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Road Traffic Infringement Agency

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1 Road Traffic Infringement Agency
RTIA SP & APP 16 April 2015 Road Traffic Infringement Agency Strategic Plan Presentation to Portfolio Committee 16 April 2015

2 Contents Mandate Mission Stakeholder Universe Performance Environment
RTIA SP & APP 16 April 2015 Contents Mandate Mission Stakeholder Universe Performance Environment Strategic Goals Over Strategic Period Strategic Objectives Budget Challenges/Risks & Proposed Solutions Conclusion

3 Mandate Encourage compliance with road traffic laws
Encourage compliance with road traffic laws Encourage payment of penalties Establish effective adjudication procedure Alleviate burden on courts for trying offenders Penalise guilty offenders through demerit points Reward good behaviour through reduction of points Establish Agency to support law enforcement Strengthen cooperation between law enforcement & prosecuting authorities through governing board

4 Mission  The RTIA’s mission is to encourage compliance with road traffic laws in South Africa through: targeted road user community education and communication programmes; promotion of procedurally fair, lawful and reasonable administrative adjudication; levying of penalties; imposing demerit points; effective administration and management of the suspension and cancellation of driving licences and operator cards; and rewarding compliant road users.

5 RTIA Stakeholder Universe Road Users - Motorists - Pedestrians
- Operators Strategic Partners - Transport entities - Social depts - Insurance Cos Stakeholders - Govt Depts - Businesses - Labour - Civil Society - FBOs Law Enforcement - IAs

6 Service delivery environment
Performance Environment Service delivery environment South Africa's Great Challenge!!! Significant reduction of road carnage!

7 Performance Environment
Some Problems On the roads. Look familiar?

8 Performance Environment
How about Drunk Driving?

9 Underlying Contributory Factors
Performance Environment Underlying Contributory Factors The rate & number of road traffic crashes and fatalities are directly proportional to the level of lawlessness & driver misbehaviour.

10 Performance Environment Solutions!
highly visible and efficient law enforcement operations on a continuous basis However, world-wide best practice proves that for law enforcement to be effective, it must be supported by equally effective public awareness, communication and education programmes; as well as a highly efficient, transparent and expeditious adjudication process to bring traffic offenders to task.

11 Performance Environment Solutions!
Ponder over this: 2013 WHO “Global Status Report on Road Safety” indicates South Africa’s quality of law enforcement rates amongst the worst in the world – 2.6 out of 10, compared with world average of 6.0 and a high of 8.6 (France). Compare with: (Swaziland = 5.8; Zimbabwe = 5.0 and Namibia = 4.4).

12 Strategic Goals Over Strategic Period
To create a culture of compliance to all road traffic laws To change the behaviour of road users & turn them into road safety ambassadors Establish a conscious commitment to road safety through annual observation of Road Safety Prayer Days Establish an efficient and sustainable road traffic management environment Establishment of rehabilitation programmes

13 Strategic Objectives 2015/16 Period
Enforce compliance by penalising the contravention of road traffic offences Enforce the payment of penalties Change the behaviour of road users Administration and resourcing of the Agency Increase access to AARTO information Establish & strengthen strategic partnerships to enhance road safety Finalise preparations for AARTO roll-out

14 Strategic Objective 1: Enforce compliance by penalising the contravention of road traffic offences
Performance Indicator Target Baseline 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 1.1 Number of representations adjudicated 151,000 155,530 160,196

15 Strategic Objective 1 : Annual Performance Plan
RTIA SP & APP 16 April 2015 Strategic Objective 1 : Annual Performance Plan Programme Performance Indicators Annual Target 2015/16 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1.1 Number of representations adjudicated 151,000 15,100 30,200 52,850

16 Strategic Objective 2: Enforce payment of penalties
Performance Indicator Baseline Target 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2.1 Amount of unpaid infringement penalties and fees collected R270m R355m R450m R572m 2.2 Number of valid courtesy letters served 2,309,580 2,247,159 2,184,737 2.3 Number of valid enforcement orders served 2,222,190 2,134,800 2,047,411

17 Strategic Objective 2 : Annual Performance Plan
Programme Performance Indicators Annual Target 2015/16 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 2.1 Amount of unpaid infringement penalties and fees collected R355m R88.8m R88.9m 2.2 Number of valid courtesy letters served 2,309,580 230,958 692,874 2.3 Number of valid enforcement orders served 2,222,190 222,219 666,657

18 Strategic Objective 3: Change the behaviour of road users
Performance Indicator Baseline Target 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 3.1 Number of public awareness and education campaigns conducted in support of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety and the National Development Plan 22 campaigns 9 provincial outreach meetings on AARTO conducted 24 AARTO Print Media awareness programmes    

19 Strategic Objective 3: Change the behaviour of road users
Performance Indicator Baseline Target 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 3.1 Number of public awareness and education campaigns conducted in support of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety and the National Development Plan 48 AARTO and Road Safety Community Radio messages   144 AARTO Electronic Billboard Adverts      144 AARTO Electronic Billboard Adverts   144 AARTO Electronic Billboard Adverts

