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Thyroid Examination.

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Presentation on theme: "Thyroid Examination."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thyroid Examination

2 Thyroid Gland Anatomy



5 Parathyroid Glands


7 Histology of Thyroid Gland

8 Histology of Thyroid Gland

9 Physiology of Thyroid Gland

10 Physiology of Thyroid Gland

11 Pathology of Thyroid Gland
Hormone Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism Gland Nodule or Cyst Goiter

12 History of Thyroid Diseases
Local Dysphagia Dyspnea Voice Pain Mass Neck fullness Systemic hyperthyroidism hypothyroidism Other Acropachy Ophthalmopathy Dermatopathy

13 Presentation of Thyroid Diseases

14 Steps of Clinical Examination
1- Privacy and Light Wash your hands 2- Introduce your self Clarify the patient’s identity 3- Explain the procedure and gain the patient’s acceptance Start the Examination

15 Wash your hands

16 Initial observation of the patient.
Does he seems abnormally hyper- or hypoactive? Does he appears sweaty? What condition is their skin and hair? Does their voice sound normal?

17 Examine the hands Look for any tremor palmar erythema
feel the hands for any sweating Look for any tremor palmar erythema Check the nails for any thyroid Acropachy : digital clubbing swelling of digits and toes & periosteal reaction of extremity bones feel the pulse

18 thyroid Acropachy :

19 thyroid Acropachy :

20 TED : Thyroid Eye Disease
Eyes Examination TED : Thyroid Eye Disease Upper eyelid retraction (Darlimple's sign) Lid lag  Redness  conjunctivitis Exophthalmos Diplopia

21 Eyes Examination hypothyroidism Apathetic face Bilateral ptosis
Loss of eyebrows laterally (Hertoge's sign) Periorbital edema

22 Neck Examination Inspection look from the front and the side looking
pay particular attention to the area of the thyroid look for any obvious abnormalities

23 Neck Examination Palpation feel the gland The approach is from behind
Palpate both lobes & the isthmus Note any swellings or lumps note the shape and consistency of any lumps as well as whether they are tender or mobile examine while the patient drinks to assess whether the lump moves with swallowing. examine the cervical lymph nodes examine the eyes from behind and above to look for any Exophthalmos Neck Examination

24 Neck Examination Auscultation
auscultate the thyroid and carotid arteries for Bruit PALPATE THE Trachea looking for retrosternal goiter Percusse the manibruim for retrosternal goiter

25 Look for Pretibial Myexedema
Lower Limbs Look for Pretibial Myexedema

26 Thank your patient and report your findings to the examiner

27 Then Order thyroid function
TSH Free T3 Free T4 Thyroid Ultrasound FNAC

28 Thyroid function results interpretation
Primary Hypothyroidism TSH: ↑ Free T3 and free T4: ↓ Secondary Hypothyroidism TSH: ↓ or ↔ Free T3 and free T4: ↓ Hyperthyroidism TSH: ↓  Free T3 and free T4: ↑

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