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Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity
10982B 5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Module 5 Presentation: 100 minutes Lab: 75 minutes After completing this module, students will be able to: Determine network settings in Windows 10. Troubleshoot issues with network connectivity. Troubleshoot issues with name resolution. Required materials To teach this module, you need the Microsoft Office PowerPoint file 10982B_05.pptx. Preparation tasks To prepare for this module, you should: Read all of this module’s materials. Practice performing the demonstrations and labs. Work through the Module Review and Takeaways section to determine how you will use the information to reinforce student learning and promote knowledge transfer to on-the-job performance. As you prepare for this class, it is imperative that you complete the labs yourself. This gives you an understanding of how the labs work and the concepts that each covers, so that you can provide meaningful hints to students who might have issues. Furthermore, it will help guide your lecture to ensure that you discuss the concepts that the labs cover. Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity
Troubleshooting Name Resolution
Module Overview 5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Troubleshooting Name Resolution Provide an overview of the module.
Lesson 1: Determining Network Settings
10982B Lesson 1: Determining Network Settings 5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity IPv4 Settings Provide an overview of the lesson. Question Is it true or false that the Windows PowerShell Test-Connection cmdlet has the same functionality as the Ping command that you enter at a command prompt? ( ) False (√) True
Tools for Configuring Networking Components
10982B Tools for Configuring Networking Components 5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Windows 10 provides the following tools to enable, configure, and manage network connections and settings: Network & Internet Network and Sharing Center Network Setup Wizard Windows PowerShell Netsh Note: This topic has five additional slides. Each of the following slides contains a screenshot of the tool that you are discussing. Consider using this topic’s text to accompany your presentation of the following demonstration.
Tools for Configuring Networking Components
10982B Tools for Configuring Networking Components 5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Describe the options for Network & Internet and consider demonstrating them as you discuss them.
Tools for Configuring Networking Components
10982B Tools for Configuring Networking Components 5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Describe the options, and consider demonstrating them as you discuss them.
Tools for Configuring Networking Components
10982B Tools for Configuring Networking Components 5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Describe the options, and consider demonstrating them as you discuss them.
Tools for Configuring Networking Components
10982B Tools for Configuring Networking Components 5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Consider demonstrating some cmdlets as you discuss them.
Tools for Configuring Networking Components
10982B Tools for Configuring Networking Components 5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Consider demonstrating some of these commands as you discuss them.
An IPv4 address identifies a computer to other computers on a network
10982B IPv4 Settings 5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity An IPv4 address identifies a computer to other computers on a network IP address IP address IP address Subnet 2 IP address MAC 90-2b b-77 IP address 00-1b-fe-1d-0a-d4 IP address Subnet 1 Use the slide as an example that you can discuss with your students. Emphasize that all computers on the slide have the same first two octets in their IP addresses. Talk about the dotted decimal notation for Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) binary numbers, and then reference the second subnet, showing the difference in IP address. An IP address identifies a computer’s location on a network similar to a street address that identifies a house on a block. Furthermore, similar to how a street address identifies a residence, an IP address must be globally unique to the network. However, it must follow a uniform naming format. Every IP address includes a network ID and a host ID. The network ID, or network address, identifies the systems that are on the same physical subnet, which are bounded by IP routers. All nodes on the same network must have the same network ID, which must be unique to the network. The host ID, or host address, identifies a router, workstation, server, or other TCP/IP host within a network. The host address must be unique to the network ID. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is used to discover media access control (MAC) addresses. IPv4 address syntax An IP address consists of 32 bits. However, instead of a using binary notation (Base2) to express IPv4 addresses 32 bits at a time, it is standard practice to segment the 32 bits of an IPv4 address into octets. These are four 8‑bit fields. Each octet is converted to a decimal number (base 10) ranging from 0 to 255, and separated by a period or dot. This format is dotted decimal notation. The following section provides an example of an IP address in binary and dotted decimal formats. IP addresses in binary and dotted decimal formats Binary format: Dotted decimal notation: For example, consider the IPv4 address of : The address is separated into four blocks of 8 bits: Each block is converted to the decimal notation: ARP is used to discover MAC addresses (More notes on the next slide)
Lesson 2: Troubleshooting Network Connectivity
5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Tools for Troubleshooting Network Settings Provide an overview of the lesson. Question Which of the following commands enables you to view the current Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) configuration? (Choose all that apply) ( ) Option 1: Ping ( ) Option 2: Netstat (√) Option 3: IPConfig (√) Option 4: Get-Netipaddress (√) Option 5: Netsh
How Network Connections Are Established
5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity The following is a high-level overview of the process of initiating network communications: Perform name resolution Determine whether the IPv4 address is local Use ARP to determine the MAC address of the local host or the default gateway Remote host requests the sender’s MAC address IPv4 communication negotiation and the exchange of IP data packets occurs Use the whiteboard to draw the process of initiating network communication between hosts on the same and different subnets.
