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Environmental Technology Network Danube Region (ETNDR)

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Technology Network Danube Region (ETNDR)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Technology Network Danube Region (ETNDR)
Titel des Vortrags Environmental Technology Network Danube Region (ETNDR) Umwelttechnik BW Dipl.-Ing. Rumjana Hilpert 7th Meeting of the Steering Group of Priority Area 8 8th and 9th April 2014, Chisinau/Moldova Vortragender, Anlass, 1. Dezember 2003

2 Development and operation of the Environmental Technology Network
Titel des Vortrags Development and operation of the Environmental Technology Network as part of the Priority Area 8 (competitiveness and cluster development) of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region funded by the State Ministry of Baden-Wuerttemberg and the Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany Objectives of the network Improve sustainably the environmental conditions in the Danube Region Increase market opportunities for environmental technologies Networking of actors from the Danube Region and Baden-Wuerttemberg Support of small and medium-sized companies Vortragender, Anlass, 1. Dezember 2003

3 Our network strategy Our network partners
Titel des Vortrags Our network strategy Intergrate and expand existing networks in Baden-Wuerttemberg Build up reflecting networks in the Danube Region Our network partners Companies / Enterprise Networks Politics / Ministries Science / Educational Establishments Institutions / Chambers / Associations Organiszations for financial support Vortragender, Anlass, 1. Dezember 2003

4 Titel des Vortrags What does the ETNDR? acts as an interface platform for exchange and contacts bring partners together creates medial transparency participation in EU funding programmes such as INTERREG organizes Network events identifies and promotes projects manages the WG Environmental Technology and Energy Efficiency, PA 8, EUSDR operates by representatives in the Danube Region countries With events and focused oriented network meetings bring together actors - both professional and regional focus Transparency - see Kompetenzatlas - Building a smarter contact database future of the ETNDR by EU funding….  All under the focus focuses on Waste and Water Management Dr. Hannes Spieth, Vorstellung bei PU, 23.Oktober 2012

5 What does not the ETNDR? detailed expert advice
Titel des Vortrags What does not the ETNDR? detailed expert advice market entry consulting and monitoring project acquisition on behalf of companies implementing projects Mit Veranstaltungen und fokussiert ausgerichtete Netzwerkmeetings Akteure zusammenbringen – sowohl fachliche als auch regionale Ausrichtung Transparenz – vgl. Kompetenzatlas – Aufbau einer intelligenter Kontaktdatenbank charge calculation and other commercial services Dr. Hannes Spieth, Vorstellung bei PU, 23.Oktober 2012

6 Members of the ETNDR providing logo and profile
Titel des Vortrags Members of the ETNDR providing logo and profile participation in network activities multiplication of the ETNDR How to become a member actively involved with ideas, experiences and lectures Dr. Hannes Spieth, Vorstellung bei PU, 23.Oktober 2012

7 Partner of the ETNDR providing logo
Titel des Vortrags Partner of the ETNDR providing logo Who can not become members by Government organizations, bodies and German chambers Mutual multiplication of relevant work common events mutual exchange of information Cooperating and work together actively involved with ideas, experiences and lectures Dr. Hannes Spieth, Vorstellung bei PU, 23.Oktober 2012

8 Representatives in the Danube countries
Titel des Vortrags Representatives in the Danube countries In order to set up the Environmental Technology Network Danube Region (ETNDR) and to operate on a country-specific basis, we are looking for local representatives and partners Until now, we have representatives in two countries: Bulgaria: Mrs. Katya Goranova, Executive Director of the Business Support Centre for Small and Medium Enterprises (BSC SME) in Ruse Romania: Mr. Doru Dragomir, President Bilateral Chamber of Commerce Bulgaria – Romania in Bukarest Please contact us If you are interested Dr. Hannes Spieth, Vorstellung bei PU, 23.Oktober 2012

WG ET PA 8, EUSDR (Working Group Environmental Technology and Energy Efficiency) ETNDR (Environmental Technology Network Danube Region) INTERSECTION Lead Partner PROM-ET DR (Promotion of Environmental Technology in the Danube Region) INTERREG- Project Draft CP AU CP BG CP CZ CP DE CP HU CP HR CP RO CP RS CP = Center of Practice

10 Forecast and new structure
Titel des Vortrags Forecast and new structure Environmental Technology Network Danube Region continues to work as before Actions 2014: March 2014: Working Group Envrionmental Technologies and Energy Efficiency PA8, EUSDR: in Zagreb, Croatia 5 - 9 May 2014: IFAT Munich Action Area Danube Region on the joint stand of Baden-Wuerttemberg Meeting Point for contact meetings Country presentation on the Action Area Danube Region Country presentations on 7 May (Serbia / Hungary) and on 8 May(Bulgaria / Romania / Croatia) in the conference room June 2014: Environmental Technology Forum ETNDR (Waste and Water Management) in Ruse, Bulgaria Dr. Hannes Spieth, Vorstellung bei PU, 23.Oktober 2012

