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Your first 90 days and your commitment

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Presentation on theme: "Your first 90 days and your commitment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your first 90 days and your commitment
Lets GET STARTED. Be in the system

2 Case Study

3 Most Popular Radio Channel
WII FM SHOW me $$$$$

4 90 Days Be In The SYSTEM Momentum 90days Fast Track 6x6 Momentum
Master UFO (quarterly) Duplication, Growth and multiplier SABP Convert Buying Habit from your own Store. Product of Product Momentum 90days Fast Track 6x6 Momentum 12 weeks etc Lets Get Started Right

5 Success is SPEED

6 Disclaimer What works Don’t Change Flavor of the Month

7 Creating a Duplicatable
Team Culture Creating a Duplicatable HABITs

8 Getting Started Guide Purpose: Get started Right Objective
1-NMTSS Education lay out, tickets movement, Coring, NUOT, B5, ECCT, LS and convention 2- Result producing : Wellness, Beauty 101 and HBP 3- Name list 4- What is it? 5- 2min Commercial 6- Goal setting 7- Basic 5



11 Give One Year Knowledge & Skill Action for SUCCESS

12 X X X X X

13 Who are the top ten people you know that you would like to go into business with
Call WorkShop


15 “WHAT IS IT ???” I own a STRING of Internet Franchises
I own a chain of unFranchise. Have you heard of the unFranchise?

16 Why did you embrace the unFranchise?
Your Why? Why did you embrace the unFranchise?

17 Approx 200 UFOs Left/Right Organization Sales= 400BV
Personal 100BV Approx 200 UFOs Left/Right Organization Sales= 400BV Approx 50 UFOs Left/Right

18 Master UFO program Purpose: Duplication, Growth and multiplier
Criteria Business material $37.50 UFMS Retail 1300BV / 45IBV (Base 10) Sponsor 2 Training Attendance: NUOT, B5 and ECCT 3 Tickets requirement for Convention Basic 5 diagnostic

19 Personally sponsor 2 & Retail 1300BV every quarterone left/right
Growth with UFOs Personally sponsor 2 & Retail 1300BV every quarterone left/right Qtr PS GS Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 2 4 1 8 13 1 26 40 1 80 121 1 364 242


21 SABP Partner Store purchase $3750 Personally generate 1500BV
Personally must purchase min $1875 Personally generate 1500BV

22 Lets Get to Work

23 48Hours - a week Complete Getting Started Guide
Set min 2 Result Producing Activities HBP Wellness 101 Beauty 101 Overview

24 First Month NUOT (28 Days) Basic 5 ECCT UBP Call Workshop (Invitation)
Complete Result Producing activities HBP Wellness 101 Beauty 101, Etc.

25 What if in First Month, YOU accomplished
Achieve min 10 Customers purchases Achieve Activation by sponsoring 2 Cut first $375 commission payout

26 Daily Steps 1) Read Goals 2x a day
2) Read ma or related articles 15min a day 3) Listen to one audio per day 4) Use ma exclusive products. 5) Get 2 new names per day 6) Call 3 new person per day (Can be accomplish thru call work shop) 7) Set 1 appointment per day 8) Call you senior partner or accountability partner

27 Weekly Coring Call WorkShop Result Producing Activities: HBP (Home Business Presentation) Wellness 101 Beauty 101 TLS Overview

28 Monthly UBP Local Seminar

29 Quarterly Master UFOs SABP (Shopping Annuity Bonus Pool) Sustaining Momentum: 90 days Fast Track 6x6 Momentum 12 weeks Etc.

30 Biyearly Singapore Apr Convention Oct Convention USA
Feb World Conference (Miami) Aug International Convention (Greensboro)

31 90 Days Be In The SYSTEM Momentum 90days Fast Track 6x6 Momentum
Master UFO (quarterly) Duplication, Growth and multiplier SABP Convert Buying Habit from your own Store. Product of Product Momentum 90days Fast Track 6x6 Momentum 12 weeks etc Lets Get Started Right

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