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Early Literacy Training

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1 Early Literacy Training

2 Who are we? Springfield School Volunteers
A non-profit organization that connects resources of the local community to Springfield Public Schools. Annually, SSV brings more than 2,000 volunteers from the local community into the Springfield Public Schools to serve as mentors, tutors, early literacy volunteers, general academic support and in a variety of other SPS support roles. SSV has coordinated the legendary Citywide Read Aloud Program. SSV’s School Based Mentoring Program is currently the largest of its kind in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and is endorsed by our Superintendent of Schools, Daniel J. Warwick. He encouraged all SPS employees to mentor a student.

3 Welcome Welcome to your Early Literacy Online Training. This PowerPoint will cover the material outlined in the Kindergarten Literacy Assessment that you may be working on with a student. The sections being covered are as follows: Concepts of print Letter naming and sounds Consonants and vowels Phonemic Awareness Rhyming Oral Language Sight Words

4 Concepts about print Parts of a book (Front, Back, Spine)
Title, author, and illustrator (point to each, what do they do?) Purpose of print (Point to where I would start to read) Left to right direction (Show me which way to read) Return sweep (show me where to read next) Letter (Show me an uppercase letter and a lower case letter) Word (find a word on this page) Reading ( Point to word ) Punctuation ( point to period, exclamation point, comma, question mark, and quotation marks. Ask what are these, what are they for?

5 Concepts About Print Example Video 1

6 Letter naming and Consonant Sounds
Letter Identification Upper and lower case identification Consonant Sound

7 Letter Naming & Sounds Example video 1

8 Vowels and short vowels
I O U Example video 1 Example video 2

9 Phonemic awareness Syllables Alliteration Production Onset and Rime
Phoneme Isolation Listen for the Rhyming Pair Producing Rhymes

10 Syllables Example Video 1

11 Alliteration Production
The student listens to a word, produces the beginning sound and a word that begins with the same beginning sound. Example: Listen to the beginning sounds in nest, /n/. A word that begins with /n/ is nap. Nest and nap both begin with /n/.

12 Onset and Rime Onset- The initial consonant or consonant blend at the beginning of a word. A word does not have to have an onset. Rime- The ending segment of a word it begins with the first vowel and includes all the following letters of that syllable. Example Video 1

13 Phoneme Isolation Example video 1 Example video 2

14 Listen for the Rhyming pair
Example Video 1

15 Producing Rhymes Example Video 1

16 Oral Language Example: Talking about the weather
Say: Look at these pictures. This is rain. This is Sun. This is snow. Point to the one you would like to talk about. (student makes a choice) Based on student’s choice one of three questions is asked: What do you like about rainy days? What do you like about sunny days? What do you like about snowy days? The child’s answer is written down if necessary prompt with “Tell me more” Response Questions: Does the response.. Make sense (meaning) Sound Right? (structure) Stay on topic Answer who, what, and where? Use topic vocab

17 Sight Words Example video 1

18 Thank you! —Facebook: —Website: —Phone: Thank you for participating in our Early Literacy Online Training, please follow the link to complete the quiz. Thank you! QUIZ

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