Chen Jing, Chua Xiuwen, Lim Ching Teng and Nicole Chong

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Presentation on theme: "Group members: Chen Jing, Chua Xiuwen, Lim Ching Teng and Nicole Chong"— Presentation transcript:

1 Group members: Chen Jing, Chua Xiuwen, Lim Ching Teng and Nicole Chong
Transdisiplinary Project Work 2011 Theme: School Identity 4Cs Group members: Chen Jing, Chua Xiuwen, Lim Ching Teng and Nicole Chong Ching Teng

2 What we did: Chose the theme Identified the problem
And identified our target group- P3 Think of solutions to solve the problem Decided on the tools we were using- interview and survey Think of questions to ask in the interview and survey Collate the data Put all the data in a slideshow Chen Jing

3 The problem What can I do ? The theme we chose was “ talents soar” .The talent(s) of the pupils cannot soar if they do not like their CCA, or feel that they do not do well in it. Xiuwen

4 Problems that occurred:
One of our members was not contributing a lot We accidentally “lost’’ our slideshow Our interviews did not go as well as we had wanted them to , so we gave out surveys as well Nicole

5 Interview & survey questions:
Do you like your CCA? What is your CCA? Why do you like/don’t like your CCA? If given a chance what CCA would you rather go to? E.g. badminton Do you think your talents can soar in your current CCA? Do you have any other classes/ activities that is not tuition outside of school? Ching Teng

6 Why do we ask these questions?
If the interviewee does not like their CCA, we are trying to find out what CCA they would rather join. We asked Q6) because if they are attending any other activity, e.g. piano lessons, we know that our school does not cater to their need of e.g. piano lesson. Chen Jing

7 Table on the responses from interviews and surveys
Interviewees: (selected 3) 1 2 3 Q1) Yes, I like my CCA No, Q2) Netball choir guzheng Q3) It is fun I can play with my friends My mother made me go to this CCA Q4) badminton infocomm Q5) Not really no Q6)

8 Responses from 3 interviewees:
Interviewee 1: “I like my CCA but I don’t think that my talent can soar in it. I don’t know what school identity means. I like my CCA because I get to spend time with my friends. I want to have a badminton CCA. I don’t have any other classes.” Xiuwen

9 Interviewee 2: I don’t like my CCA because it was chosen by my mother , I want to join infocomm club, but, if I can’t, I want badminton because it is very fun. My talent cannot soar in my CCA. I don’t have any other classes. Nicole

10 Interviewee 3: “I like my CCA because I can make more friends and I like netball. I think maybe my talent can soar. I think maybe I want to join badminton if there was that CCA, I do not have any other classes.” Ching Teng

11 Solution to our problem:
Most of the interviewees wanted badminton as their CCA so, we thought maybe we could add in badminton as a CCA and have the least favorite CCA to be in the modular CCA or played in PE. We chose ‘talents soar’ because not everyone likes their CCA. Xiuwen

12 Chen Jing: I want to thank my team members for working well with me together. I have enjoyed myself tremendously working on this project and I have learnt to have more patience with my friends. It was a memorable experience working together!  Chua Xiuwen: I just want to thank my team members very much. I have learn to co-operate with my friends. This project is very helpful to teach me about responsibility. I would like to have more projects to do with my friends again! 

13 Ching Teng: During this period of time working with my friends on this project, I have learnt to work well with my group members. I also have learnt how to rally together and I have enjoyed myself while working with my friends on this project. Nicole Chong: I would like to thank my team members for their patience towards me. I have learnt to work with my team members. I have enjoyed working with them and would work with them again if possible.

14 All

15 Acknowledgements: We want to thank the 20 participating P3 students and Group members of 4Cs: Chen Jing, Lim Ching Teng, Chua Xiuwen and Nicole Chong of 5A Chen Jing

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