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Networks & Protocols EE 122: Intro to Communication Networks

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1 Networks & Protocols EE 122: Intro to Communication Networks
Fall 2010 (MW 4-5:30 in 101 Barker) Scott Shenker TAs: Sameer Agarwal, Sara Alspaugh, Igor Ganichev, Prayag Narula Materials with thanks to Jennifer Rexford, Ion Stoica, Vern Paxson and other colleagues at Princeton and UC Berkeley

2 TA: Sara Alspaugh Taking over Igor’s section
Will post office hours, etc.

3 Goals for Today’s Class
Type of Networks And the key concept of multiplexing What’s a Protocol?

4 Postal System Verify postage “Route” letter Write address Put stamp
Close envelop Drop letter Take letter to local post office Take letter to destination’s postal office Datagrams Check address Open envelope Take letter to destination Check destination address

5 Other Information Networks
Source routing Broadcast Sending messages by birds Fire signals

6 Other Networks Circuit switched.

7 Taxonomy of Communication Networks
Communication networks can be classified based on the way in which the nodes exchange information: Communication Network

8 Taxonomy of Communication Networks
Communication networks can be classified based on the way in which the nodes exchange information: Communication Network Broadcast Communication Network

9 Broadcast Communication Networks
Information transmitted by any node is received by every other node in the network Usually only in LANs (Local Area Networks) E.g., WiFi, Ethernet (classical, but not current) E.g., lecture! What problems does this raise? Problem #1: limited range (the killer) Problem #2: privacy of communication Problem #3: coordinating access to the shared communication medium (Multiple Access Problem) Do Multiaccess problem for: smoke signals, radio, ethernet When can I tell there is a collision? Does everyone know there is a collision? [if not, I might get screwed]

10 Taxonomy of Communication Networks
Communication networks can be classified based on the way in which the nodes exchange information: Communication Network Switched Communication Network Broadcast Communication Network

11 Switched Communication Networks
Information transmitted along a path of intermediary nodes “switches” or “routers” Each switch acts as a small switchboard Information comes in on one link Switch directs it out some other link Basic issue: how do the switches figure out the next hop along the path?

12 Taxonomy of Communication Networks
Communication networks can be classified based on the way in which the nodes exchange information: Communication Network Switched Communication Network Broadcast Communication Network Circuit-Switched Communication Network

13 Circuit Switching (e.g., Phone Network)
Establish: source creates circuit to destination Nodes along the path store connection info Nodes generally reserve resources for the connection If circuit not available: “Busy signal” Transfer: source sends data over the circuit No destination address, since nodes know path Teardown: source tears down circuit when done

14 Circuit Switching Node (switch) in a circuit switching network
incoming links Node outgoing links How does the node connect the incoming link to the outgoing?

15 Telephone Network Alexander Graham Bell
1876: Demonstrates the telephone at US Centenary Exhibition in Philadelphia

16 Circuit Switching With Human Operator

17 Telephone Network Almon Brown Strowger (1839 - 1902)
1889: Invents the “girl-less, cuss-less” telephone system -- the mechanical switching system

18 Timing in Circuit Switching
Host 1 Host 2 Switch 1 Switch 2 time

19 Timing in Circuit Switching
Host 1 Host 2 Switch 1 Switch 2 propagation delay between Host 1 and Switch1 Circuit Establishment time

20 Timing in Circuit Switching
Host 1 Host 2 Switch 1 Switch 2 Transmission delay propagation delay between Host 1 and Switch1 Circuit Establishment time

21 Timing in Circuit Switching
Host 1 Host 2 Switch 1 Switch 2 Transmission delay propagation delay between Host 1 and Switch1 Circuit Establishment time

22 Timing in Circuit Switching
Host 1 Host 2 Switch 1 Switch 2 Transmission delay propagation delay between Host 1 and Switch1 Circuit Establishment propagation delay between Host 1 and Host 2 time

23 Timing in Circuit Switching
Host 1 Host 2 Switch 1 Switch 2 Information Transmission delay propagation delay between Host 1 and Switch1 Circuit Establishment propagation delay between Host 1 and Host 2 Transfer time

24 Timing in Circuit Switching
Host 1 Host 2 Switch 1 Switch 2 Information Transmission delay propagation delay between Host 1 and Switch1 Circuit Establishment propagation delay between Host 1 and Host 2 Transfer time Circuit Teardown

25 Circuit Switching Node (switch) in a circuit switching network
incoming links Node outgoing links How do the black and orange circuits share the outgoing link?

