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Rostro de Cristo

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1 Rostro de Cristo

2 What is Rostro de Cristo?
Rostro de Cristo (Face of Christ) is a volunteer and retreat group immersion program in Durán and Guayaquil, Ecuador, founded by Fr. Jim Ronan of the Archdiocesse of Boston, MA. The mission of RdC is lived out in Ecuador in two ways: a year-long volunteer program, and a short-term immersion retreat program.  RdC volunteers live and serve with partner organizations in their communities.   They also serve as guides to the twenty-five groups of high school and college students who participate in the retreat group program and encounter Christ in the lives of neighbors for seven to ten days.  While each part of RdC furthers the mission in a distinct way, they are deeply intertwined and equally meaningful.

3 Goal of Rostro de Cristo: to be not to do
“I tell you truly, this poor widow put in more than all the rest; for those others have all made offerings from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood.” Luke 21:3-4 The goal of Rostro de Cristo is a simple one: to be with the people Ecuador. Many people travel to places like Durán or Guayaquil with a focus on providing a service to people in need. While well intentioned, they often never take the time to truly get to know the people they are serving by listening to their stories, and hearing their struggles and joys. Inspired by our faith, we believe that to encounter the face of Christ in others requires that we be and work with people, not do for them. Inspired by the widow who offers her small contribution in the temple, we believe the greatest gift we can give one another is the gift of ourselves which is given in humility and love.

4 Where will we stay? Where will we serve?
RdC Retreat House (Duran, Ecuador) Very simple living (no AC, military style showers, mosquito nets) Partner Sites In the neighborhood (Arbolito) In Duran (the greater town) In Guayaquil & Samborondon (in the neighboring city)

5 A day in the life of a Rostro de Cristo Retreatant…
When What Where 6:30 AM Wake up, bread team gets breakfast Retreat House/Neighborhood 7:00-8:00 AM Community Breakfast & Prayer Retreat House 8:00-11:30 AM Partner Site Visit/Neighborhood Visit Partner Site/Neighborhood Visit 11:30-1:30 PM Prepare Lunch & Community Lunch 1:30-5:30 PM 5:30-7:00 PM Rest & Dinner Prep 7:00-8:00 PM Dinner 8:00-9:00 PM Check in & Community Prayer 9:30 PM Bed

6 Cost & Fundraising Cost: $2,000
Fundraising Workshop with Ecuador Group in Early to Mid- December Individual Groups

7 Important Dates to Remember
When What Thursday, November 9, 2017 Applications & Registrations open on the website Friday, December 1, 2017 Registrations & $500 deposit are due to the Parish Offices by 5 PM Thursday, February 1, 2018 Copies of passports due to the Parish Offices (Note: new US Passport applications take a minimum of 6 weeks to process. Minors must apply for a Passport in person with both parents/guardians.) Thursday, March 1, 2017 Payment #2 due ($750) Vaccinations Tuesday, May 1, 2017 Final Payment due (balance or $750) Thursday, June 14-21, 2017 Ecuador (please be flexible a day before/after for potential travel)

8 Questions? Concerns? Molly Herrera

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