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Sugar ……how do these images make you feel?

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Presentation on theme: "Sugar ……how do these images make you feel?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sugar ……how do these images make you feel?

2 Sugar Learning objectives:
To know how sugar is produced and processed. To know the different types. To understand the role of sugar in baking. To understand the effect of sugar in the diet.

3 What is sugar ? How is it made?

4 How many types of sugar can you think of?

5 What are the effects of sugar in the body?
Carbohydrates Sugars are a group of c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that taste sweet. They provide a quick source of e_ _ _ _ _ as they are quickly broken down and absorbed into the body. An energy dip may then happen quickly and people often then crave more sugar. Too much regular sugar can cause a rapid rise in the level of sugar in the blood which can lead to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, ,which is becoming more common. energy type 2 diabetes

6 Plant foods and some dairy foods contain different types of sugar
Plant foods and some dairy foods contain different types of sugar. All sugars are broken down to glucose in the body. These are the chemical names of the different types of sugars found in foods. We will learn more about the chemistry of sugars when we study nutrition later on in the course.

7 What are the harmful effects of sugar
Can lead to tooth decay Can lead to weight gain and obesity ….how? Sugar that is not used for energy is converted and stored as fat in the body. Sugars that are added to foods and produced during processing are most likely to cause tooth decay – these are called free sugars. Sugars found naturally in foods and have not been extracted, are healthier and are called intrinsic sugars.

8 Why is sugar used in cakes?
Texture flavour Colour Look at page 141 to help you understand what happens during the creaming method of cake making.

9 Caramelisation Read pages to help you to begin to develop your understanding of what happens to sugar when it is heated. Now write a short paragraph which explains caramelisation.

10 Artificial sweeteners… are these better for us?

11 Homework Bring ingredients to make fudge on Wednesday. Google some research into how it is made. Use the PowerPoint to help you complete the worksheets on sugar.

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