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Serine,Alanine one Carbon Metabolism

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1 Serine,Alanine one Carbon Metabolism
Dr. Ketki K Assistant Professor Dept of Biochemistry HIMS Varanasi

2 Serine Aliphatic hydroxy amino acid Non essential Glucogenic

3 Sources of Serine: Phosphoglycerate Glycine ( glycine → serine) Alanine + hydroxypyruvate → Pyruvate Serine


5 Catabolism of serine Deamination to Pyruvate Transamination to hydroxypyruvate Serine is glucogenic


7 Metabolic functions of Serine
1) One carbon pool (serine → glycine) 2) Formation of cysteine (homocysteine + serine → homoserine + cysteine) 3) Serine → alanine by dehydration & transamination 4) Phosphotidyl serine 5) Used as drug: eg, Azaserine- anticancer drug, Cycloserine- antituberculous drug

8 6) Choline synthesis: Serine → ethanolamine → choline Used for acetylcholine synthesis(Neurotransmitter), From choline , 3 carbons can be removed, important one carbon donor (salvage pathway for one carbon unit)


10 7) Serine as a component of Protein
Phosphoprotein: eg, Casein In covalent modification Glycoproteins Active group of enzymes: eg: serine proteases : Trypsin,coagulation factor

11 Alanine Non essential Glucogenic
Pyruvate + glutamate → alanine + alpha keto gluterate (transamination,PLP dependant) C/S: 1) ALT: Increased in liver disease 2) Major important participant in inter organ transport of nitrogen (glucose alanine cycle)

12 One carbon metabolism Content
One carbon compounds Generation of one carbon compounds Inter-conversion of one carbon compounds Utilization of one carbon compounds

13 One carbon metabolism Role in donating carbon atom for synthesis of several compounds One carbon pool of the body:


15 Generation of one carbon compounds
From amino acids Serine Glycine Histidine Tryptophan Choline( salvage pathway for one carbon unit)






21 Inter-conversion of one carbon compounds
Important irreversible step: reductase Folate trap


23 Utilization of one carbon compounds
For synthesis of C2 of Purine Formylation of methionyl tRNA C8 of Purine Glycine (glycine synthase complex) Serine ( glycine to serine) Choline ( ethanolamine to choline) Deoxy TMP ( dUMP tp dTMP) Transmethylation reactions Excreted as CO2




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