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A Common Framework for Autoconfiguration

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1 A Common Framework for Autoconfiguration
IETF-65 Autoconf WG A Common Framework for Autoconfiguration of Stand-Alone Ad Hoc Networks Draft-mase-autoconf-framework-01                           Kenichi Mase, Niigata University Cedric Adjih, INRIA March 23, 2006 Niigata University

2 Aims Autoconfiguration of unique local address for a stand-alone MANET. Not a solution, but a common framework. Background: Address compression can be used in MANET routing protocol. The smaller the host address space, the greater the benefit of the address compression. Duplicated address detection is indispensable when host address space is limited. Niigata University

3 The major change from ver.00
The 00 version has two state-transition diagrams, one for proactive and the other for reactive routing protocols. The 01 version has a common state-transition diagram both for proactive and reactive routing protocols. Niigata University

4 Basic Terminologies (1)
Tentative address – an address whose uniqueness in a MANET is being verified, prior to its assignment to an interface. Address generation – a procedure for a node, that has currently no address, to obtain a tentative address in the MANET. (RFC2461/2462) Niigata University

5 Basic Terminologies (2)
MANET-wide Duplicate Address Detection (MANET-DAD) – The action of detecting address conflict in the MANET. Pre-Service MANET-DAD – verify that a tentative address is out of address conflict with other MANET nodes. In-Service MANET-DAD – continuously verify that a used address is out of address conflict with other MANET nodes. Niigata University

6 MANET-DAD Interaction between Nodes
NO_ADDRESS_STATE ADVERTISING_STATE (Pre-service MANET-DAD) NORMAL_STATE (In-service MANET-DAD) Node A (New comer) Time Tentative address generated Address assigned Node B (Existing node) Time NORMAL-STATE (In-service MANET-DAD) Generalized routing control messages can be used both for pre-service and in-service MANET-DAD Nodes in ADVERTISING-STATE and those in NORMAL-STATE can interact to each other with regard to MANET-DAD Benefits Minimize MANET-DAD overhead Minimize erroneous route formulation Niigata University

7 Duplicate address detected NO_ADDRESS _STATE NORMAL _STATE
(Address generation) (In-service MANET-DAD) Duplicate address detected NO_ADDRESS _STATE NORMAL _STATE Full routing Duplicate address detected Tentative address generated Time-out ADVERTISING_STATE LOCAL_AD _STATE Time-out GLOBAL_AD _STATE (Pre-service MANET-DAD) No forwarding Fig.1 Autoconfiguration state transition diagram. Niigata University

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