Understanding Windows Firewall
10982B Understanding Windows Firewall 5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Identify the basic configuration settings for Windows Firewall. Explain that the basic settings provide general and app-based configuration for Windows Firewall, and that you can perform specific configuration tasks from the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security console. Emphasize that Windows Firewall is there to protect the computer, but that you must reconfigure it occasionally to accommodate the needs of new apps.
Understanding Windows Firewall (continued)
10982B Understanding Windows Firewall (continued) 5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Explain how you can use the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security console to configure very specific Windows Firewall settings. Identify the key components and functionality of Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, and mention how you can use it for diagnostic purposes to view Windows Firewall status.
10982B Understanding IPsec 5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Consider demonstrating the creation of Internet Protocol security (IPsec) rules with the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security console.
The Process of Troubleshooting Network Connections
5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Use the following steps to troubleshoot network problems: Determine the scope of the problem Determine the IP configuration Determine the network hardware configuration Test communications Verify basic connectivity Determine the end-to-end routing and firewall configuration Test name resolution Test connectivity to a specific remote host server process Explain to the students that this high-level procedure represents a typical process, and that they might do things slightly differently in their organization. If possible, demonstrate the various commands and processes as you discuss them.
Troubleshooting Wireless Networks
5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity When you troubleshoot wireless networks, the process is slightly modified: Determine the scope of the problem Determine the IP configuration Determine the network hardware configuration Check for interference Verify a wireless access point is within range Verify that security settings match Test communications Highlight the additional steps that are necessary when you troubleshoot wireless networks.
The Process for Troubleshooting IPv4 Connectivity
5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Your troubleshooting process might consist of the following steps: Consult Windows Network Diagnostics Check the local IP configuration Verify the two-way communication Identify each hop between two systems Verify DNS configuration Verify port availability Determine firewall configuration Note: This topic has three additional slides. Consider demonstrating some of these tools as you discuss them, focusing on Windows PowerShell cmdlets. Use the initial slide to provide a high-level overview, and use each additional slide to provide more detail for each step.
The Process for Troubleshooting IPv4 Connectivity
5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Consult Windows Network Diagnostics Check the local IP configuration by using the following commands: IPConfig /all Get-NetIPAddress Get-NetIPv4Protocol Consider demonstrating these commands.
The Process for Troubleshooting IPv4 Connectivity
5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Verify two-way communication by using the following commands: Portqry or Telnet Ping or test-connection Pathping or Tracert Identify each hop between two systems by using the following commands: Consider demonstrating these commands.
The Process for Troubleshooting IPv4 Connectivity
5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Verify DNS configuration by using the following commands: ipconfig /displaydns and /flushdns Get-DnsClientCache and Clear-DnsClientCache Resolve-Dnsname and NSlookup Verify port availability by using the following commands Ping Portqry telnet Determine the firewall configuration Consider demonstrating these commands.
Tools for Troubleshooting Network Settings
5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Tool Purpose Event Viewer View errors relating to network activity Windows Network Diagnostics Diagnose and resolve network problems IPConfig Display IP configuration information and control the DNS resolver cache Ping and Pathping Verify basic IP connectivity Tracert Verify a routing path NSLookup Test name resolution Windows PowerShell Configure and troubleshoot network-related settings Microsoft Message Analyzer Capture and analyze network traffic List each tool, and describe its purpose: Event Viewer is a tool that you can use to view and configure logging options for event logs, and to gather information about hardware, software, and system problems. The Windows Network Diagnostics tool analyzes information about your network connectivity to help you troubleshoot network-related problems on your computer. Typically, you use this tool along with a support professional, either on the phone or over the Internet. IPConfig is a Windows 10 tool that provides a user with diagnostic information related to the TCP/IP network configuration. IPConfig also accepts various Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) commands, enabling a system to update or release its TCP/IP network address information. The Ping command helps to verify IP-level connectivity. When you are troubleshooting, you can use Ping to send an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request to a target host name or IP address. Use Ping whenever you need to verify that a host computer can connect to the TCP/IP network and network resources. You also can use Ping to isolate network hardware problems and incompatible configurations. The Pathping command provides information about network latency and network loss at intermediate hops between a source and destination. Pathping sends multiple echo request messages to each router between a source and destination over a period of time, and then computes results based on