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District Improvement Plan Summary Report June 26, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "District Improvement Plan Summary Report June 26, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 2016-2017 District Improvement Plan Summary Report June 26, 2017

2 Planning Schedule √ June 16, 2016 2016-2017 DIP Report to the Board
Dr. Rue June 27, 2016 DIP Board Adoption August 8, 2016 CIPs Report to the Board Dr. Warren / Dr. Thornell August 22, 2016 CIPs Board Approval October 24, 2016 DIP Formative Review Executive Cabinet December 12, 2016 February 13, 2017 Strategic Plan Report to the Board Dr. Warren February 27, 2017 Strategic Plan Board Approval April 17, 2017 DIP Summative Review June 26, 2017 DIP Summary Report to the Board

3 Strategic Planning Flowchart
Core Beliefs Vision Mission Operational Goals & Targeted Objectives District Improvement Plan Superintendent’s Priority Goals Department Action Plans Campus Improvement Plans

4 Our Vision The best and most sought-after school district where every student is future ready: Ready for college Ready for the global workplace Ready for personal success

5 Operational Goals Northwest ISD will design dynamic learning experiences to ensure that all students are future-ready learners. Northwest ISD will recruit, develop, retain, and recognize an exceptional, highly motivated staff to optimize student engagement and learning. Northwest ISD will communicate in a timely, open manner and engage parents and community members in positive partnership opportunities in our schools. Northwest ISD will provide premier facilities and support systems that enhance a positive learning environment and foster student and community pride. Northwest ISD will invest resources to ensure that students, parents, and the community receive optimal educational services.

6 2016-2017 District Improvement Plan
5 Strategic Goals 25 Performance Objectives 118 Strategies

7 2016-2017 District Improvement Plan Summary

8 5 21 14 7 18 3 1 4 17 Goals Targeted Objectives Strategies Goal 1:
Northwest ISD will design dynamic learning experiences to ensure that all students are future-ready learners. 5 21 14 7 Goal 2: Northwest ISD will recruit, develop, retain, and recognize an exceptional, highly motivated staff to optimize student engagement and learning. 18 3 1 Goal 3: Northwest ISD will communicate in a timely, open manner and engage parents and community members in positive partnership opportunities in our schools. 4 17 Check mark represents the number of accomplished strategies. Graph represents the number of progressing strategies; progress has been made, but is not yet complete. X represents the number of strategies that were discontinued.

9 6 42 15 26 1 5 20 14 3 25 118 74 39 Totals Goals Targeted Objectives
Strategies Goal 4: Northwest ISD will provide premier facilities and support systems that enhance a positive learning environment and foster student and community pride. 6 42 15 26 1 Goal 5: Northwest ISD will invest resources to ensure that students, parents and the community receive optimal educational services. 5 20 14 3 Totals 25 118 74 39

10 Discontinued Strategies
Goal 2, Objective 3, Strategy 4: Health Fair conflicted with Council of PTAs Vendor Fair Goal 4, Objective 5, Strategy 8: Bond recommendation moved development of HS#4 to a future date Goal 5, Objective 1, Strategy 2: Forecast changed need for immediate TRE; TRE communication plan not currently needed

11 Discontinued Strategies
Goal 5, Objective 2, Strategy 2: Hiring of General Counsel changed direction of staff trainings by webinar Goal 5, Objective 2, Strategy 9: TRS delayed deployment of Enterprise Application Modernization to Sept. 2017

12 2016-2017 Annual Report Based on Strategic Goals
Publication Timing Changed to Reflect School Year Achievements Highlights Accomplishments

13 Melissa DeSimone, Ed.D. June 27, 2017
HB5 School District Self-Evaluation in Community and Student Engagement and Compliance Melissa DeSimone, Ed.D. June 27, 2017

14 Community and Student Engagement and Compliance
Districts must report on PIEMS a self-evaluation of the district and each individual school in the district. Ratings: Exemplary, Recognized, Acceptable, Unacceptable. Areas: Fine Arts, Wellness & Physical Education, Community & Parent Involvement, 21st Century Workforce Development, Second Language Acquisition, Digital Learning Environment, Dropout Prevention Strategies, Ed Programs for GT One overall rating in each area due to TEA in PEIMS first submission

15 What this assessment looks like in 2016-2017
Simple, objective, and easy to document Rubric for the engagement side Checklist (yes/no) for the compliance side Divided between elementary, middle, and high school levels to develop a rating for the district Indicators that demonstrate excellence in each content/program

16 Domains Fine Arts Wellness and Physical Education
Community and Parent Involvement 21st Century Workforce Development Second Language Acquisition Digital Learning Environment Dropout Prevention Strategies Educational Programs for Gifted & Talented Students

17 District Results Fine Arts - Exemplary
Wellness and Physical Education - Exemplary Community and Parent Involvement - Recognized 21st Century Workforce Development - Exemplary Second Language Acquisition- Exemplary Digital Learning Environment - Exemplary Dropout Prevention Strategies - Exemplary Educational Programs for Gifted & Talented Students - Exemplary

18 Notes going forward: CaSE Rubrics were revamped Spring of 2017 for the school year. Schools and districts were required to select 3 Domains to evaluate under the A-F system. See: A-F system has been revamped. It appears this piece of state accountability may no longer be required.

19 Questions / Comments

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