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Presentation on theme: "NOMINAL SENTENCES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Review Please keep in your mind the three minimum requirements:
The kind / number of the subject The time / tense of the event Nominal / Verbal Bringing those concepts, let’s practice expressing ideas in nominal sentences

3 Practices… Mouse itu salah satu hatwer komputer
 A mouse is a computer hardware Aku ndak mudheng je  I am blank je... Pak Ros sedang di Lab.  Mr. Ros is in the Laboratory Apakah kalian baik-baik aja?  Are you OK? Apa ini?  What is it?

4 Practices… Kecelakaan tadi mengerikah dech..
 The accident was scared dech.... Para penguji bingung kasih nilai.  The examiners were confused to give score Tadi malam kau di rumah?  Were you at home last night?

5 Practices… Aku akan segera ke sana  I will be there soon.
Tak kan terlambat untuk minta maaf.  I won’t be late to apologize Nanti malam kamu di rumah to?  Will you be at home to night? Apa yang akan terjadi terjadilah?  Whatever will be will be, lah?

6 Practices… Kami dah di sini kira2 15 menitan lah
 We have been here about 15 minutes, lah Ayam bakare belum mateng  The baked chicken has not been well done. Pernah ke sini sebelumnya, mas?  Have you been here before, dab?

7 The sentences above have no verbs in the predicate, it may be:
Noun (computer)  That IS my computer Adjectives  Its RAM was amazing Numeral  I am the last in the queue Adverb time/place etc  I’ll be there Pronoun  She is mine lho… Practically, when you have said “the subject” of your ideas and you wanna follow it with “not-verb word”, apply “to be”. What it to be?

8 To Be Sekarang is, am, are Akan be Lampau was, were Telah been

9 Sekarang (Present) Subject To be Predicate He, She, It, S = 1 Is (not)
Non Verbs I Am (not) They, We, You, S > 1 Are (not) Tobe Subject Predicate Is He, She, It, S = 1 Non Verbs Am I Are They, we, you, S >1 Wh- To Be Subject What, Who, When Is Which, Why, Where Am How…. Etc Are

10 Apa dia milikmu?  Is she yours? Yang mana yang paling imut?  Which is the cutest? Apa itu?  What is that? Apa itu kamu?  Is that ‘you’? Apakah itu bedanya?  Is that the difference? Apa bedanya?  What is the difference between you and me?

11 Lampau (Past) Subject To be Predicate He, She, It, , I , S = 1
was (not) Non Verbs They, We, You, S > 1 were (not) Tobe Subject Predicate Was He, She, It, I, S = 1 Non Verbs Were They, we, you, S >1 Wh- To Be Subject What, Who, When Was Which, Why, Where How…. Etc were

12 Akan (Future) Subject Modals To be Predicate Subject Modals To be
All Subjects Will (akan) be Can (dapat) Must (harus/pasti) May (mungkin/boleh) Should (seharusnya) Etc

13 Apakah bisa?  Can it be? Umurmu besok pagi berapa?  How old will you be tomorrow? Soal pasti sulit-sulit.  The soals must be hard / difficult Seharusnya tidak seperti itu  It should not be like that.

14 Telah (Perfect) Subject Perfect To be Predicate He, She, It, S = 1 Has
Been I, You, They, We, S > 1 Have Perfect Subject To be Predicate Has He, She, It, S = 1 Been Have I, You, They, We, S > 1


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