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All you need to know about irony

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Presentation on theme: "All you need to know about irony"— Presentation transcript:

1 All you need to know about irony

2 Irony Definition Literary techniques that portray differences between appearances and reality, expectation, or result There are three types! (I know you’re excited!)

3 Verbal Irony Definition:
Words are used to express the opposite of what is meant AKA SARCASM bnCHIYo

4 Situational Irony RO8c_W0
Definition Something goes completely against your expectations RO8c_W0 NVxdaA0I

5 Dramatic Irony Definition The audience knows something the character does not know The audience is in the know, but the characters are not. X84n1U XYFBQE

6 Just Remember… -Ms. Gartley’s college friend
“Irony is not a stripper living on whore lane. It is a stripper living on purity lane.” -Ms. Gartley’s college friend

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