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Evaluation of the Superficial Venous System and When to Treat

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluation of the Superficial Venous System and When to Treat"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluation of the Superficial Venous System and When to Treat
American College of Phleboloty 2016 30th Annual Congress Daniel L. Monahan, M.D., F.A.C.S Roseville, California

2 No Disclosures

3 Venous Reflux is a Surrogate
Our job is to treat varicose veins, not ultrasound findings.

4 Anatomy of the Superficial Venous System




8 Remember the G’s Take a History

9 The G’s of Varicose Veins
1. Genetics 2. Gender 3. Gestation 4. Gravity 5. Geriatrics 6. Gluttony 7. Job and Activities – not a “G”, so not so important The G’s of Varicose Veins

10 Physical Examination

11 Varicose Veins – Location, Distribution, Size, Extent
Swelling, Ankle findings – signs of neglected disease CEAP Physical examination

12 CEAP Classification C – Clinical – C0 to C6 Etiologic Anatomic
Pathologic CEAP Classification

13 CEAP C0 – no visible or palpable signs
C1 – telangiectasias or reticular veins C2 – varicose veins C3 – edema C4a – pigmentation and/or eczema C4b – atrophie blanche/lipodermatosclerosis C5 – healed venous ulcer C6 – active venous ulcer S: symptomatic A: asymptomatic CEAP

14 (REVISED) Venous Clinical Severity Score

15 VCSS Pain Varicose Veins Venous Edema Skin Pigmentation Inflammation
Induration Active Ulcer number Active Ulcer duration VCSS

16 “Conservative Measures”
Leg Elevation Use of NSAIDS Use of Compression, and Duration Documentation of Disability

17 High resolution color flow venous duplex Scanning
Everybody gets an ultrasound High resolution color flow venous duplex Scanning


19 Ultrasound Exam Deep System Superficial truncal veins Perforators
Lateral thigh Pelvic Veins Prior phlebitis Acute superficial phlebitis Ultrasound Exam

20 Ultrasound Exam What is reflux?
0.5 – 1.0 sec (500 to 100 msec) defines normal, not abnormal Ultrasound Exam

21 When to Treat And When Not To

22 What you CAN do What you SHOULD do When to treat


24 We are not looking for opportunities to do ablations
We are not looking for opportunities to do ablations. We are looking for opportunities to help patients with their varicose veins.

25 When not to treat

26 The preference for conservatism




30 Thank you

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