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3 SHORT QUIZ 3.1- Renaissance


5 The birth of Renaissance– invention of printing press
Powerful monarchs challenged the Church- wealth & power High taxes by the church Worldly & corrupt practices of some church leaders- indulgences

6 Pope Clement V- Bishop of Bordeaux
The Great Schism Pope Clement V- Bishop of Bordeaux

7 Pope Urban VI, Italian Pope
(Council of Constance,1417) Pope Martin V, “Black Pope” 8-Arrowsmith Pope Clement VIII, elected by French College of Cardinals

8 Forerunners of Reformation
“Morning Star of Reformation” Bohemians started the Hussite Wars John Wyclif John Huss -Against paying tribute -Pope is NOT a representative of God -Against confession, only repentance can wash sins THE POPE WAS TOO BUSY COLLECTING ART AND BUILDING PROJECTS…

9 Dr. John Eck University of Ingolstadt
Ninety-Five Theses Johann Tetzel Martin Luther INDULGENCES- are promises of remission of punishment after death for sins committed -Part of the Augustinian Order -Lecturer at Wittenburg University -Against indulgences Dr. John Eck University of Ingolstadt

10 Questioned the power of the Pope & church
Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation Questioned the 7 sacraments instead only 3 must be included: Baptism, Communion & Confession On the Babylonian captivity of the Church Day 2- Berchmans Faith alone & private interpretation of the Bible On the Liberty of a Christian

11 Spread of Protestantism
-Summoned Luther under the diet of High Church officials & dignitaries Translated Bible into German Frederick Day 2- Sales PROTESTANTS - supporter of the western Europe - Refused to recognize the power of the pope Charles V

12 Augsburg Confession (1524) Equality of Men Before God
Spread of Protestantism Augsburg Confession (1524) Equality of Men Before God Rebellion (peasants from Southern Germany against feudal lords) peasants were killed Southern Germany remained catholic Northern Germany (Scandinavia), Lutheran

13 Protestant Reformation
In his church in Switzerland … -Priests can marry -Permitted to forget celibacy -Simplicity & discipline advocate -Delivered sermons based on the Bible only John Calvin Ulrich Zwingli Institutes of the Christian Religion

14 Huguenots (Southern France)
Calvanism in Switzerland CALVANISM -Only God can give salvation -Predestination- the idea that God chooses who would be saved -Teachings based upon the strict morality of the Old Testament - Converts in Netherlands Huguenots (Southern France) LUTHERAN -People can work for their salvation John Knox Presbyterianism (Scotland) Anabaptists/ Baptist Argued that infants must not be baptized Puritanism (England)

English Reformation “The Defender of the Faith” MARRIED WITH Could not gave him a son ATTRACTED & WANT TO MARRY Henry VIII Catherine of Aragon -Wrote a pamphlet against Martin Luther, “Defense of the Seven Sacraments (1521)” Content Objective Related Information Teaching Method Constructivist Learning Activity Examples Anecdote /Cartoon/Quotation/Joke ELIZABETH VOID MARRIAGE Ann Boleyn

16 English Reformation Mary I of England Edward VI Abolished Monasteries
Act of Supremacy of 1534- was legislation granting King Henry VIII of England Royal Supremacy. Abolished Monasteries Took over Catholic Church’s Property Day 2-berchmans Day 2- Sales Mary I of England Edward VI

17 England Became Anglican
-Established a Protestant Nation -Thirty-nine articles became the creed of their church -Anglican Church, led by king/ queen Elizabeth I

18 Catholic/Counter Reformation
Reaffirmed the belief of mass, veneration of saints, indulgences & belief of purgatory 1. New Latin edition of the bible: Vulgate, standard Bible of the Church 2. Church has a right to interpret Bible 3. Pope is the head of the church Council of Trent ( ) Reviving Inquisition Paul III ( ) INDEX- list of books & publications that forbade followers because its contrary to teachings of Catholicism

19 Society of Jesus -Founded the Society of Jesus
-brought back many Protestants in Germany & Eastern Europe to Catholicism -Spread Catholicism to India, China, North& South America St. Ignatius Pp 170


21 Dr. John Eck

22 Ann Boleyn

23 Pope Clement VIII

24 John Huss

25 Day 3- 8-Arrowsmith John Knox

26 King Frederick, the wise

27 Ulrich Zwingli

28 Johann/John Tetzel

29 Mary I

30 Pope Paul III

31 John Wyclif

32 Henry VIII

33 Elizabeth I

34 Martin Luther


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