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Locating the Origins and Development of Islam

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1 Locating the Origins and Development of Islam

2 Locating Islam Islam originated in the Arabian Peninsula around the 7 Century CE ( CE) The people who inhabited this area were known as Arabs (desert-dwellers) Islam is Arabic for “surrender” The city of Mecca is considered the birth- place and holiest city of Islam This is where Muhammad, the founder of Islam was born

3 The Origins of Islam Muhammad is considered the founder and greatest prophet of Islam His followers became known as Muslims Allah (Arabic for “the sole god”) revealed his message to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel Allah’s revelation unto Muhammad is the basis of the Qur’an (Koran) the sacred text of Islam The Qur’an is seen as the final revelation of god and Muhammad as the last prophet Muhammad is considered the last prophet in a great line of prophets that include Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, etc.

4 The Origins of Islam Muslims practice the monotheism of Abraham
Their roots are traced back to Abraham and his son Ishmael The teachings of Muhammad were not welcomed in his hometown of Mecca and he was exiled He fled to the city of Medina where the religion was accepted and began to take shape In Medina the first mosque’s were built (mosque=place of worship in Islam) Around 632 CE, Muhammad died, which marked the beginning of the Arab/Muslim Empire

5 The Five Pillars of Islam
The Five Pillars of Islam are obligatory acts (guidelines) for all believers Declaration of Faith (Testimony) The Shahadah—there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger Prayer Five times a day facing the Kaaba in the city of Mecca Alms-giving/Charity Considered a religious obligation for those who can afford it Fasting during Ramadhan Ramadhan is the holiest month in Islam—no food, water, or sex during daylight Pilgrimage to Mecca (The Hajj) If able every Muslim must make once in their life


7 Black Sea Baghdad Mediterranean Sea Damascus Jerusalem Medina Red Sea Mecca

8 The Development of the Muslim Empire and the Spread of Islam

9 Development and Spread of the Muslim Empire
After Muhammad’s death in 632 CE, disagreement broke out over his successor Abu Bakr (friend of Muhammad) was made the first caliph (kalifa)—formal title for the Muslim leader This marked the beginning of the Muslim Empire and the expansion of Islam Shortly after Muhammad’s death, Islam spread across Asia, Northern Africa, and into Spain

10 Development and Spread of the Muslim Empire
Early on Islam spread through trade routes between Mecca and Medina But as Muslims united it spread through military conquests The spread of Islam into the Fertile Crescent was aided by weak Byzantine and Persian Empires Along with the spreading of their religious beliefs, Muslims also spread the Arabic Language Which is the dominant language of the Middle-East today

11 Development and Spread of the Muslim Empire
Perhaps most impressive is that Islam spread despite not only the great distances but also the hostile desert and mountainous terrain The Muslim Empire grew and expanded rapidly in a very short period of time (roughly 40 years) The unity of the first Muslim Empire however, was short lived Disagreement over Muslim leadership would lead to the Muslim Schism (Sunni-Shi’a split) which still divides Muslim’s today

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