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Year 10 GCSE English Parental Information Evening

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1 Year 10 GCSE English Parental Information Evening
Wednesday 16 September 2015 Helen Care - Director of Language and Literacy Matthew Vellensworth - Acting Head of English

2 Aims To offer support to you (parents/carers) in helping your son/daughter to achieve their potential in English To provide further information and guidance for parents/carers regarding English GCSEs in Year 10 To answer any questions you may have

3 The Course Two GCSEs – English Language and English Literature (information sheet provides more detail) Everything studied in Year 10 and Year 11 will be examined at the end of Year 11 Revision and Organisation are key aspects in achieving success

4 Texts Studied An Inspector Calls A Christmas Carol Macbeth

5 How can you support? Talk about texts your child is studying at school
Encourage your child to read (and re-read) the texts for the exams Encourage a wide range of reading (newspapers, fiction, magazines – anything!)

6 We are always here to answer any questions and to listen to important information about your child. Thank you very much for your continued support

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