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Leadership and MBTI® Prof. Bill DeMarco

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership and MBTI® Prof. Bill DeMarco"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership and MBTI® Prof. Bill DeMarco
Chair, ACSC Leadership Department MBTI® Certified Practitioner

2 Leadership purpose… Learning about who you are is to be empowered by your purpose. Not the end all be all… but it is a good tool for understanding, finding out purpose and then understanding others purpose….

3 Mindset… contacts… vision of who you are leadering, crisp, why poeole are in the postions
Mind shft

4 Who Am I? Why is this question important?

5 The WHY “We cannot safely assume that other people's minds work on the same principles as our own. All too often, others with whom we come in contact do not reason as we reason, or do not value the things we value, or are not interested in what interests us.” Isabel Briggs Myers

6 Who Are YOU. What are your strengths. What are your blind spots
Who Are YOU? What are your strengths? What are your blind spots? What areas do you need to improve to lead with greater effectiveness?

7 About the MBTI® Instrument
8/23/2018 An indicator—not a test Looks only at normal behavior Forced-choice questions No right or wrong answers—no better or worse types USERS OF THE MBTI® INSTRUMENT Most Fortune 100 companies use it The most widely used personality assessment in the world—more than 2 million people worldwide each year Translated into two dozen+ languages Used in 70+ different countries PTO: New Presentation

8 8/23/2018 Carl G. Jung Carl Gustav Jung (1875–1961), a Swiss psychiatrist, developed a theory of personality: Differences between people are not random. Instead they form patterns—types. Psychological Types (published 1921, translated into English 1923) Module 1

9 Katharine C. Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers
8/23/2018 Katharine C. Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers Katharine C. Briggs (1875–1968), an American, read Jung’s Psychological Types in 1923. She spent the next 20 years studying, developing, and applying Jung’s theory. Isabel Briggs Myers (1897–1980) developed Jung’s theory in partnership with Briggs. Beginning in 1943, she developed questions that became the Myers- Briggs Type Indicator® instrument. Module 1

10 Jung’s Personality Theory
8/23/2018 Jung’s Personality Theory Jung believed that preferences are innate—“inborn predispositions” He also recognized that they are shaped by environmental influences, such as family, culture, and education Nature MBTI® instrument Nurture Environment vs. PTO: New Presentation

11 Activity Write your name with your preferred hand. ____________________________________________ Write your name with your least preferred hand. _____________________________________________

12 “Handedness” Activity
8/23/2018 What words describe the experience of writing the first signature. Describe writing the second signature. Where do we get our preference for using one hand over the other? How does the environment influence our preference for using one hand over the other? We all can and do use both hands; for writing, one is natural, comfortable, automatic PTO: New Presentation

13 8/23/2018 MBTI® Theory Four pairs of opposites—like our right and left hands. We all use both sides of each pair, but one is our natural preference. The MBTI® instrument is designed to indicate those inborn preferences. The MBTI® instrument is not designed to measure skills or effects of environment. PTO: New Presentation

14 8/23/2018 MBTI® Theory The MBTI® instrument indicates preferences on four pairs of opposites, called dichotomies, and indicates those inborn preferences: Extraversion E or I Introversion Sensing S or N Intuition Thinking T or F Feeling Judging J or P Perceiving Module 1



17 Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I)
8/23/2018 Where we focus our attention and get energy PTO: New Presentation

18 8/23/2018 E–I Illustration PTO: New Presentation

19 Where People Focus Their Attention
8/23/2018 Where People Focus Their Attention People who prefer Extraversion (E) Are energized by interacting with others Are sociable and expressive Prefer to communicate face-to-face Work out ideas by talking them through Have broad interests in many things Learn best through doing or discussing Readily take initiative in work and relationships People who prefer Introversion (I) Are energized by opportunity to reflect Are private and contained Prefer to communicate by writing Work out ideas by thinking them through Focus in depth on their interests Learn best by reflection, mental “practice” Take initiative when the situation or issue is very important to them Module 1