20 Strategic Objective 3: Change the behaviour of road users
Performance Indicator Baseline Target 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 3.2 Rehabilitation programmes established N/A Accredit and establish 5 pilot Traffic Rehabilitation Schools National rollout of Traffic rehabilitation programmes Implement and evaluate the effectiveness of Traffic Rehabilitation programmes

21 Strategic Objective 3: Change the behaviour of road users
Performance Indicator Baseline Target 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 3.3 Interfaith movement prayer day campaigns 1 prayer day held in Gauteng 9 Provincial Road Safety Prayer Day meetings  Signature petition for Declaration of a National Prayer Day for Road Safety submitted 8 Provincial & 1 National Prayer Day for Road Safety conducted

22 Strategic Objective 3: Change the behaviour of road users
Performance Indicator Baseline Target 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 3.4 Empowerment of vulnerable road user groups for road safety N/A Adopt 8 schools/communities for sustainable road safety projects empowerment Adopt 18 schools/communities for sustainable road safety projects empowerment Adopt 27 schools/communities for sustainable road safety projects empowerment

23 Strategic Objective 3 : Annual Performance Plan
Programme Performance Indicators Annual Target 2015/16 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 3.1 Number of public awareness and education campaigns conducted in support of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety and the National Development Plan 9 provincial outreach meetings on AARTO conducted  24 AARTO Print Media awareness programmes 9 provincial outreach meetings conducted 6 editorial programmes N/A

24 Strategic Objective 3 : Annual Performance Plan
Programme Performance Indicators Annual Target 2015/16 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 3.1 Number of public awareness and education campaigns conducted in support of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety and the National Development Plan  48 AARTO and Road Safety Community Radio messages   144 AARTO Electronic Billboard Adverts  12 messages 36 AARTO adverts

25 Strategic Objective 3 : Annual Performance Plan
Programme Performance Indicators Annual Target 2015/16 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 3.2 Rehabilitation programmes established Finalise Traffic Rehabilitation Schools model Conduct benchmark research studies and consultations on developing rehabilitation schools Draft Report on Traffic Rehabilitation Schools Model submitted to the Minister Conduct feasibility study for the implementation of rehabilitation schools

26 Strategic Objective 3 : Annual Performance Plan
Programme Performance Indicators Annual Target 2015/16 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 3.3 Interfaith movement prayer day campaigns 9 Provincial Road Safety Prayer Day meetings Signature petition for Declaration of a National Prayer Day for Road Safety submitted 4 provincial prayer day for Road Safety meetings conducted 5 provincial prayer day for Road Safety meetings conducted Signature petition submitted to Minister N/A

27 Strategic Objective 3 : Annual Performance Plan
Programme Performance Indicators Annual Target 2015/16 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 3.4 Empowerment of vulnerable road user groups for road safety Adopt 8 schools/communities for sustainable road safety projects empowerment 2 Schools / communiti es adopted & Empowere d for Sustainabl e road safety projects 2 Schools / communitie s adopted & empowered for sustainable road safety

28 Strategic Objective 4: Administration and resourcing of the Agency
Performance Indicator Baseline Target 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 4.1 Number of appointed staff in organisation 80 175 202 250 4.2 business tools and support systems acquired Basic systems in place Information technology systems and infrastructure acquired Enhancement of support systems and infrastructure

29 Strategic Objective 4: Administration and resourcing of the Agency
Performance Indicator Baseline Target 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 4.3 Enterprise Development support programme to youth & women Owned Enterprises developed N/A 90 enterprises piloted 1160 youth & women owned enterprises supported 1210 youth & women owned enterprises supported

30 Strategic Objective 4 : Annual Performance Plan
Programme Performance Indicators Annual Target 2015/16 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 4.1 Number of appointed staff in organisation 175 35 positions filled 30 positions filled 6 positions filled N/A 4.2 Business tools and support systems acquired Information technology systems and infrastructure acquired Acquire supporting systems infrastructure and business tools to enhance operations 4.3 Number of youth & women owned enterprises in development support programme 90 enterprises piloted 20 25

31 Strategic Objective 5: Increase access to AARTO information
Performance Indicator Baseline Target 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 5.1 Monitoring and evaluation system established and institutionalised Pilot assessment report 3 reports produced: AARTO Monitoring and Evaluation report International benchmarking report Report on public attitudes on AARTO 4 data analysis monitoring reports completed

32 Strategic Objective 5: Increase access to AARTO information
Performance Indicator Baseline Target 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 5.2 AARTO Call Centre in place Basic call centre in place A Call Centre system installed and operational A resource centre with online service capabilities Review, Assess and Evaluate call centre Monitor resource centre Monitor call centre Review & enhance resource centre

33 Strategic Objective 5 : Annual Performance Plan
Programme Performance Indicators Annual Target 2015/16 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5.1 Monitoring and evaluation system established and institutionalised 3 reports produced: AARTO Monitoring and Evaluation report International benchmarking report Report on public attitudes on AARTO Monitor AARTO performance Conduct international benchmark Report on international benchmark Report on public attitudes on AARTO finalised

