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Starter Write down 2 ways which YOU will be affected by climate change.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter Write down 2 ways which YOU will be affected by climate change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter Write down 2 ways which YOU will be affected by climate change.

2 Effects of Climate Change
Learning Intention We are learning about the global effects of climate change. Success criteria I can explain the effects of climate change, referring to specific named examples.

3 Global Warming leads to…
Increased greenhouse gases traps heat in the atmosphere increasing global temperatures. The increasing temperatures cause many problems across the globe.


5 Increased Temperature leads to…
Melting Ice Caps Every two years, ice the size of Mount Everest drops into the ocean from the continent of Antarctica. The ice sheet of Antarctica is enough to raise sea levels up to 5 metres. The North American Arctic currently has the lowest levels of winter sea ice ever recorded.


7 Leading to… 2. Loss of habitat for wildlife Melting sea ice is making it difficult for polar bears to reach their food sources e.g. seals. Scientists predict that as the Arctic continues to warm, two-thirds of the world's polar bears could disappear within this century

8 Polar bears Penguins VIDEO

9 Increased Temperature leads to…
3. Rising Sea levels Due to rising sea levels low-lying areas are at risk of flooding e.g. Bangladesh. In some areas such as the Kiribati Islands people are having to relocate as the islands will be underwater by Before & After photographs

10 33 small islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean
Kiribati islands Maldives


12 Leading to… 4. Stress of sea defences Sea defences will be under more stress e.g. Thames Barrier, London. More money will have to be spent protecting coastal areas and there will be more economic damage caused by flooding. The Thames Barrier cost £500million to build in 1983 (£1.6billion in todays money) It costs £5,000 each time its closed.

13 Thames barrier picture


15 Buckingham Palace London Bridge London Eye Canary Wharf The O2 Boleyen Ground

16 Increased Temperature leads to…
5. Water stress In areas such as California and Nevada a lack of rainfall in resulting in water stress. Residents can be fined $100 for using water irresponsibly during dry periods for watering their plants and washing their car.


18 Website

19 Increased Temperature leads to…
6. Drought Droughts will become more common. Rainfall in Ethiopia where droughts are already common, could decline by 10 per cent over the next 50 years. This could lead to increased desertification as well as malnutrition and starvation due to lack of crops. Video

20 Desertification – when land turns to desert
Ethiopa pics and video


22 Increased Temperature leads to…
7. More extreme weather conditions Increased temperatures means sea temperatures are higher. Hurricanes form over seas where the temperatures are 26.5ºC or higher. Hurricanes increase death and destruction, particularly in poorer areas such as the Philippines.


24 Increased Temperature leads to…
8. Health issues Increased temperatures in countries such as France and Spain have lead to heat stroke and dehydration. In 2003 more than 20,000 people died across Europe due to a heatwave.

25 Europe heat map

26 Exam Question Discuss the possible effects of climate change. Refer to named examples in your answer. 6 marks “There are many effects of climate change. Firstly, melting ice caps…”

27 Effects of Climate Change

28 Positive Effects Some effects of climate change are positive.
Can you think of any? Less sea ice will mean sea transportation will be easier and more efficient for coastal areas such as Alaska. Increased crop yields – as temperatures increase more crops and different varieties of crops can be grown in more favourable climates e.g. Norway. Farming will be possible at higher latitudes as temperature increases in areas such as northern Scandinavia in the Arctic circle. Increased tourism in Canada and Antarctica because it will be warmer. This will bring jobs and increased revenue to economies which can be used to improve the infrastructure and therefore increase the development of a country.

29 Plenary Who will be worst affected by climate change:
Those living in developed countries Those living in developing countries Give one reason to support your answer

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