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Sustainability Its our choice

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability Its our choice"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability Its our choice
Presenters of this discussion topic Jon Howard Director of Estates (Sponsor) Shane O Donnell Maintenance Officer (Lead)

2 “Sustainability is maintaining the world’s resources rather than depleting or destroying them. This will ensure they support human activity now and in the future”. The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales

3 Why do we need to do anything?
Reduce the College’s carbon emissions Safeguard against future legislation Contain rising costs related to utilities Enhance the reputation of Wakefield College Improve staff and student satisfaction level BUT ITS NOT JUST THAT!! Reduce the College’s carbon emissions HEFCE require a sector cut in emissions of 34% against a 2005/6 baseline by 2020 and is linking capital funding to carbon reduction performance Safeguard against future legislation Ensure that Wakefield College stays at in front and avoids penalties Contain rising costs related to Utilities Energy costs are rising and this trend will continue as energy reserves decline. Enhance the reputation of Wakefield College Wakefield College has set ambitious targets that will place us firmly in the Green League. Improve staff and student satisfaction levels Through ensuring that buildings are operated in an energy efficient manner whilst also meeting comfort levels expected by it’s users Carbon Management Projects We will be identifying Carbon Reduction projects to be carried out over the 5 years of the Plan The projects will be a mix of: Behavioural awareness based – e.g. communications strategy Retrofit measures – e.g. continuous commissioning of buildings Planned maintenance – e.g. I.C.T. replacement equipment cycle From these projects we will identify carbon reduction opportunities that could save Wakefield College both in carbon reduction and be financially beneficial. These projects should give us an emission total reduction of 163 tCO2 per annum when taking into account BAU growth in energy use over the duration of the Plan. These projects will be continuously measured against our Baseline Year emissions total

4 The world is turning!! WHAT SHOULD WE DO?? BREEAM FE sector specific
Part L Building regulations Transport and travel Students of the future Carbon reduction initiatives Renewable energy Limitations of supply of fossil fuels WHAT SHOULD WE DO??

5 Carbon Management Programme (CMP)
Carbon Trust initiative for FE Sets key milestones and targets Single focus on carbon reduction across all areas of the College. Independent support and advice from the carbon trust Identifies roles and responsibilities Creates a pathway we can all buy into WHERE DO WE START?? This year we have signed up to the Carbon Trust five year commitment to reducing our carbon emissions. Which is currently in its 9th year and 46 Colleges have signed up this year. We are still in the infant stages of the project but our next milestone is to have a draft copy of the CMP signed off by Governors complete by Autumn. We need to work a little bit harder and integrate how we procure everything along with the CMP CT hold regular Con Calls / webinars / group meetings to review progress and share ideas. Project lead will be the focal point of the project identifying/implementing projects. Project sponsor offers support from above and guidance in all matters and ensure VFM We have also recognised other avenues to utilise in helping Wakefield College in achieving its goals such as sustainability. And establish quick wins.

6 Current carbon emissions
. Electricity (kWh) Usage = CO2 = 1,640,033 Kg/kWh Current carbon emissions We will use 2009/10 as our “Baseline Year” for the purposes of benchmarking our carbon management performance throughout the duration of the plan. 2880 tonnes produced from energy in 09/10 Water (m3) Usage = 8272 CO2 = 3, 342 Kg/m3 Gas (kWh) Usage = CO2 = 1,078,106 Kg/kWh To offer some scale of our emissions 2880 tonnes produced in 09/10 is the equivalent of 576 average homes. Our emissions are above average within the FE sector

7 Objectives Raise awareness to staff and students about carbon emissions Ensure all our buildings are efficient in operation and that we maximise the use of available technology. Deliver long term savings from managing carbon emissions through strategic investment Further integrate carbon management into College Corporate Procurement Embed a low carbon culture and as part of the College’s corporate social responsibility One of the first projects will be to undertake a ‘Awareness Campaign’ highlighting common housekeeping. Address issues such as opening times and space utilisation by asking questions of ourselves as an organisation – do we need all buildings open every day and night. Minimizing energy cost risk – through consultation and thorough research. Investigate the hidden carbon cost from transport – can the item be procured locally? Lead by example – become a standard bearer for College and the community.

8 Actions to embed carbon management
Gaining Board and Senior Team support Communication Identify key individuals, Green Champions Establish a “Sense of Urgency” by highlighting the costs of doing nothing Empower our Sustainability Steering Group to take action Identify and deliver “quick wins” in terms of carbon reduction Ensure that the required changes and improvements are institutionalised within our culture Senior representatives have to be involved throughout the CM Programme

9 Carbon Management Projects
The following is a list of our potential Carbon Reduction projects. We will be adding to this list throughout the duration of the Plan. Lighting Upgrade Equipment Replacement Controls (heating and lighting) Server Virtualisation Travel Teaching and Learning Video conference Voltage Optimisation We have identified a number of projects such as lighting, Awareness & Communication Information Continuous commissioning (key project)

10 Ownership. Joined up thinking. Investment. Culture change. Reputation
Ownership? Joined up thinking? Investment? Culture change? Reputation? Governance? Team spirit,

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