20 Behavior Cues to Preference
E – Extraversion Talk It Out Uses Rapid Speech Appears to “think aloud” Interrupts Speaks with a loud voice I – Inversion Think It Through Pauses in answering or giving information Reflects silently Uses shorter sentences Speaks with a quiet voice

21 Key Words Associated with E–I
8/23/2018 Key Words Associated with E–I Extraversion Action Outward People Interaction Many Expressive Do-Think-Do Introversion Reflection Inward Privacy Concentration Few Quiet Think-Do-Think PTO: New Presentation

22 8/23/2018 We Have a Preference We all do Extraverted and Introverted things. But we usually do not do them with equal comfort. Most of us have a preference for one or the other. PTO: New Presentation

23 Describe each of the 4 Dimensions of personality.
EXPERIENCE STATISTICS Extraversion (E) – Introversion (I) Breakdown? - 50:50 Gender? - No issue Sensing (S) – Intuition (N) Breakdown? - Gender? - Thinking (T) – Feeling (F) Breakdown? - Gender? - Judging (J) – Perceiving (P) Describe each of the 4 Dimensions of personality. Get everyone to write their signature with both hands - explain the nature of preference. You have two hands but one of them comes more naturally. How many left handed people are there? From then on explain that we will use the right hand to describe the most natural preference. On each dimension of personality one of them is your right hand! You use both every day, it’s not either / or, it’s both / and! © GiANT WORLDWIDE

24 Sensing (S) or Intuition (N)
8/23/2018 Sensing (S) or Intuition (N) The way we take in information and the kind of information we like and trust PTO: New Presentation

25 8/23/2018 S–N Illustration PTO: New Presentation

26 How People Take In Information
8/23/2018 People who prefer Sensing (S) Focus on what is real and actual Observe and remember specifics Are factual, concrete, and sequential Build carefully and thoroughly toward conclusions Understand ideas and theories through practical applications Are specific and literal Trust experience People who prefer Intuition (N) Focus on patterns and meanings Remember specifics when they relate to a pattern Are abstract and imaginative Move quickly to conclusions, follow hunches Generate ideas and theories; application is secondary Use metaphors and analogies Trust insight Module 1

27 Behavior Cues to Preference
S – Sensing Specifics Asks for step-by-step information or instructions Asks “what” and “how” questions Uses precise descriptions Is interested in practical applications N – Intuition The Big Picture Asks for current and long-range implications Asks “why” questions Talks in general terms Is interested in possibilities

28 Key Words Associated with S–N
8/23/2018 Key Words Associated with S–N Sensing Facts Realistic Specific Present Keep Practical What is Intuition Ideas Imaginative General Future Change Theoretical What could be PTO: New Presentation

29 8/23/2018 We Have a Preference We all use Sensing and Intuition when making our observations about the world. But we usually do not use them with equal trust. Most of us have a preference for one or the other. PTO: New Presentation

30 Describe each of the 4 Dimensions of personality.
EXPERIENCE STATISTICS Thinking (T) – Feeling (F) Breakdown? - Gender? - Judging (J) – Perceiving (P) Extraversion (E) – Introversion (I) Breakdown? - 50:50 Gender? - No issue Sensing (S) – Intuition (N) Breakdown? - 70% Sensors : 30% Intuitives Gender? - No Issue Describe each of the 4 Dimensions of personality. Get everyone to write their signature with both hands - explain the nature of preference. You have two hands but one of them comes more naturally. How many left handed people are there? From then on explain that we will use the right hand to describe the most natural preference. On each dimension of personality one of them is your right hand! You use both every day, it’s not either / or, it’s both / and! © GiANT WORLDWIDE

31 Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)
8/23/2018 Thinking (T) or Feeling (F) The way we make decisions PTO: New Presentation

32 8/23/2018 T–F Illustration PTO: New Presentation


34 How People Make Decisions
8/23/2018 People who prefer Feeling (F) Step in to identify with those involved Empathize Are guided by personal and group values Assess impacts of decisions on people Strive for harmony and positive interactions Are compassionate May appear “tenderhearted” Are fair—want everyone to be treated as an individual People who prefer Thinking (T) Step back to get an objective view Analyze Use cause-and-effect reasoning Solve problems with logic Strive for an objective standard of truth Are “reasonable” Can be “tough-minded” Are fair—want everyone to be treated equally Module 1