11 Forecast and new structure
Titel des Vortrags Forecast and new structure Actions 2014: June 2014: 3. Forum EUSDR in Vienna, Austria –Speakers Corner ETNDR October 2014: Project-related Corporate Travel to Croatia in co-operation with Baden-Wuerttemberg International (bw-i) information events in Baden-Wuerttemberg and in the Danube Region, e.g. in Hungary in co-operation with the Consulate Stuttgart and Hungarian Investment Trade Agency HITA Continuously: travels by ETNDR-Management to the Danube Region countries contact development Dr. Hannes Spieth, Vorstellung bei PU, 23.Oktober 2012

WG ET PA 8, EUSDR (Working Group Environmental Technology and Energy Efficiency) ETNDR (Environmental Technology Network Danube Region) INTERSECTION Lead Partner PROM-ET DR (Promotion of Environmental Technology in the Danube Region) INTERREG- Project Draft CP AU CP BG CP CZ CP DE CP HU CP HR CP RO CP RS CP = Center of Practice

13 Forecast and new structure
Titel des Vortrags Forecast and new structure Working Group Environmental Technology and Energy Efficiency, PA8, EUSDR Task of the WG: to identify, present and support projects an intersection of WG and the work of the ETNDR Leader of the WG: since 24 March 2014 Umwelttechnik BW with the ETNDR Future events: 3rd Meeting in second half of 2014 4th/5th Meeting in 2015  The members of the WG will be invited to the events of ETNDR and meet together at the events of the EUSDR therefore we have an intersection … Work in the same direction Dr. Hannes Spieth, Vorstellung bei PU, 23.Oktober 2012

WG ET PA 8, EUSDR (Working Group Environmental Technology and Energy Efficiency) ETNDR (Environmental Technology Network Danube Region) INTERSECTION Lead Partner PROM-ET DR (Promotion of Environmental Technology in the Danube Region) INTERREG- Project Draft CP AU CP BG CP CZ CP DE CP HU CP HR CP RO CP RS CP = Center of Practice

15 Forecast and new structure
Titel des Vortrags Forecast and new structure PROM-ET DR (Promotion of Environmental Technology in the Danube Region) Development of the project idea: the Danube Region size and complexity of environmental technologies require representatives in each country funding to continue the work of the ETNDR is necessary in context of Transnational Cooperation / INTERREG results a new structure – project PROM-ET DR Aufgrund der Größe des Donauraumes und der Komplexität der Umwelttechnologien ergab sich die Notwendigkeit Im Zuge der Transnationale Zusammenarbeit / INTERREG ist eine neue Struktur, basierend auf der Arbeit des UTNDR, geplant: das Projekt PROM-ET DR Dr. Hannes Spieth, Vorstellung bei PU, 23.Oktober 2012

16 Forecast and new structure
Titel des Vortrags Forecast and new structure PROM-ET DR (Promotion of Environmental Technology in the Danube Region) connect stakeholders develop know-how solutions together and bring them to application built up eight „Centers of Practice“ (CPs) in AU, BG, CZ, DE, HU, HR, RO, RS focus: Waste and Water Management Project duration at least 3-5 years Aufgrund der Größe des Donauraumes und der Komplexität der Umwelttechnologien ergab sich die Notwendigkeit Im Zuge der Transnationale Zusammenarbeit / INTERREG ist eine neue Struktur, basierend auf der Arbeit des UTNDR, geplant: das Projekt PROM-ET DR Dr. Hannes Spieth, Vorstellung bei PU, 23.Oktober 2012

17 Forecast and new structure
Titel des Vortrags Forecast and new structure PROM-ET DR (Promotion of Environmental Technology in the Danube Region) Previous and future representatives could be develop to become „Centers of Practice“ (CPs) The participants of the working group are asked to communicate this project idea to all relevant managers and stakeholders Aufgrund der Größe des Donauraumes und der Komplexität der Umwelttechnologien ergab sich die Notwendigkeit Im Zuge der Transnationale Zusammenarbeit / INTERREG ist eine neue Struktur, basierend auf der Arbeit des UTNDR, geplant: das Projekt PROM-ET DR Dr. Hannes Spieth, Vorstellung bei PU, 23.Oktober 2012

18 Thank you für your Attention!
Titel des Vortrags We welcome your suggestions and ideas! Thank you für your Attention! Rumjana Hilpert Project Manager EU Strategy for the Danube Region Telephone Dr. Hannes Spieth, Vorstellung bei PU, 23.Oktober 2012

19 ©INTERACT Programme 2007–2013

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