26 Circuit Switching: Multiplexing a Link
Time-division Each circuit allocated certain time slots Frequency-division Each circuit allocated certain frequencies frequency time time

27 Time-Division Multiplexing/Demultiplexing
Frames Slots = 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Time divided into frames; frames into slots Relative slot position inside a frame determines to which conversation data belongs E.g., slot 0 belongs to orange conversation Requires synchronization between sender and receiver—surprisingly non-trivial! In case of non-permanent conversations Need to dynamically bind a slot to a conversation If a conversation does not use its circuit the capacity is lost!

28 Questions Before We Proceed?
5 Minute Break Questions Before We Proceed?

29 Taxonomy of Communication Networks
Communication networks can be classified based on the way in which the nodes exchange information: Communication Network Switched Communication Network Broadcast Communication Network Packet-Switched Communication Network Circuit-Switched Communication Network

30 Packet Switching Data sent as chunks of formatted bit-sequences (Packets) Packets have following structure: Header and Trailer carry control information (e.g., destination address, checksum) Each packet traverses the network from node to node along some path (Routing) based on header info. Usually, once a node receives the entire packet, it stores it (hopefully briefly) and then forwards it to the next node (Store-and-Forward Networks) Header Data Trailer (sometimes)

31 Packet Switching Node in a packet switching network incoming links
outgoing links Memory

32 Packet Switching: Multiplexing/Demultiplexing
Data from any conversation can be transmitted at any given time Single conversation can use the entire link capacity if it is alone How to tell them apart? Use meta-data (header) to describe data

33 Taxonomy of Communication Networks
Communication networks can be classified based on the way in which the nodes exchange information: Communication Network Switched Communication Network Broadcast Communication Network Packet-Switched Communication Network Circuit-Switched Communication Network Datagram Network

34 Datagram Packet Switching
Each packet is independently switched Each packet header contains full destination address No resources are pre-allocated (reserved) in advance Leverages “statistical multiplexing” (or stat-muxing) Gambling that packets from different conversations won’t all arrive at the same time, so we don’t need enough capacity for all of them at their peak transmission rate Assuming independence of traffic sources, can compute probability that there is enough capacity Example: IP networks; postal system

35 Timing of Datagram Packet Switching
Host 1 Host 2 Node 1 Node 2 Packet 1 propagation delay between Host 1 and Node 1

36 Timing of Datagram Packet Switching
Host 1 Host 2 Node 1 Node 2 Packet 1 propagation delay between Host 1 and Node 1 transmission time of Packet 1 at Host 1

37 Timing of Datagram Packet Switching
Host 1 Host 2 Node 1 Node 2 Packet 1 propagation delay between Host 1 and Node 1 transmission time of Packet 1 at Host 1 Packet 1 processing delay of Packet 1 at Node 2 Packet 1

38 Timing of Datagram Packet Switching
Host 1 Host 2 Node 1 Node 2 propagation delay between Host 1 and Node 1 transmission time of Packet 1 at Host 1 Packet 1 Packet 2 Packet 3 processing delay of Packet 1 at Node 2 Packet 1 Packet 2 Packet 3 Packet 1 Packet 2 Packet 3

39 Datagram Packet Switching
Host C Host D Host A Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 5 Host B Host E Node 7 Node 6 Node 4

40 Datagram Packet Switching
Host C Host D Host A Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 5 Host B Host E Node 7 Node 6 Node 4

41 Datagram Packet Switching
Host C Host D Host A Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 5 Host B Host E Node 7 Node 6 Node 4

42 Taxonomy of Communication Networks
Communication networks can be classified based on the way in which the nodes exchange information: Communication Network Switched Communication Network Broadcast Communication Network A hybrid of circuits and packets; headers include a “circuit identifier” established during a setup phase Packet-Switched Communication Network Circuit-Switched Communication Network Datagram Network Virtual Circuit Network

43 Advantages of Circuit Switching
Guaranteed bandwidth Predictable communication performance Not “best-effort” delivery with no real guarantees Simple abstraction Reliable communication channel between hosts No worries about lost or out-of-order packets Simple forwarding Forwarding based on time slot or frequency No need to inspect a packet header Low per-packet overhead No IP (and TCP/UDP) header on each packet

44 Disadvantages of Circuit Switching
Wasted bandwidth Bursty traffic leads to idle connection during silent period Unable to achieve gains from “statistical multiplexing” Blocked connections Connection refused when resources are not sufficient Unable to offer “okay” service to everybody Connection set-up delay No communication until the connection is set up Unable to avoid extra latency for small data transfers Network state Network nodes must store per-connection information Unable to avoid per-connection storage and state This makes failures more disruptive!

