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“Making a Difference!” is not an official Shaklee® publication.

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Presentation on theme: "“Making a Difference!” is not an official Shaklee® publication."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Making a Difference!” is not an official Shaklee® publication.
It is compiled from publicly available information and is published for educational purposes only. No promises or guarantees are intended or implied. Copyright © February 2012 SHAIDS, LLC

2 “Making a Difference!” Because through Shaklee®, we are all…
Copyright © SHAIDS, LLC February 2012 Presented by: David Coleman

3 Fatigue... What causes it? Fatigue is the most frequent reason people seek medical help. Around 20% of Americans claim to have fatigue intense enough to interfere with their efforts to live a normal life. Are you tired just because you’re getting older? Most holistic health practitioners don’t think so. Most chronic exhaustion is caused by: Stress: Stress is the number one cause of fatigue in most adults. While life always has its challenges, do as much as you can to minimize the negative impact stress can have on your health. Lack of sleep: Recent studies show that most adults are actually sleep-deprived. For maximum energy, the body generally requires eight hours of truly restful sleep per night. It is particularly important to retire by 10 pm as critical healing hormones are released in the body between 11 pm and 2 am every night. Being a night owl can cause fatigue, even if you get eight hours of sleep. Patricia Farrell

4 Refined sugar and carbohydrates:
Some people think that since sugar is required for energy, that it’s desirable to eat a lot of it. Yet most nutritional scientists believe that excess refined sugar may be the largest contributing factor, if not the direct cause, of many degenerative disease conditions, including fatigue. In spite of the popularity of “diet” foods containing artificial sugar (suspected of causing neurological problems in many people), most Americans still consume over 100 pounds of sugar per year in the form of candy, sweets, pastries and processed foods. Evidence suggests that fully 65% to 75% of people who complain of fatigue will experience a marked improvement in their energy level within one to two weeks of abstaining from eating refined sugar and flour products. Too much red meat: While controversy still rages over whether man is meant to eat meat, we do know that consuming too much beef and pork can contribute to higher cholesterol levels. Eating a diet rich in fatty meat products not only clogs our arteries, but slows down our digestion as well, contributing to a sluggish metabolism. Many people find that cutting down on red meat in favor of fish, poultry, grains, and biologically complete protein products such as Shaklee® Energizing Soy Protein, gives them a discernible energy boost... and helps their heart as well. Patricia Farrell

5 Nicotine, alcohol and drugs:
Many people do not realize the amount of nutrients needed by the body just to counteract the damage done by cigarettes, alcohol and drugs (including over-the-counter and prescription medications). For example, just one cigarette can deplete up to 100 mg of vitamin C! Constipation: A backed up, clogged colon is caused by eating too much meat and refined, processed foods, a lack of exercise, and not drinking enough water. Constipation is not only uncomfortable, but it contributes to fatigue by causing bloating, gas and a buildup of toxins in the gut. Fortunately, Shaklee® offers products like Herb-Lax®, EZ-Gest®, Optiflora®, Stomach Soothing Complex and Fiber Plan® products to help you naturally combat constipation. Obesity: It’s a fact... more than 60% of Americans are overweight or clinically obese. Obesity contributes to fatigue, heart disease, back problems, varicose veins, shortness of breath, infertility and even some forms of cancer. Of course, losing weight is one of the best things you can do to increase your energy level. To help you safely drop those extra pounds, Shaklee® offers the miraculous Cinch Plan® line of products. Patricia Farrell

6 Nutritional deficiencies:
Especially B complex vitamins and protein: With Shaklee food supplements, this energy-depleter is one of the easiest to correct. Start with the Vitalizer™ best for you and Energizing Soy Protein daily for one month and watch your energy level soar! Negative thinking: Fatigue and negative thinking go hand in hand and it’s sometimes difficult to decide which started first. It always helps any situation to improve our attitude... but sometimes we have to increase our energy level in order to even think about it. Lack of exercise: Exercise is one of the most effective ways to immediately increase your energy level. The problem is... fatigue gets in the way. So we’ve left exercise until last, though it should probably be the first thing you do. However, once you’ve made all of the previously suggested changes, you should now have enough energy to finally start that exercise program you’ve been too tired to think about. And of course, Shaklee has wonderful products to help you reach your maximum physical potential: Performance®, Physique®, B-Complex, Meal Shakes®, Energizing Soy Protein, CorEnergy®, and of course, Vitalizer®! Patricia Farrell

7 Thank you! With Shaklee®, It’s Easy To...
• Enjoy the benefits of improved health! • Have more energy and vitality! • Enjoy natural beauty... inside and out! • Protect your fragile environment! • Achieve financial independence... forever! Take Charge of your life today... with Shaklee®! To place an order, or for more infomation, please contact: Patricia Farrell Thank you!

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