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Ch 30.

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1 Ch 30

2 Reformation Weakening of Catholic Church
Worldliness and corruption Political conflict between pope and monarchs 1300—people feel the church has become way to powerful Didn’t follow vows Lived like royalty not servants of god

3 Money for Church Indulgences—sell to get forgiveness for sins, not good behavior Simony—buying of office—have multiple religious appointments without showing up All Catholics pay tax to the church

4 Power Struggle Kings and Queens struggle for power w/ the pope
King Philip IV of France tried to tax clergy Threaten to excommunicate Kidnap old pope—returned, dies few weeks later New pope moves rule to Avignon France Many French were appointed to positions

5 Power Struggle (Con’t)
Pope Gregory XI moves back to Rome Greg dies year later New pope refuses to go back to France French cardinals elect new pope in Avigon 3rd Pope elected LOTS OF PROBLEMS

6 Great Schism Split in Church lasts 40 years
Reformers—purify church not destroy it

7 John Wycliffe Publically quested pope’s authority during schism Attacked indulgences and immoral behavior Bible is supreme authority Had bible translated from Latin to English Accused of heresy

8 Jan Hus 1370-1415 Spoke against church authority Jesus is true head
Bible and mass in common language Arrested and burned at the stake

9 St. Catherine of Siena Felt people could lead spiritual lives that went beyond church norms Emphasize personal experience w/ god

10 Desiderius Erasmus 1466-1536 The Praise of Folly
Sharply worded satire of society Includes abuse of clergy and church leaders Many people desired to leave the church

11 Martin Luther Early 1500s Born in Germany in 1483 Becomes Monk
Studied bible and became scholar and leader What must I do to be saved? RC—keeping sacraments and living a good life Luther—Cannot earn salvation—gift from god

12 ML (con’t) Conflict over indulgences
1517 Pope Leo X need money to finish St. Peters Sent preachers to sell indulgences Promised pardons for sins of themselves, family and friends

13 ML (con’t) 95 Thesis against in indulgences on church door
Bible ultimate sources of religions authority not pope Excommunicated by Pope and asked to be silenced in Germany Forbidden from printing or publishing and declared a heretic Goes into hiding

14 ML (con’t) Starts own church Lutheranism

15 Peace of Ausburg Each Prince in HRE could determine religion
Change in religion happens gradually

16 Huldrych Zwingli 1484-1531 Swiss Follower of Erasmus and Luther
Ban worship not based on Bible Simple service War in Switzerland based on belief and Swiss Catholics

17 John Calvin 1509-1564 French God saves who lives good life
Good business is a good sign

18 King Henry VIII 1491-1547 England Anglican Church
Personal and political Wants divorce


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