34 Strategic Objective 5 : Annual Performance Plan
Programme Performance Indicators Annual Target 2015/16 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5.2 AARTO Call Centre in place A Call Centre system installed and operational A resource centre with online service capabilities A call centre system acquired A resource centre with online capabilities acquired A resource centre with online capabilities implemented Monitor resource centre and call centre

35 Strategic Objective 6: Establish & strengthen strategic partnerships to enhance road safety
Performance Indicator Baseline Target 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 6.1 Strategic partnerships with local and international institutions established to enhance road safety 7 partnerships Establish and strengthen 9 strategic partnerships by signing collaboration agreements with local and international institutions to enhance road safety. Manage 9 strategic partnerships agreements Manage 11 strategic partnerships agreements

36 Strategic Objective 6 : Annual Performance Plan
Programme Performance Indicators Annual Target 2015/16 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 6.1 Strategic partnerships with local & international road safety institutions established & strengthened Establish & strengthen 9 strategic partnerships by signing collaborative agreements to enhance road safety Engage with potential strategic partners Participate in the AAMVA conference world congress on ITS in the 22nd UNRSC meeting Participate in the Executive Road Safety Management Programme with MUARC Sign 2 agreements with strategic partners

37 Strategic Objective 7: Finalise preparations for AARTO Roll-out
Performance Indicator Baseline Target 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 7.1 All issuing authorities implementing AARTO 4 authorities Roll-out of AARTO to all issuing authorities across the country Monitor compliance with the AARTO Act

38 Strategic Objective 6 : Annual Performance Plan
Programme Performance Indicators Annual Target 2015/16 Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 7.1 AARTO implemented in all issuing authorities Finalise preparations for AARTO rollout Submit AARTO regulation amendments for publication Submit draft cabinet memo for AARTO rollout Monitor preparations for all issuing authorities Monitor preparations for all issuing authorities

39 Financial Sources Funding Sources in terms of Section 13:
RTIA SP & APP 16 April 2015 Financial Sources Funding Sources in terms of Section 13: Fees paid to the Agency in terms of the Act; Deductions from penalties collected by the Agency; Money appropriated by Parliament; Donations received Money Received from any other source.

40 MTEF Budget Revenue Budget Objective 2015/16 R'm 2016/17 R'm
Infringement Revenue 175 177 185 194 204 Grant Revenue 11 10 18 19  Total Revenue 186 187 203 213 223

41 MTEF Budget Expenditure Budget Objective 2015/16 R'm 2016/17 R'm
1. Enforce compliance by penalising the contravention of road traffic laws 29 38 40 42 44 2. Encourage payment of penalties 62 43 48 50 52 3. Public awareness and education revised: Change the behaviour of road users 15 17 18 19 20 4. Administration 39 51 53 55

42 MTEF Budget Expenditure Budget Objective 2015/16 R'm 2016/17 R'm
5. Increase access to AARTO information management processes 8 9 10 11   6. Establish strategic partnership with local and international road safety institution 2 7. Rollout of the AARTO across the country 31  34 35 37 39  Total expenditure 186 187 203 213 223

43 Challenges/Risks & Proposed Solutions
Legislative Framework Promulgation of AARTO Amendment Bill Approval will lighten the burdens and eliminate loopholes Provides for: Rehabilitation programmes Electronic service of documents Removal of warrants to attach property Removal of distinction between minor & major infringements

44 Challenges/Risks & Proposed Solutions
Approval of Regulation amendments in support of Amendment Bill Provides for financial sustainability of Agency & IAs NCR functionality Lack of correct address details on NCR (62% rejection by SAPO) Lack of update on document delivery status Incorrect vehicle type list and rules on the system Refusal by eNaTIS Contractor to cooperate with assessment Integrated Information System development by RTIA. DoT intervention for Contractor to co-operate.

45 Challenges/Risks & Proposed Solutions
Funding challenges across stakeholder as a result of data integrity Service of INs,CLs & EOs Developed comprehensive funding strategy & model Awaiting promulgation of Amendment Bill, incorporating increase in penalty values

46 Challenges/Risks & Proposed Solutions
Disparate & inefficient law enforcement practices Promulgation of the NRTLEC Amongst others the Code (chapter 31) provides for : Principles for target setting; Targets for individual officers; Targets for traffic authorities; and Monitoring of performance. Some of these targets include : Number of vehicles and drivers to be stopped and checked for fitness - daily/weekly/monthly; and The most important traffic violations contributing to crashes to be targeted and monitored.

47 Challenges/Risks & Proposed Solutions
NRTLEC If each of the officers can reach the minimum monthly target a total of 3.85 million vehicles/drivers will be checked on a monthly basis.

48 RTIA SP & APP 16 April 2015 Conclusion The RTIA is fully committed to the achievement of its mandate and the goals of the “Decade of Action for Road Safety, 2011 – 2020”

49 RTIA SP & APP 16 April 2015 Conclusion Thank you!

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