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ILA-LEAN Project No 2016-1-PL01-KA203-026293
Chapter 3.2 5S Method Tablet course We start by Office and Knowledge work definitions. „Innovative Learning Approaches for Implementation of Lean Thinking to Enhance Office and Knowledge Work Productivity” ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
ILA-LEAN Project No 2016-1-PL01-KA203-026293 - 2016-2018
WHERE DO WE START FROM? We start from the manufacturing context because thanks to this experience we can demonstrate that 5S is perceived as the highest impact tool among all lean tools, as you can see from the mentioned survey. Identification of High Impact Lean Production Tools in Automobile Industries using Weighted Average Method 12° GLOBAL CONGRESS ON MANUFACTURING AND MANAGEMENT, GCMM P. Arunagiria e A.Gnanavelbabub 2 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
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«5S» BENEFITS • Reduce non-value adding activity • Reduce mistakes from employees and suppliers • Reduce time for employee orientation and training • Reduce search time of facility management and locating tools, parts and supplies • Reduce parts stored in inventory, and associated inventory carrying costs • Reduce unnecessary human motion and transportation of goods • Improve floor space utilization • Improve employees safety and morale • Improve product quality • Extend equipment life through more frequent cleaning and inspection The proper implementation of “5S methodology” generates measurable benfits. In few words 5S “Improves Flow” and “Reduces waste” at the same time. 3 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
ILA-LEAN Project No 2016-1-PL01-KA203-026293 - 2016-2018
EXEMPLE OF APPLICATION TO SERVICES Project: pilot intervention of the 5S program implemented in a health facility in Senegal Results: staff perceived changes in the quality of services (e.g. making services more efficient, patient-centered, and safe), and in the attitude and behavior (staff and patients as well) Qualitative study: interview to 21 health center staff members 1 year after the pilot intervention. The 5S management method has been recognized recently as a potential solution for improving the quality of government healthcare services in low-and middle-income countries, as reported in this case study in health sector in Senegal. So, let’s go deeper in the 5S method. Implementation of 5S management method for lean healthcare at a health center in Senegal: a qualitative study of staff perception By: Kanamori, Shogo ; Sow, Seydou ; Castro, Marcia ; Matsuno, Rui ; Tsuru, Akiko ; Jimba, Masamine GLOBAL HEALTH ACTION Volume: 8 Article Number: DOI: /gha.v Published: 2015 4 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
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WORKPLACE ORGANIZATION SAFETY FIRST 1°S - SORT 2°S - SET IN ORDER 3°S - SHINE 4°S - STANDARDIZE 5°S - SUSTAIN The 5S methodology will make your workplace: “Sorted” “Stabilized” “Shining” “Standardized” “Sustained” 5 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
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1°S SORT JOB AID – 1°S SORT Definition Eliminate nonessential items from the workplace Target outcome An uncluttered workplace Action Steps Identify a 5S project workplace Eliminate unnecessary items from the workplace that are not needed for current operations; Use visual methods such as red tagging to identify these unneeded items Exemples: Go through all the files, folders, documents, catalogues in the office and keep only essential items. Sort refers to the practice of going through all the tools, materials, etc. , in the work area and keeping only essential items. Everything else is either stored offsite or discarded. This leads to fewer hazards and less clutter. The goal is to eliminate nonessential items from the workplace. 6 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
ILA-LEAN Project No 2016-1-PL01-KA203-026293 - 2016-2018
1°S SORT IN OFFICE RED TAG CRITERIA USELESS STUFF Items can be “red tagged”and stored in a local red tag area for a specific period of time, typically five days. If not reclaimed by the work group, items are then moved to one of the company central red tag areas. Here everyone can shift through the items to see if there is anything they need. When items have been kept in the central area for a specific period of time, the company disposes of them through resale, donation, or trash. Establishing “red tag” criteria prevents confusion among workers and reduces wasted effort. The team should discuss and create guidelines on how to decide what stays and what goes. Frequency of use is the fundamental “red tag” criteria. To that purpose, a team may ask the following questions: • What is this? • When was the last time you used it? • Is it critical or unique for the department? • If it is inventory, is this the minimal amount needed to keep up with the production schedule? 7 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
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1°S SORT IN OFFICE X It’s not uncommon to see offices like these. Where is the document you are looking for?? There is no classification to help you or your colleague. 8 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
JOB AID – 2°S SET IN ORDER Definition Create a well-ordered and visually instructive workplace (“a place for everithing and everithing in its place”). Target outcome A visual workplace that minimize wastes and human errors Action Steps Create efficient and effective storage/archive methods; Arrange items so that they are easy to use and find; Affix labels on folders; Install modular shelving Exemples: Use dedicated locations, tools to clearly define priorities, reorder points, functional space management,etc. Surgeon’s tray The 2nd step we must apply if we want a visual workplace is “stabilize” – in other words we can say “a place for everything and everything in its place” The target outcome is a place that is visually instructive and is the source of minimal waste and human mistakes. 9 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
