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2 FLOUR Provides gluten, a protein substance which forms elastic like strands which mix with liquid. Gives Structure to a product _embedded&v=5GgX407PKbs

3 FAT Tenderizes product by interfering with development (more fat=more tender, ex. Pastries) Can effect flavour and colour Includes oil, butter or margarine, shortening and lard. *Nutritional swear word but needed. Ex. Transports fat soluble vitamins ADEK, carrots vitamins will be absorbed better with fat.

4 EGGS Holds (or binds) ingredients together
Adds flavour, nutrients, colour .com/watch?v=U8jN4yIRERM&feature=relate d

5 LIQUID Needed to develop gluten in flour
Provides a solvent for dissolving solutes such as sugar, salt and leaveners and steam for leavening

6 LEAVENING An ingredient or combination of ingredients that produces a gas that makes a product rise and become light and porous 3 leaveners: 1. Air 2. Steam 3. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Leavening Agents are: baking powder, baking soda, and an acid (such as vinegar, sour milk, lemon juice) and yeast.

7 SUGAR Adds colour to product due to browning or caramelization
Increase tenderness (absorbs moisture (hydroscopic thus preventing gluten development) Sugar granules also interfere with gluten strands Adds flavour

8 SALT Enhances flavour of other ingredients

9 Role of Ingredients FFELLS
Contains every nutrient except for Vitamin C, hence why a lot of people will have Orange Juice for breakfast.

10 FLOUR MIXTURES A flour mixture is any baked product which gets its structure from gluten. Gluten is the elastic-like protein found in wheat flour. It is “activated” by the addition of liquid. It is further developed by stirring, mixing, kneading etc.

11 Cereal Grain Hull or Husk: used for fertilizers, not apart of bread would make you sick if consumed Bran: most commonly used in whole wheat flour Endosperm: Starch, where all purpose flour comes from Germ: Most nutritious part of the cereal grain. Protein shakes consists a lot of the germ. Removed from bread to prevent from going rancid.

12 FLOUR MIXTURES CONT... A quickbread is a flour mixture that is prepared quickly and easily without the use of yeast. Quickbreads are leavened with air, steam, and CO2 gas. Examples include: baking powder, baking soda and acids. Yeast breads rise slowly and are leavened with yeast (fungi)

13 Pastry, refrigerated cookies
FLOUR MIXTURES CONT... CLASSIFICATION LIQUIDS FLOUR EXAMPLES Thin Batter (pour) 1 c. (250mL) Pancakes, popovers Thick Batter (Drop) 250mL 2 c. (500mL) Muffins, cakes Soft Dough 3 c. (750mL) Biscuits, scones Stiff Dough 4 c. (1,000mL) Pastry, refrigerated cookies

14 FLOUR MIXTURES CONT... We use three main methods to prepare our quickbreads. They are the muffin method, biscuit method, and the cake method.


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