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Political Geography.

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1 Political Geography

2 Country A country can be described in several ways.
The political term state is used describe an independent unity that occupies a specific territory and has control of internal and external affairs.

3 Nation Nation refers to a group of people with a common culture living a territory and having a strong sense of unity. When a nation and a state occupy the same territory, that territory is called a nation-state. Many countries of the world are nation-states.

4 Stateless Nation However, it is possible for a nation not to have a territory. A group like this is called a stateless nation.

5 Democracy Generally, a type of government falls into one of four categories. In a democracy, citizens hold political power either directly or through elected representatives.

6 Monarchy In a monarchy, a ruling family, king or queen holds political power and may or may not share the power with citizens.

7 Dictatorship In a dictatorship, an individual or group hold complete political power. Communism is a system in which nearly all political power and means of production are held by the government.

8 Theocracy Theocracy-a form of government in which religious leaders control the government

9 Totalitarianism (Communism)
Totalitarianism-a government and economic system where nearly all political power and means of production are held by the government

10 Types of Democracy Direct Democracy- all the voters in a community meet together to make laws and decide on what actions to take Representative Democracy- the people elect representatives to carry on the work of government for them Constitutional Democracy- uses the democratic processes to elect representatives to carry out the work of government and has a constitution that limits the government structured

People Rule (either directly or through elected officials) DIRECT DEMOCRACY All voters meet together to make laws and decide what actions to take REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY (REPUBLIC) People elect representatives to carry on the work of government for them

12 Resources A larger nation may be more powerful because it has more resources. It may also have more people to build military or economic power.

13 Geographic Characteristics
Three geographic characteristics are important in describing a country: size, shape, and relative location.

14 Shape of a Country The shape of a country can have an impact on how easily it can be governed. Shape may affect how goods are moved to all areas of the country or how the country relates to neighboring countries.

15 Relative Location The relative location of a country can be very important. For example, a nation surrounded by hostile neighbors must deal with issues of protection and security. A landlocked country is one with no outlet to the sea. Access to water means easy access to shipping. A land locked nation must find ways to get goods into and from its land.

16 Boundaries Artificial Boundaries- a fixed boundary line generally following latitude and longitude lines; often defined in treaties Natural Boundaries- boundaries based on physical features of the land

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