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Continuous Improvement through Accreditation AdvancED ESA Accreditation MAISA Conference January 27, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Continuous Improvement through Accreditation AdvancED ESA Accreditation MAISA Conference January 27, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuous Improvement through Accreditation AdvancED ESA Accreditation
MAISA Conference January 27, 2016

2 Session Overview Introduction to AdvancED and partnership with MAISA ESA Accreditation Standards and Protocol Expectations Michigan ISD Panel Reflections: Internal and External Review

3 Partnership


5 AdvancED Performance Accreditation
A Performance-based model that … Adopts a balanced, systemic approach Employs diagnostic tools Uses Standards, stakeholder feedback, student performance Focuses on evaluating performance and informing practices for improvement

6 Continuous Improvement
Making the Most of the Continuous Improvement Process The Power of Internal Review (Reflections) The Power of the External Review (Forward Focus) © AdvancED

7 Internal Review The Power of an Internal Review comes from its ability to provide a framework for rich dialogue and collaborative reflection for the purpose of improving organizational effectiveness and increasing student learning. Notes: Encourage the participants to make the most of their continuous improvement process. The internal review has the ability to engage stakeholders in a reflective and collaborative process, that increases their knowledge, sense of ownership, and contributes to the institution’s efforts to ensure student success. Examines organizational effectiveness Analyzes student performance Engages stakeholders in deliberate reflection Promotes deep and collective understanding of practices, processes and impact Involves stakeholders in the continuous improvement of the system and its schools Provides a framework for rich dialogue and important discussion Produces valid evidence to inform and guide action Positions institutions to strategically improve Provides context and information to the External Review Team

8 The Power of External Review
The External Review “energizes and equips the institution’s leadership and stakeholders to achieve higher levels of performance and address those areas that may be hindering efforts to reach desired performance levels.” -Introduction to Exit Report © AdvancED

9 Internal Review . Examines organizational effectiveness
Notes: Encourage the participants to make the most of their continuous improvement process. The internal review has the ability to engage stakeholders in a reflective and collaborative process, that increases their knowledge, sense of ownership, and contributes to the institution’s efforts to ensure student success. Examines organizational effectiveness Analyzes student performance Engages stakeholders in deliberate reflection Promotes deep and collective understanding of practices, processes and impact Involves stakeholders in the continuous improvement of the system and its schools Provides a framework for rich dialogue and important discussion Produces valid evidence to inform and guide action Positions institutions to strategically improve Provides context and information to the External Review Team

10 Internal Review Executive Summary Self Assessment Assurances
Improvement Plan Student Performance Diagnostic Self Assessment Executive Summary Stakeholder Feedback Diagnostic Assurances Notes: Internal Review: Is like looking in a mirror. It is an opportunity for ongoing reflection and analysis of an institution by stakeholders. AdvancED requirements and tools are designed to make this internal diagnosis meaningful and relevant. Stakeholders will gain deep awareness about their institution and this will help inform actions to improve their organization and increase student learning. Internal Review is a comprehensive and continuous process. (It goes well beyond filling out a document.) This slide illustrates the 6 elements of the Internal Review process. Executive Summary - General overview, context of institution Self Assessment - Thoughtful and deliberate reflection of current status Assurance - Policy and procedure statements. May upload documents to Assurances Student Performance Analysis of results over time Reflects status and improvement Stakeholder Performance Analysis of feedback from stakeholders Improvement Plan(s) Alignment of improvement goals with diagnostic results

11 Institution Expectations
Meet AdvancED Standards for Quality Implement continuous improvement process Update demographics Conduct Internal Review Self Assessment Executive Summary Stakeholder Feedback and Student Performance Diagnostic Improvement Plan Assurances Host External Review once every five years Respond to Improvement Priorities in Accreditation Progress Report Notes AdvancED Accreditation requires that institutions must: Meet the AdvancED Standards and accreditation policies. Demonstrate quality assurance through internal and external review. Engage in continuous improvement. Notes: This slide summarizes what institutions must due to honor and fulfill the requirements of accreditation. It provides an overview of the work from the school’s perspective. This is where you “marry” those components with the technology partner (ASSIST) At this point – focus on the big picture. Either name or briefly define the bullet points on this slide. It is also important to stress the importance and tradition of standards, continuous improvement, and external review – these have always been hallmarks of accreditation. (each has evolved and improved over time as we too strive to continuously improve). State the “Respond to Improvement Priorities” as a means for the school to be responsible and accountable for acting on the findings of the review team. It also promotes improvement and illustrates the continuous nature of the protocol.