the packets returned from each router. Because Pathping displays the degree of packet loss at any given router or link, you can determine which routers or subnets might be having network problems. Pathping performs the equivalent of the Tracert command by identifying which routers are on the path. It then sends pings periodically to all routers during a specific period, and computes statistics based on the number that each returns. When you use Pathping without parameters, it displays help that pertains to the command syntax. Windows PowerShell has cmdlets for configuring and troubleshooting network settings. Consider demonstrating each of the cmdlets listed in the Student Handbook. Microsoft Message Analyzer is a tool that you can use to capture and analyze network traffic. Present several network-related problems to your students, and then ask them to recommend a network‑troubleshooting tool for each scenario. Consider showing a brief demonstration of each tool. (More notes on the next slide)
Lesson 3: Troubleshooting Name Resolution
5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity The Process for Troubleshooting Name Resolution Provide an overview of the lesson. Question Is it true or false that the Windows 10 client always checks its configured Domain Name System (DNS) server before checking the local HOSTS file? (√) False ( )True
Name Resolution in Windows 10
10982B Name Resolution in Windows 10 5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity 2 Local host name 1 DNS server 3 Hosts file 2 DNS resolver cache Name resolution is an essential part of computer networking. Typically, apps use computer names rather than IP addresses to communicate. When discussing the name-resolution process, show students how apps resolve names. First, write down the various methods on a whiteboard, and then demonstrate each method by using the virtual machine environment. Include the insertion of entries into Hosts, and the use of tools such as NSlookup, or the Resolve-DnsName Windows PowerShell command-line interface cmdlet. It is important that students know the order in which name resolution attempts occur. Do not spend too much time on NetBIOS. This lesson discusses this topic briefly because it is beyond the scope of this course.
The Process for Troubleshooting Name Resolution
5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity To troubleshoot name resolution: Clear the DNS resolver cache Verify connectivity to remote host by IP address Verify connectivity to the remote host by hostname Edit the hosts text file if the test is unsuccessful Repeat step 3 and verify the name resolution is successful Remove the entry that you added to the hosts file, and clear the resolver cache Verify name resolution function. At the command prompt, type one of the following commands: Nslookup.exe –d2 > filename.txt Resolve-dnsname > filename.txt Consider demonstrating these tools as you discuss them. Pay particular attention to the output from NSLookup. Also, emphasize the use of Windows PowerShell cmdlets.
Lab: Resolving Network Connectivity Issues
5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Exercise 3: Troubleshooting a Wireless Network Discuss as a Class Be prepared to discuss possible solutions, and the solutions that the students use. For example, discuss why a particular solution worked while others did not. Ask students if any other solutions might have worked once they realize what the problem was. Important: If your students reverted their virtual machines at the end of the last practice session, their virtual machines will not be in the correct state. Have them restart their virtual machines, and then complete the “Determining Network Settings” practice sessions. This is necessary only if the students reverted their virtual machines. Exercise 1: Resolving a Network Problem (1) A user has reported a networking problem to the help desk. You must investigate and attempt a resolution. Incident Record Incident Reference Number: Date of Call Time of Call User Status September 21 14:02 Colin Wilcox (Research Department) OPEN Incident Details Colin called the help desk. He is unable to connect to a server resource. Additional Information The resource is \\LON-DC1\Research. It is unavailable to Colin, but other users also are affected. Colin restarted his computer when he returned from lunch. Prior to lunch, he had no problem. Logon Information Virtual machines: B-LON-DC1 10982B-LON-CL1 User name: Adatum\Administrator Password: Pa$$w0rd Estimated Time: 70 minutes (More notes on the next slide)
10982B Lab Scenario 5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity The help desk at A. Datum Corporation has received a number of network trouble tickets that they cannot resolve. They have escalated these trouble tickets to you, and you must determine how to resolve each of them, and then document your solution.
10982B Lab Review 5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity What was your approach to the third scenario? How did your approach differ from the class? Question What was your approach to the first scenario? How did your approach differ from the class? Answer Answers will vary.
Module Review and Takeaways
10982B Module Review and Takeaways 5: Resolving Issues with Network Connectivity Review Questions Review Questions Question After starting her computer, Amy notices that she is unable to access her normal resources. What tool can she use to determine if she has a valid IP address? Answer Amy can run the IPConfig /All command or use the Ping command to verify her domain controller’s IP address. Amy notices that she cannot access normal enterprise websites. She knows that she has a valid IP address, but wants to troubleshoot the DNS access of her computer. What tool must she use? Amy can use NSLookup to troubleshoot DNS access issues. You are troubleshooting a network-related problem, and you suspect a name resolution issue. Before conducting tests, you want to purge the DNS resolver cache. How do you do that? To clear the DNS resolver cache, you can use the Windows PowerShell Clear-DnsClientCache cmdlet. You also can use the IPConfig /flushdns command.
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