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Miscellaneous Diagnostic Tests and Treatments

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1 Vascular Technology Venous Vascular Lecture 29: Alternative Diagnostic Test and Treatments HHHoldorf

2 Miscellaneous Diagnostic Tests and Treatments
Contrast venography (Phlebography) Capabilities: Although contrast venography is still considered the GOLD STANDARD, the numbers of venograms has markedly decreased due to the accuracy of duplex scanning.

3 Ascending Venography: Utilized for evaluation of acute DVT, congenital venous disease and or anomalies, evaluation of chronic venous thrombosis Descending venography used primarily to detect and quantify reversed flow from incompetent venous valves.

4 Limitations: Highly technical in technique and interpretation
Relatively expensive Uncomfortable Adverse effects: allergic reactions or extravasation of contrast media May be contraindicated in patients with severe Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) secondary to risk of extravasation and patients with allergies to iodine.

5 Technique: Ascending Venography
Radio-opaque contrast media injected into vein on dorsum of the foot to visualize anatomy Serial x-rays taken as media passes through veins identifying filling defects, anatomic variations, development of collateral channels.

6 Ascending venography

7 Descending venography
Radio-opaque contrast media injected into common femoral vein Serial x-rays taken as material passes through veins to detect and quantify reversed flow and location of incompetent valves

8 Descending venography

9 Treatment – Medical Lifestyle modifications
Control risk factors (related to Virchow’s Triad) Decrease venous stasis Limit long periods of inactivity or bed rest Promote venous drainage Wear support hose or elastic stockings Elevate legs Intermittent pneumatic calf compressions during and after surgery Prevent injury of infection Aware of hypercoagulability states/factors

10 Treatment - Pharmacologic
Anticoagulant therapy Prophylaxis Low-Dose Heparin Interferes with formation of blood clots Does not lyse an existing thrombus Acute DVT and or PE Heparin: Loading does followed by continuous intravenous infusion for 5 – 10 days Coumadin Nearing end of heparinization: anticoagulation started Prescribed for three to six months

11 Treatment - Pharmacologic
Lytic therapy Breakdown of thrombus, i. e., hemolysis Urokinase or streptokinase may be recommended in acute iliofemoral DVT Treat venous ulcers with medicated compressing dressing, e. g., unna boot, Profore (4 layer) dressing


13 Treatment – Surgical and Endovascular
Acute DVT or PE Vena Caval interruption devices: AKA IVC filter Performed to prevent PE in patients who cannot be anticoagulated Using Fluoroscopy, a filter placed in IVC (below the renal veins) Via jugular or femoral vein. An external caval clip may be placed around IVC during abdominal surgery to decrease risk of PE

14 IVC Filter


16 Iliofemoral venous thrombectomy
Performed for impending limb loss, i. e., phlegmasia cerulean dolens, if thrombolytic therapy, e. g., streptokinase or Urokinase, does not dissolve clot. Phlegmasia Cerulean Dolens: (literally: painful blue edema) is an uncommon severe form of deep venous thrombosis which results from extensive thrombotic occlusion (blockage by a thrombus) of the major and the collateral veins of an extremity.

17 Phlegmasia cerulea dolens

18 Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Vein ligation of incompetent perforators performed Valvular reconstruction or valve transplantation procedures: infrequent

19 Varicose Veins Surgical procedure includes: saphenous vein removal or local excision (phlebectomy) of varicosities Endovenous procedures treat the veins from the inside. Using heat energy that causes the vein to shrink, then slowly disappear Major ablation types are radio frequency ablation and laser ablation Duplex scanning utilized to confirm patency of veins and depth of vein to be treated.

20 Varicose veins continued…
During procedure, Duplex scanning is used to access the vein, confirm placement of wire, guide injection of tumescent anesthesia, verify laser is firing correctly, and assists with accurate pullback. Post procedure, Duplex scanning is used to confirm vein ablation and absence of thrombosis.

21 3. Sclerotherapy used to treat varicosities by sealing them off: Sclerosing agent, e. g., sodium sulfate, injected into varix and compression dressing applied.

22 Portal Hypertension Transjugular Intrahepatic portosystemic Shunt (TIPSS): Percutaneously created shunt between portal and hepatic veins: Usual approach : Right IJV to IVC into Right hepatic vein BRIDGE created to portal vein Tract stented with metallic endoprostheis

23 TIPSS Shunt

24 Homework Textbook: Chapter 31: Alternative Diagnostic Tests


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