12 ESA Systems Services Programs School 1 School 2 System
Executive Summary Self Assessment Assurances Student Performance Improvement Plan Stakeholder Feedback School 2 Executive Summary Self Assessment Assurances Student Performance Improvement Plan Stakeholder Feedback System Executive Summary System Self Assessment System Assurances System Student Performance System Improvement Plan School Stakeholder Feedback This slide depicts the important relationship between the schools and the system. It is designed to be an authentic give and take (two way exchange of information and action). System learns about its schools through the school’s diagnostic results and the system uses this knowledge to provide relevant leadership, direction and support. It also helps the system meaningfully allocate assistance and resources as they have documentation of needs. Accountability of action and defensibility of decisions are supported. Equity concept is honored. The Internal and External Reviews help ensure that all schools are viewed individually and given what they need to reach their goals and improve. Services Programs

13 External Review .

14 More than a single event…the External Review provides:
sustainable, stable, systemic process of continuous improvement journey objective, meaningful, evidence based feedback that enhances student learning future focus for improvement efforts and strategic goals “Window View” Notes: The External Review is a process that is conducted on-site by a team of qualified and trained educators to 1) assess an institution’s adherence to the AdvancED Standards for Quality; 2) assess the efficacy and impact of the institution’s continuous improvement process; 3) assess the effectiveness of the institution’s methods for quality assurance; 4) identify strengths deserving of commendations and provide Improvement Priorities to improve the institution and 5) make an accreditation recommendation for national review. At AdvancED, we often say, “The External Review is like looking through the window at the bigger picture of the institution, whereas the Internal Review is liken a mirror view by the district as they look internally at themselves using the diagnostics.”

15 External Review Reviews and analyze institution diagnostics: Self Assessment, Executive Summary, Improvement/Strategic Plan, Student Performance, Stakeholder Feedback, and Assurances Notes: Review the External Review Team’s off-site activities in preparation for their visit as well as on-site activities during their visit

16 IEQ The three domains of performance are derived from the AdvancED Standards and Indicators; the Analysis of Student Performance; and the Engagement and Involvement of Stakeholders.  Within each domain institutions will be able to connect to the individual performance levels that are applied in support of the AdvancED Standards and evaluative criteria.  Within the performance levels are detailed descriptors that can be a valuable source of guidance for continuous improvement.  Upon review of the findings in this report, institutional leaders should work with their staff to review and understand the evidence and rationale for each Required Action as well as the corresponding pathway to improvement described in the performance levels of the selected Indicator.    The IEQ provides a new framework that recognizes and supports the journey of continuous improvement.  Your institution's IEQ is the starting point for continuous improvement.  Your actions for improvement that have a positive impact will be reflected in your IEQ score. IEQ Institutional Score:   Teaching and Learning Impact:   (Standards 3 and 5; Student Performance Criteria) Leadership Capacity: (Standards 1 and 2; Stakeholder Engagement Criteria) Resource Utilization:   (Standard 4)

17 Continuous Improvement
Maintaining a culture that supports continuous improvement requires: Engaging in collaboration and self-reflection Keeping stakeholders motivated and engaged Monitoring and adjusting organizational practices and instructional. Responding to Improvement Priorities and planning for ongoing improvement

18 What was the process? What did you discover?
Panel Discussion Internal Review: What was the process? What did you discover? External Review What did you learn from the feedback? Continuous Improvement: How did the results support improving organizational effectiveness and student learning?

19 Create a World of Opportunities for Every Learner

20 Find Us
Notes: Have participants complete training survey at the end of this training.

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