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Casual or Formal? Casual: Informal, not dressy

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Presentation on theme: "Casual or Formal? Casual: Informal, not dressy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Casual or Formal? Casual: Informal, not dressy Formal: done according to custom or rules, or dressy.

2 Casual or Formal?

3 Casual or Formal?

4 Casual or Formal?

5 Casual or Formal?

6 Casual or Formal?

7 Casual or Formal?

8 Casual or Formal?

9 Casual or Formal?

10 Casual or Formal?

11 Casual or Formal?

12 Casual or Formal? Formal: done according to custom or rules, or dressy. Casual: Informal, not dressy Sentence Completion I would dress formally to… I would dress very casually to… When I am causal I wear… When I am formal I wear… My favorite casual event is… My favorite formal event is…

13 Casual or Formal? Formal: done according to custom or rules, or dressy. Casual: Informal, not dressy Have You Ever… ◦ been somewhere you had to dress formally? ◦ been somewhere you dressed casually? ◦ felt uncomfortable because you weren’t dressed formally or causally enough? ◦ not wanted to go somewhere because you had to dress in formal or casual clothes?

14 Casual or Formal? Formal: done according to custom or rules, or dressy. Casual: Informal, not dressy Word Applications Say formal or casual ○ a baseball game ○ a first date ○ a funeral ○ a baptism or christening ○ soccer practice ○ Christmas morning ○ the president’s inauguration ○ family portraits ○ dinner at a friend’s house ○ a wedding

15 Casual or Formal? formal clothing casual clothing
Formal: done according to custom or rules, or dressy. Casual: Informal, not dressy Word Sorts formal clothing casual clothing jeans sweater sneakers pearl necklace necktie high heels prom dress shorts tuxedo sweatshirt swimsuit suit jacket

16 Casual or Formal? formal casual
Formal: done according to custom or rules, or dressy. Casual: Informal, not dressy Synonym Word Sorts formal casual informal ceremonial traditional relaxed conventional laid-back ceremonious ritualistic unfussy unceremonious decorous nonchalant

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