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Introduction to Plants

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1 Introduction to Plants
Mr. Hamer’s Hooligans

2 Earliest Plants Algae Phytoplankton Lived in the sea

3 Problems with life on land
Drying Out Making Food Reproduction Gravity & support Obtaining water & nutrients Solution ☺ Waxy cuticle, stomata Formed leaves Develop spores/seeds Bark & vascular tissue Roots & vascular tissue

4 Types of Plants Non-vascular plants Vascular Bryophytes (mosses)
Contain vessels for transporting nutrients and support

5 The Bryophytes - Mosses
First land plants NON VASCULAR (and so very small) Developed 500 m.y.a. Required moist environments Used for fuel (peat)

6 Pterophytes - Ferns Developed 400 m.y.a. Structure
Rhizome = underground stem Fronds = leaves

7 Tracheophytes Vessels Spores or seeds for reproduction
XYLEM = transports water & dissolved minerals from roots to leaves PHLOEM = transports sugars from leaves to rest of plant Spores or seeds for reproduction

8 Gymnosperms Gymno = “naked” Sperm = “seed” a.k.a “Cone-bearing” plants
First plants to produce seeds No flowers No fruit

9 Why Make Seeds? Has own food supply
Protective coat against harsh conditions Some are designed for travel to new areas

10 Coniferophyta Needle or scale-like leaves Bear seeds in woody cones
Can live in very cold climates Most are evergreens Have wood Made of thick-walled vessels (tracheids) Tracheids are xylem and phloem

11 Angiosperms Angio – “flower” Sperm – “seed” Extremely diverse
All have seeds enclosed in fruit

12 Overall Structures (see ch. 23)
Roots Stems Leaves Flowers

13 Roots Absorb water & nutrients Hold plant in place Root types: Fibrous

14 Stems Support leaves & flowers Sometimes photosynthesis
Transport (contain xylem & phloem) Types herbaceous – green & flexible woody – stiff, have cork layer, brown

15 Leaves Cuticle = protection Stomata = gas exchange, water loss
Epidermis = protection, color Mesophyll = PHOTOSYNTHETIC LAYER

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