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National University of Ireland, Maynooth

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1 National University of Ireland, Maynooth
Prof. Philip Nolan 29 September2011 Human Capital Selection & Development as Drivers of Performance & Transformation: Lessons from Global Sport Peter Mc Namara Professor of Management National University of Ireland, Maynooth National University of Ireland, Maynooth

2 Research Questions Do business model design choices have differential value creation & appropriation performance outcomes? Can change in business model design choices, change performance outcomes? How can resource constrained firms re- configure their business models successfully?

3 2 Studies Business Model Design and Performance
Panel of English Premiership Football Business Model Transformation through Patchwork Quilt of Practice Identification & Absorption Qualitative case Irish Rugby Football Union in context of European Rugby Professionalisation

4 Study 1: Business Model Typologies and Performance

5 Business Model Typologies and Performance Outcomes
McNamara, Peck and Sasson, Long Range Planning, December 2013

6 English Premiership Dataset
Value Creation Points at end of season Value Appropriation Return on Sales Business Model dimensions External Labor Market A/B Talent: player transfer price A = above median B = below median Internal labor market Shared team experience Nbr of actual playing minutes players in team have played with each other

7 Business Models in Premiership
McNamara, Peck and Sasson, Long Range Planning, December 2013

8 Modeling & results Do business models have different performance outcomes? Comparison of means OLS Value creation: A, experienced outperform all others A inexperienced, outperforms B inexperienced Value capture: A, inexperienced underperforms all others What dimensions are associated with performance changes? Value creation: player experience, change in player experience Value appropriation: player experience

9 Value Capture in Premiership

10 Value Creation in Premiership
McNamara, Peck and Sasson, Long Range Planning, December 2013

11 Business Models and Performance
Multiple business models can generate value creation & appropriation Inexperienced teams are a transitory business model state ‘Valley of uncertainty’ must be navigated to arrive at highest joint performance outcomes: A talent, experienced External market for talent costly & outcomes uncertain

12 Study 2: Business Model Transformation for a Resource Constrained Firm

13 Patchwork Quilt of Role Model Identification & Practice Absorption
Learn locally: Lower search costs Higher risk of competitive retaliation Learn externally: We do not know what will work Thus experiment Patchwork quilt approach to Role model identification Practice absorption

14 Dataset and context European Rugby moves to professional era
Challenges: How to organize our national and club teams What is our value proposition? How do we develop resources and capabilities? How do we make clubs and national teams economically sustainable? Dataset: 33 interviews with administrators, players and coaches Experience before, during and after change Focus of interviews: How role models were identified How new practices were absorbed

15 Role Modeling Strategy in BMI Transformation Process
BMI triggered by industry level change BMI was risky: investment intensity & change of processes Role modeling as a method of experimental BM development Identify appropriate role models Manage process of practice absorption Performance outcomes Financial from losses to profit even since 2007/08; income + 35% Heineken Cup Ireland England France Wales Wins Runner up O’Donnell, Ryazanova & Mc Namara, Research Center

16 Heart of transformation
Focus on customer value proposition Social identity rather than victory through best resources Focus limited resources on practice absorption Competitive proximity Willingness to learn through experimentation Failure must be learnt from Balanced approach to risk Resources are limited, buying is a limited option

17 Strategic Center in Role Model Choice
Role of Center in Role Modeling & Development

18 Process of Absorption of Practices
Extraction of value from investments Absorb best playing practices & managerial processes External role model identification Internal learning from externally hired staff Delivering customer value: competitive heterogeneity Passion through competition with strong opposition Develop unique local identities Social identity development Social similarity through proximity To customers and co-workers Limit number of external workers, social integration vital

19 Practice absorption Extracting Value from Social Identity
Management structures absorbed from external market Adapted to local conditions Dividing the pie, learning from: Similar governance structures Anti models: what do we not want to be?

20 Funding acknowledgements
IPSE Innovation Policy Simulation for the Smart Economy IPSE is funded under PRTLI Cycle 5 and co- funded under the European Regional Development Fund ARCH Applied Research Center for Connected Health Enterprise Ireland Industrial Development Authority of Ireland Irish National Development Plan

21 Contact
PhD researcher, IPSE sports business models Research Team:

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