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Welcome to our class!.

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1 Welcome to our class!

2 Unit 4 Shopping Section A


4 What are the posters about? shopping

5 bakery['beɪkərɪ] 面包店 购物中心 mall[mɔːl] scarf[skɑːf] department store 百货商店 围巾 wallet['wɒlɪt] 钱包 department[dɪ'pɑːtmənt] 部门 药房 drugstore['drʌgstɔː] sale[seɪl] 出售,促销 tie[taɪ] 领带

6 online mall drugstore supermarket bakery bookstore department store
T: Besides online mall, there are many other kinds of stores. bakery bookstore department store

7 What other online stores do you know?
Q: What’s it? Have you ever bought things in it? What did you buy? What kind of shop is Taobao? What other online stores do you know?

8 Think about Do you know any other shopping places?

9 shoe shop toy store farmer’s market clothing store flower shop music store

10 Brainstorm shopping places online farmer’s mall market drugstore shoe
supermarket shopping places Book store toy store department store clothing store flower shop bakery music store

11 We are going to do shopping, are you ready?

12 Where can I buy them? Shopping list Vegetable Bread Flower Medicine
Book Shoes Clothes Toy Where can I buy them?

13 vegetable You can buy __________ in _________________. farmer’s market bread You can buy __________ in a __________. bakery

14 You can buy __________ in a __________. medicine drugstore You can buy __________ in a __________. shoes shoe shop

15 You can buy __________ in a __________. books bookstore You can buy __________ in a ______________. clothes clothing store

16 You can buy __________ in a ______________. flowers flower shop toys You can buy __________ in a _______________. toy shop

17 Let’s do an interview! A: What’s your favorite shopping place?
B: I like shopping in … most. A: What do you usually buy there? B: I often buy … Name Favorite shopping places Things to buy Task 5: Interview T: You know, everyone has his / her favorite shopping places. For me, I like shopping online most as it’s convenient. What about you? Please interview three of your classmates and fill in the form. Then I will invite some of you to make a report.

18 Have you ever bought anything for your parents or your friends on some special days?
What day is special for you?

19 Mother’s Day Father’s Day Christmas Day Friends’ Birthdays

20 B: I want to buy __________ for __________.
A: Can I help you? B: I want to buy __________ for __________. flowers scarf tie wallet watch cake chocolate

21 Listen and circle. 1. Where is Tom? A B C

22 Listen and circle. 2.Who is Tom buying a gift for? A C B

23 Listen and circle. 2.What does Tom buy? A C B

24 Listen and circle. 4. What’s the price? $150 $40 $14 A B C

25 Can you retell it? …is coming. Tom goes to a … to buy a gift for … At first, Tom wants to buy a …, but it costs … that’s too expensive for him. At last, Tom buys … and it costs him …

26 Listen and match. $15 $5 $1 $10 A: How much is / are…?
sweater bags T-shirt socks $15 $5 $1 $10 A: How much is / are…? B: It’s / They’re….

27 Listen and decide. T F F three colors: red, green and white
Miss Daisy's Clothes Store is having a sale. We can only buy sweaters, bags, T-shirts and socks in this shop. 3. T-shirts for girls have only one color. T F F three colors: red, green and white

28 Discuss How do you spend your money? …… Saving is getting!节约等于增加收入!
Money receive 150yuan food and drink Money spend clothes traffic others …… The rest money Saving is getting!节约等于增加收入!

29 Consolidation What have we learned? 1.Shopping place and goods:
supermarket bookstore drugstore bakery scarf tie wallet 2.Sentence structure: I want to buy …for … I can buy…in… Consolidation What have we learned?

30 Homework 1. Practice the 8 phonemes.
2. Learn the words in word bank by heart. 3. Do the exercise in the workbook.

31 See you next time !

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