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Strengthening EMIS Capacity towards EFA Monitoring in Myanmar

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1 Strengthening EMIS Capacity towards EFA Monitoring in Myanmar

2 Organizational Structure of MOE
Ministry of Education (MOE) DMLC DHE (Lower/Upper) UHRC DEPT DBE (1)(2)(3) MERB MBE Teacher Education Colleges State/Division Education Offices District/ Township Education offices Schools (High/Middle/ Primary) Practising Schools (Middle Primary) Practicing ( Primary/Middle))

3 Routine Data Collection and Management Basic Education Sector
Central States/Divisions Townships Schools DBE (1) DBE (2) DBE (3) DEPT SIS Staff Database

4 Current Situation on Capacity Building
Reviewing and revising data collection forms to reflect the long-term education development plan/EFA-NAP and training on data collection Orientation workshops on implementing EFA-NAP at central level stakeholders Training workshops for Central and sub-national level staff (Ad-hoc) Education Statistics, Computer Applications School Mapping Provision of IT facility to state/division offices Training on ICT in teacher training programmes

5 National Strategies of Capacity Building on Planning,Monitoring & Evaluation
Development of EFA monitoring mechanism and tools for central and state/division levels Producing and analyzing national EFA indicators (for all levels) Conduct training of trainers for EMIS at Central and organize training workshops at different levels (Central to local) Strengthen the existing EMIS unit at central (DEPT) and also establish SIS unit in each state/ division education office

6 National Strategies of Capacity Building on Planning,Monitoring & Evaluation
Develop integrated database with other Ministries/Agencies to monitor EFA priorities ECCE – Ministry of Social Welfare, NGOs and INGOs NFE –Ministry of Religious Affairs,Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races Development Affairs, NGOs and INGOs Include the School Record Management System in teacher training curriculum

7 Challenges Require more awareness of educational manager, decision and policy makers on the importance of data and information in their work Emerging demand for reliable, accurate, up to date and timely data / information by local and international organizations The current EMIS system is weak in the field of technology and manpower Absence of computerized data management system at sub-national levels Need to develop Decision Support System (DSS) for real-time information to response the policy needs

8 Area need to be strengthened
Strengthening of existing EMIS unit at DEPT by Building in-house capacity on ICT and Statistics Improving network and coordination with Statistics sections at DBEs and State/Divisional education offices Providing relevant training at sub-national and local levels

9 Training capacity needs for building efficient EMIS and DSS
Training and Assistance in Improving EMIS Developing DSS Surveys and statistical analysis Establishing EMIS network with S/D EMIS With DSS Training in Use of data and information Decision making skills Participatory planning Micro-planning for TEO School self- management Effective support For Children's learning Fair assessment Teacher deployment School inspection and evaluation Resource allocation

10 Areas where country can contribute with good practice and expertise
In the area of design and development of SIS with special focus on EFA planning,monitoring and evaluation functions (i.e national consultants from Institute of Economics , MERB)

11 Collaborative activities for Regional Capacity Strategy
Hosting sub-regional and national workshops on educational planning, monitoring Participation in regional pilot projects on education statistics and monitoring tools especially in the area of EFA program implementation Participating in Regional Networks as an active partner Providing the required data/indicators for the regional monitoring

12 Formation of national team to support the Regional Network
For international coordination: Nominating provisional country PME team headed by the Deputy Director General of DEPT, with a senior officials from each of the DBEs (3), MERB For national implementation: one senior officer from each of the provisional education offices (17) as members (i.e PME team with 21 members), Director (planning) of DEPT to be assigned as coordinator and Deputy Director (statistics) will be assigned as liaison officer.


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