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Vocabulary List 2.

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1 Vocabulary List 2

2 1. mood overall mood or feeling of a work of literature (an adjective, like scary or nostalgic) feeling created for the reader

3 2. tone The attitude a writer takes TOWARD his or her subject, characters, and audience ex: humorous, sincere, etc.

4 3. irony a contrast between expectations and reality; three types

5 irony, continued verbal irony (difference between what’s said and meant) situational irony (what happens is diff. than what we expect) dramatic irony (we know something a character does not)

6 4. motivation the reasons the character behaves in a certain way

7 5. foreshadow use of clues or hints to suggest events that will occur later in the plot

8 6. flashback interruption in the present action of the plot to show something that happened earlier

9 7. fiction made up (fiction is “FALSE”)

10 8. nonfiction writing that deals with real people, events, places
TRUE stories

11 9. static character does not change much over the course of the story

12 10. dynamic character changes as a result of the story’s events

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