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Supporting Primary Maths at Home: Subtraction

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting Primary Maths at Home: Subtraction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting Primary Maths at Home: Subtraction
Outline of the workshop- Being Maths Role Models The process of learning subtraction skills Key skills you need to practise at home Supporting Using and applying subtraction at home

2 What’s the most important message for our children?
Our brains are trainable muscles- with practise we can succeed. Persistence and confidence are key to learning in maths. Maths is a passport to later life... What to do if stuck?

3 Subtraction Stage 1 Practical activities and discussion
Finding one less than a number from 1 to 10 (then up to 20) Begin to relate subtraction to “taking away” Begin to make links with vocabulary (less, count back, subtract, take away, difference)

4 Subtraction Stage 2 Count back from a given number to solve problems
Begin to use the - and = sign to record mental calculations Know by heart all subtraction facts to 10 (then 20)

5 Subtraction Stage 3 Using informal pencil and paper methods (jottings)
Use a number line to record complimentary addition 84 – 56 =28

6 Subtraction Stage 4 Securing an understanding of the place value of digits Subtracting tens and units as simple taking away but with a secure understanding (then hundreds) 34- 13= is...... 30- 10= = = 21

7 Your turn... =

8 Subtraction Stage 4 563 - 248 500 + 60 + 3 - 200 + 40 + 8

9 Subtraction Stage 4 Cont……. 500 + 60 + 3 - 200 + 40 + 8

10 Subtraction Stage 5 Decomposition extended to decimals and larger numbers Contracted recording at decomposition 6476 -2684 3792

11 Subtraction Stage 6 Consolidation of stage 5
Contracted recording of decimals

12 Key elements to practise at home.... Practise is key!
Number recognition (Bingo for any numbers, recognising door /car registration numbers/ knowing the date, using coins ) Counting (When shopping, estimating amounts, using coins, Counting on and back e.g. How many steps to the sea...can we count back...) No. bonds to 10, 20 (Make own puzzles, flash cards, linking number toys) Times tables- This can be practised anywhere at any time! If you aren’t secure- practise with them! Measurement Distances, amounts- capacity in practical and purposeful contexts- basic recognition of amounts! Comparing which has more/less Time Basic time telling but also planning a journey- read the time tables, work out estimated times of arrival

13 Supporting Using and Applying at home
Maths websites that they enjoy!

14 Please complete the feed back questionnaire! 
Where do you need future support to help with your child’s maths learning at home?

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