“stabilize” means “a place for everything and everything its place” . Through this method you can easily see if something is missing. Examples of proper storage and archive locations 10 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
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3°S SHINE JOB AID – 3°S SHINE Definition Clean the work area Target outcome Daily cleaning follow up to sustain improvements Action Steps Clean floor, desks, bookshelves, lighting, windows and anything else that affects overall cleanliness Exemples: Set a shine roster for cleaning activities in the area The 3rd step for a visual workplace is “SHINE” – in other words the “ more than clean”. We must think of the 3S as an inspection process. 11 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
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3°S SHINE IN OFFICE In order to make sure everyone participates and works together, each team should establish a regular schedule for routine cleaning as well as deep cleaning. 12 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
Definition Establish standards to mantain 5S improvements Target outcome Develop procedures to make this approach consistent Action Steps Brainstorm ideas for making the 5S changing standard operating procedure; Update documentation to reflect changes; Make sure all stakeholders are aware of the new standards Exemples: Visual aids, work instructions, information and training provided to stakeholders The 4th step to apply for a visual workplace is standardize – in other words “The Foundation for continuous improvement”. 13 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
In manufacturing and office workplaces: By documenting the current best practice, standardized work forms the baseline for “kaizen” or continuous improvement. As the standard is improved, the new standard becomes the baseline for further improvements, and so on. The goal is improving standardized work in a never-ending process. Performances and new targets have to be communicated to all the staff through information boards, work instruction for newcomers, visual KPIs, etc.. By documenting the current best practice, standardized work forms the baseline for “kaizen” or continuous improvement. As the standard is improved, the new standard becomes the baseline for further improvements, and so on. The goal is improving standardized work in a never-ending process. Managers and supervisors must provide guidance, and general support to the employee in this critical phase. Where possible, the tools used to standardize and sustain the 5S effort should be unified across all areas of the plant. Action steps for implementing 4S include: • Brainstorm ideas for making the 5S changes a standard operating procedure. That may mean updating workplace procedures, checklists, job aids, diagrams… • Update documentation to reflect the changes. If your company has an ISO coordinator, get the person involved to assure compliance with ISO requirements. • Make sure all stakeholders (production, maintenance…) are aware of the new standard. 14 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
Procedures, instructions and KPIs are visibile and shared Roles and responsibilities must be clear at everyone, and strongly applied. This can be accomplished through visual controls such as color-coding, flow charts, checklists, and labeling to help reinforce a uniformed approach. 15 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
5°S SUSTAIN 16 Merlin Casalecchio di Reno (BO)
JOB AID – 5°S SUSTAIN Definition Monitor, expand and refine 5S results Target outcome Make a habit of properly mantaining correct procedures Action Steps Assign responsibilities; Mantain a regular audit activity; Share best practices between the areas Exemples: Audit forms, resources for communication and recognizing successes Leroy Merlin tools board The 5° S is “Sustain”. The purpose of 5°S “Sustain” is to maintain the momentum generated during the previous 4Ss. The target outcome for the 5th S is to look for solutions where a workplace “automatically” restores order. 16 Hotel reception desk ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
ILA-LEAN Project No 2016-1-PL01-KA203-026293 - 2016-2018
5°S SUSTAIN IN OFFICE 1. ASSIGN “5S” RESPONSIBILITIES 2. INTEGRATE “5S” INTO REGULAR AUDIT 3. GRADE ALL AREAS ON “5S” PERFECTION 4 – REWARD WINNERS 1 In order to successfully implement the 5°S it’s suggested to follow these advices: 1) Managers should assign 5S responsibilities and targets 2) Integrate 5S audit into regular audit 3) Grade all areas seeking 5S perfection 4) Recognize good performances with awards, certificates, etc…. 5S Score Sheet 1. xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxcx lsdfj sdlk dkdie ldslj sdlj f lsdflj sldkj f 2 x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx 3. xxx xx xxxx x x xxxx x xxxxxlsdf lsdkjei lsdkj sdlkj sdl ldf 4. xx xxxxxx x xxxx x xxxxxxxsdlfkj sdflkj sflkjsdflkj flk 5. xxxxx xxx x x xxx xxxx xxxxxsdf,j sdlfjk flsdf ljsd 3 2 4 3.0 1 2.4 17 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
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WORKPLACE ORGANIZATION So, what did we learn? A Lean workplace is: “Sorted” “Stabilized” “Shining” “Standardized” “Sustained” And surely, a lean workplace is a “Safe” one. But Lean cannot act on “culture and infrastructures” (M. George, “Lean six sigma for services”). This aspect is up to management choises, team working and targets sharing capability among all the stakeholders. 18 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
