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Internet of Things Example – Use of Beacon Technology & the Connected Retail Experience.

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1 Internet of Things Example – Use of Beacon Technology & the Connected Retail Experience

2 CONNECTED RETAIL Internet of Things and Connected Retail
Developed Beacon-Based Shopper Engagement Platform* Piloting this summer with an activation and a retail partner Leverages ultra-precise Bluetooth beacon sensors to engage with shopper’s smart phone Objective: Influence Shoppers in the retail aisle as they’re making the buy decision Linking Consumer Insights with Real-time Sensors Link to consumer database to provide real-time, personalized interactions with shoppers including: Offers/promotions (e.g. coupons) to match shopping preferences New product information Nutrition information Recipes Beacons controlled remotely, content can be changed dynamically…today coupon, tomorrow new product introduction * Patent Pending

3 Shopper Engagement Platform
ARCHITECTURE & FEATURES Form factor: Size of a quarter. small, light-weight. Built for flexible installation Battery: A standard CR2032 (coin size watch battery), lasts up to 3 months under typical conditions (transmitting twice per second frequency) Cost: Approx. $5 per sensor Series 10 Form factor: Size of a poker card, still unnoticed when placed on the shelf in a retail environment Battery: 4 standard AA alkaline batteries. 1 year 10X per sec transmission, can be optimized to last 2 years if transmission frequency is tweaked Cost: Approx. $30 per sensor Series 20 Brands Agencies Activation partners * Patent Pending Shopper Engagement Platform Connectivity and Control A unique ultra-precise location algorithm that determines location solely from the Beacon hardware Can push different content depending on shopper’s proximity No dependency on other types of location services (GPS, Cell Towers, WiFi) No need to turn on “Location Services” on the consumer’s smart phone Alerts, Coupons Nutrition Info Surveys New Products

Jane, a frequent-shopper mom, has downloaded the coupons app, and opted in to receive value-added offers from Kellogg AT THE STORE 3 2 1 BREAKFAST & CEREAL Save $1.00 on Special K® Protein Cereal “Head to Cereal Aisle and save $1.00” RECOGNITION Jane walks into the store, and is recognized as a person with known buying preferences (e.g. health conscious female) OFFER PROMOTION Enters store and receives a message alert that we have a special promotion for her preferred product, e.g. Special K® Protein Cereal COUPON REDEMPTION Once she is in the cereal aisle, remind her to take up the offer. We now know the offer-to-redemption behavior pattern for her. 1 2 3 Patent pending “Beacon-Based Shopper Engagement Platform” is currently under pilot, in partnership with a Retailer and an Activation partner

Privacy Concerns that companies, like Kellogg, know too much information about a shopper Big Brother Shoppers may feel that we are tracking and stalking them Spamming Bombarding shoppers with too many messages, interrupting shopping experience Mitigation Measures Choice to Opt-in/Opt-Out No PII collection Make collected data anonymous History/Trail disabled Objective of pilot – how much is too much? Only value-based messages Preference Setting: Frequency and type of messsages

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