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Fahrenheit 451 Literary Elements.

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Presentation on theme: "Fahrenheit 451 Literary Elements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fahrenheit 451 Literary Elements

2 Warm-up What did you think about the first ten pages of Fahrenheit 451? Is it what you had expected? Why or why not?

3 Literary Elements: Review

4 Character Protagonist – The main character in a story. The plot focuses around the protagonist. Antagonist – The opposing force to the protagonist; causes the conflict in the protagonists life.

5 Setting Found in the exposition, the setting usually gives the reader a location, time, and date of the story.

6 Metaphor A comparison of two unrelated things (not using “like” or “as.”)

7 Symbolism A person, place, or thing that has a meaning beyond its literal context.

8 Irony The opposite of what is expected
Verbal Irony – the difference between what is said and what is meant. Situational Irony – an event that is the opposite of what is expected. Dramatic Irony – the audience knows something that a character does not.

9 Foreshadowing Hints or clues that suggest what is to come later in the story.

10 Personification Human qualities are given to animals or inanimate objects.

11 Exit Ticket After reading the first few pages, predict what role each character will play in the story. Be sure to identify any literary elements that helped you come to your decision.

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