45 Packet-Switching vs. Circuit-Switching
Performance advantage of packet-switching over circuit switching: Exploitation of statistical multiplexing Reliability advantage: since routers don’t know about individual conversations, when a router or link fails, it’s: Easy to fail over to a different path Deployability advantage: easier for different parties to link their networks together because they’re not promising to reserve resources for one another Disadvantage: packet-switching must handle congestion More complex routers (more buffering, sophisticated dropping) Harder to provide good network services (e.g., delay and bandwidth guarantees)

46 Combinations Can a packet switched network run over a circuit-switched one? Can a circuit-switched network run over a packet-switched one?

47 What kinds of networks are these?

48 Postal System Verify postage “Route” letter Write address Put stamp
Close envelop Drop letter Take letter to local post office Take letter to destination’s postal office Datagrams Check address Open envelope Take letter to destination Check destination address

49 Other Information Networks
Source routing Broadcast Sending messages by birds Fire signals

50 Other Networks Circuit switched.

51 Questions?

52 What Is A Protocol? A protocol is an agreement on how to communicate
Includes syntax and semantics How a communication is specified & structured Format, order messages are sent and received What a communication means Actions taken when transmitting, receiving, or when a timer expires

53 Examples of Protocols in Human Interactions
Telephone (Pick up / open up the phone.) Listen for a dial tone / see that you have service. Dial. Should hear ringing … Callee: “Hello?” Caller: “Hi, it’s Alice ….” Or: “Hi, it’s me” ( what’s that about?) Caller: “Hey, do you think … blah blah blah …” pause Callee: “Yeah, blah blah blah …” pause

54 Examples of Protocols in Human Interactions
Asking a question Raise your hand. Wait to be called on. Or: wait for speaker to pause and vocalize

55 Example: HyperText Transfer Protocol
GET /courses/archive/spring06/cos461/ HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/4.03 CRLF Request HTTP/ OK Date: Mon, 6 Feb :09:03 GMT Server: Netscape-Enterprise/3.5.1 Last-Modified: Mon, 6 Feb :12:23 GMT Content-Length: 21 CRLF Site under construction Response

56 Example: The Internet Protocol (IP)
Problem: Many different network technologies e.g., Ethernet, Token Ring, ATM, Frame Relay, etc. How can you hook them together? n x n translations? IP was invented to glue them together n translations Minimal requirements (datagram) The Internet is founded on IP “IP over everything”

57 What does an internet protocol do?
What would the protocol need to communicate?

58 Example: IP Packet 20-byte header 4-bit 4-bit 8-bit Type of
Length 4-bit Version 8-bit Type of Service (TOS) 16-bit Total Length (Bytes) 3-bit Flags 16-bit Identification 13-bit Fragment Offset 8-bit Time to Live (TTL) 20-byte header 8-bit Protocol 16-bit Header Checksum 32-bit Source IP Address 32-bit Destination IP Address Options (if any) Payload

59 Which fields are critical?
IPv6 kept: Addresses, payload length, hop limit, traffic class IPv6 dropped: Header length, total length, identification, flags Fragmentation, protocol, header checksum IPv6 added: Next header Flow label

60 IP: “Best-Effort” Packet Delivery
Datagram packet switching Send data in packets Header with source & destination address Service it provides: Packets may be lost Packets may be corrupted Packets may be delivered out of order source destination IP network

61 Example: Transmission Control Protocol
Communication service Ordered, reliable byte stream Simultaneous transmission in both directions Key mechanisms at end hosts Retransmit lost and corrupted packets Discard duplicate packets and put packets in order Flow control to avoid overloading the receiver buffer Congestion control to adapt sending rate to network load TCP connection source network destination

62 Protocol Standardization
Ensure communicating hosts speak the same protocol Standardization to enable multiple implementations Or, the same folks have to write all the software Standardization: Internet Engineering Task Force Based on working groups that focus on specific issues Produces “Request For Comments” (RFCs) Promoted to standards via rough consensus and running code IETF Web site is RFCs archived at De facto standards: same folks writing the code P2P file sharing, Skype, <your protocol here>…

63 Summary Types of communication networks
Broadcast, circuit-switched, packet-switched Advantages & disadvantages of each Protocols: agreement on how to communicate For networks, often requires formal standardization

64 Next Lecture(s) Holiday on Monday Sockets on Wednesday
HW #1 assigned on Wednesday If you haven’t already: Pick up class computer account forms Take the survey Join the mailing list Office hours: I will hang around after class and then will move back to Soda when no one else is waiting (or they kick me out)

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