35 Behavior Cues to Preference
T – Thinking Logical Implications Appears to be “testing you” or your knowledge Weighs the “objective” evidence Is not impressed with others’ decisions Follows a pattern of checking logic: “if this, then that” F – Feeling Impact on People Strives for harmony in the interaction May talk about what they “value” Asks how others have acted/resolved the situation Cares whether others have been taken into account

36 Key Words Associated with T–F
8/23/2018 Key Words Associated with T–F Thinking Head Detached Things Objective Critique Analyze Firm but fair Feeling Heart Personal People Subjective Praise Understand Merciful PTO: New Presentation

37 We all use both Thinking and Feeling
8/23/2018 We Have a Preference We all use both Thinking and Feeling when making decisions. But we usually do not use them with equal ease. Most of us have a preference for one or the other. PTO: New Presentation

38 Describe each of the 4 Dimensions of personality.
EXPERIENCE STATISTICS Extraversion (E) – Introversion (I) Breakdown? - 50:50 Gender? - No issue Sensing (S) – Intuition (N) Breakdown? - 70% Sensors : 30% Intuitives Gender? - No Issue Thinking (T) – Feeling (F) Breakdown? - 50% Thinkers : 50% Feelers Gender? - 70% Men Thinkers : 70% Women Feelers Judging (J) – Perceiving (P) Breakdown? - Gender? - Describe each of the 4 Dimensions of personality. Get everyone to write their signature with both hands - explain the nature of preference. You have two hands but one of them comes more naturally. How many left handed people are there? From then on explain that we will use the right hand to describe the most natural preference. On each dimension of personality one of them is your right hand! You use both every day, it’s not either / or, it’s both / and! © GiANT WORLDWIDE

39 Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)
8/23/2018 Judging (J) or Perceiving (P) Our attitude toward the external world and how we orient ourselves to it PTO: New Presentation

40 8/23/2018 J–P Illustration PTO: New Presentation


42 How People Approach Life
8/23/2018 How People Approach Life People who prefer Judging (J) Organized Systematic Methodical Make short- and long-term plans, and then follow them Like to have things decided Resist reopening decisions Try to avoid last-minute stresses People who prefer Perceiving (P) Adaptable and curious Casual Open-ended Adjust flexibly to new information and changes Like to explore options Resist cutting off options, making decisions too soon Feel energized by last-minute pressures Module 1

43 Key Words Associated with J–P
8/23/2018 Key Words Associated with J–P Judging Organized Decision Control Now Closure Deliberate Plan Perceiving Flexible Information Experience Later Options Spontaneous Wait PTO: New Presentation

44 Behavior Cues to Preference
J – Judging Joy of Closure Consistently on time or early for appointments Impatient with overly long descriptions or procedures Wants to move through the process May decide prematurely Uses “…ed” words: looked, compared, evaluated P – Perceiving Joy of Processing May be late for appointments or “forget” the time during an appointment Seems to want “space” to make own decisions Reacts negatively to incremental or trial closes Generally wont decide until the “last moment” Uses “…ing” words: looking, comparing, exploring

45 Describe each of the 4 Dimensions of personality.
EXPERIENCE STATISTICS Extraversion (E) – Introversion (I) Breakdown? - 50:50 Gender? - No issue Sensing (S) – Intuition (N) Breakdown? - 70% Sensors : 30% Intuitives Gender? - No Issue Thinking (T) – Feeling (F) Breakdown? - 50% Thinkers : 50% Feelers Gender? - 70% Men Thinkers : 70% Women Feelers Judging (J) – Perceiving (P) Breakdown? - 50% Judging : 50% Perceiving Gender? - No Issue Describe each of the 4 Dimensions of personality. Get everyone to write their signature with both hands - explain the nature of preference. You have two hands but one of them comes more naturally. How many left handed people are there? From then on explain that we will use the right hand to describe the most natural preference. On each dimension of personality one of them is your right hand! You use both every day, it’s not either / or, it’s both / and! © GiANT WORLDWIDE