WHEN 5S METHODOLOGY FAILS BE ALL IN OR GET ALL OUT. THERE IS NO HALFWAY When 5S methodology fail? It fails when you forget this rule: “Be all in or get all out. There is no halfway” There are parts of 5S Methodology that are generally accepted as common sense, but if you do it only half way, it won’t work. If you are going to do 5S you must do it all the way. 19 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
ILA-LEAN Project No 2016-1-PL01-KA203-026293 - 2016-2018
WHEN 5S FAIL «I have witnessed company after company comment they tried 5S in the past and it did not work for them. Further investigation uncovered a consistent root cause for their failure. They did not formalize the last two S’s: standardize and sustain. They called the initiative 5S when, in fact, it was really only 3S.» C. D. Chapman “Clean House With Lean 5S” (2005) Christopher Chapman, a contemporary american lean trainer, investigated when 5S fail. In one of his recent articles, “Clean House With Lean 5S” (2005), he wrote: “I have witnessed company after company comment they tried 5S in the past and it did not work for them. Further investigation uncovered a consistent root cause for their failure. They did not formalize the last two S’s: standardize and sustain. They called the initiative 5S when, in fact, it was really only 3S. Successful implementation of the last two S’s of 5S will determine whether you are able to transform your operations from a hidden factory of waste— affecting transportation, inventory and motion and resulting in waiting, overprocessing, overproduction and defects—to a visual factory where the environment is self-explaining, self-ordering and self-improving.” 20 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
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LET’S GO TO THE MOVIES «5S THAT WORKS» y4apcQZFkTO5 ORaIfq9Tzadq Let’s see some examples about 5S methodology. «5S FAIL» Y2WfPD-RN7ShrNCETbrD 21 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
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ARE YOU STILL NOT CONVINCED? Centoform 5S game 22 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
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CALCULATION OF THE INVESTMENT PAYBACK Once familiar with the 5S methodology and with the game, it is recommended to perform the following exercise: Play the first round with the “BEFORE 5S” slideshow noting the number of cards with the right result and the time of “BEFORE 5S” slideshow. Apply the following formula: T1 = (slideshow time “before 5S”)/(n° of cards produced) Apply the 5S to the physical and information environment noting the time spent to apply them (T2) Play a round using the “AFTER 5S” slideshow noting the number of cards with the right result and the time of “AFTER 5S” slideshow (T3). T3 = (slideshow time “after 5S”)/(n° of cards produced) The formula to find the Break-Even Point is BEP = (T2)/(T1-T3) It shows how to find out the number of sheets/pieces produced above which the time requested to apply the 5 esses is already repaid. Once familiar with the 5S methodology and with the game, it is recommended to perform the exercise on calculation of the investment payback. 23 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
ILA-LEAN Project No 2016-1-PL01-KA203-026293 - 2016-2018
WHAT DID WE LEARN? The objective of the game is: Show WHAT can be improved by 5S Show HOW it can be improved by 5S By playing the game the participants will obtain competences in: Reducing non-value adding activities Reducing search time in navigating the facility Improving product quality WHAT DID WE LEARN? The objective of the game is: Show WHAT can be improved by 5S Show HOW it can be improved by 5S By playing the game the participants will obtain competences in: Reducing non-value adding activities Reducing search time in navigating the facility Improving product quality 24 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
ILA-LEAN Project No 2016-1-PL01-KA203-026293 - 2016-2018
REFERENCES Poor Richard's almanack by Franklin, Benjamin – 1733 – 1758 The principles of scientific management - FW Taylor My Life and Work - Henry Ford, Samuel Crowther -1922 Toyota production system: beyond large-scale production - T Ohno The Machine that changed the world - JP Womack, DT Jones, D Roos Lean six sigma for service – M.L. George, M George Identification of High Impact Lean Production Tools in Automobile Industries using Weighted Average Method - 12° GLOBAL CONGRESS ON MANUFACTURING AND MANAGEMENT, GCMM P. Arunagiria e A. Gnanavelbabub Implementation of 5S management method for lean healthcare at a health center in Senegal: a qualitative study of staff perception - GLOBAL HEALTH ACTION - Published: 2015 By: Kanamori ; Sow ; Castro ; Matsuno ; Tsuru ; Jimba (Volume: 8 Article Number: 27256) Lean Implementations in Hungary - István Rendesi, Audi Hungaria Motor Llc. , Hungary and University of Pannonia – s.d. Clean House with Lean 5S - C.D. Chapman 25 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
ILA-LEAN Project No 2016-1-PL01-KA203-026293 - 2016-2018
TEST Which are the 5Ss? - 1.Sort 2.Set in order 3.Shine 4.Standardize 5.Sustain 1.Seek 2.Set in order 3.Shine 4.Standardize 5.Sustain 1.Sort 2.Simplify 3.Shine 4.Standardize 5.Sustain Which is the Japanese word for continuous improvement? - Gemba kaizen Poka Yoke Why should you implement 5Ss in your office? To improve flow and reduce waste at the same time To improve customer care To increase technoligical efficiency 26 ILA-LEAN Project No PL01-KA
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