46 True type—innate predispositions
8/23/2018 Levels of Confidence “Best-fit” type Reported type Self-estimated type True type—innate predispositions PTO: New Presentation

47 Energy Attention Decisions Workstyle

48 16-Room House 8/23/2018 3rd floor make an appointment
4th floor… make an appointment and then call to see if I really want to see you Left brain—it is what it is Right brain –dreaming of what could be Middle 2 F… values of people, they are together…. T…. Not that they don’t value people, but they can run to the balconies to get away J first and 4th….everything stays in order P…. Hate they are in boxes… and they Js are trying to bring them in PTO: New Presentation

49 16-Room House 8/23/2018 3rd floor make an appointment
4th floor… make an appointment and then call to see if I really want to see you Left brain—it is what it is Right brain –dreaming of what could be Middle 2 F… values of people, they are together…. T…. Not that they don’t value people, but they can run to the balconies to get away J first and 4th….everything stays in order P…. Hate they are in boxes… and they Js are trying to bring them in PTO: New Presentation

50 16-Room House 8/23/2018 3rd floor make an appointment
4th floor… make an appointment and then call to see if I really want to see you Left brain—it is what it is Right brain –dreaming of what could be Middle 2 F… values of people, they are together…. T…. Not that they don’t value people, but they can run to the balconies to get away J first and 4th….everything stays in order P…. Hate they are in boxes… and they Js are trying to bring them in PTO: New Presentation

51 16-Room House 8/23/2018 3rd floor make an appointment
4th floor… make an appointment and then call to see if I really want to see you Left brain—it is what it is Right brain –dreaming of what could be Middle 2 F… values of people, they are together…. T…. Not that they don’t value people, but they can run to the balconies to get away J first and 4th….everything stays in order P…. Hate they are in boxes… and they Js are trying to bring them in PTO: New Presentation

52 16-Room House 8/23/2018 3rd floor make an appointment
4th floor… make an appointment and then call to see if I really want to see you Left brain—it is what it is Right brain –dreaming of what could be Middle 2 F… values of people, they are together…. T…. Not that they don’t value people, but they can run to the balconies to get away J first and 4th….everything stays in order P…. Hate they are in boxes… and they Js are trying to bring them in PTO: New Presentation

53 16-Room House 8/23/2018 3rd floor make an appointment
4th floor… make an appointment and then call to see if I really want to see you Left brain—it is what it is Right brain –dreaming of what could be Middle 2 F… values of people, they are together…. T…. Not that they don’t value people, but they can run to the balconies to get away J first and 4th….everything stays in order P…. Hate they are in boxes… and they Js are trying to bring them in PTO: New Presentation

54 16-Room House 8/23/2018 3rd floor make an appointment
4th floor… make an appointment and then call to see if I really want to see you Left brain—it is what it is Right brain –dreaming of what could be Middle 2 F… values of people, they are together…. T…. Not that they don’t value people, but they can run to the balconies to get away J first and 4th….everything stays in order P…. Hate they are in boxes… and they Js are trying to bring them in PTO: New Presentation

55 16-Room House 8/23/2018 3rd floor make an appointment
4th floor… make an appointment and then call to see if I really want to see you Left brain—it is what it is Right brain –dreaming of what could be Middle 2 F… values of people, they are together…. T…. Not that they don’t value people, but they can run to the balconies to get away J first and 4th….everything stays in order P…. Hate they are in boxes… and they Js are trying to bring them in PTO: New Presentation

56 Ask four questions about those you lead:
Is the preference to talk it out or think it through? Is the preference to give and respond to specifics or big picture? Are decisions based on logical implications or the impact on people? Is the preference to generally have joy of closure or joy of processing?

57 Four Basic Approaches ST SF NF NT
Functional Pair Client Prefers ST The Facts SF Personalized Service NF Their Vision NT Logical Options

58 Personality Types in Meetings

59 “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. ” John F
“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” John F. Kennedy

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