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Presentation of Units Present draft of units Discussion of units

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1 Presentation of Units Present draft of units Discussion of units
There will be lots of pair work today so choose a partner for class. Present draft of units Discussion of units Questions, reflections, changes, etc.

2 Chapter 3: Thinking about the Elements of Curriculum Design
EQ: Why is it essential that all elements of a curriculum unit be in place?

3 Thoughts to ponder… Well-designed curriculum systematically addresses required content standards, but does not substitute a list of standards or a textbook for the array of elements necessary to chart a successful course of learning for students. In pairs discuss, what does this mean? How does it impact the development of units that you do?

4 Key Components of Curriculum Design
Students-Teacher-Content These three interact between each other in all directions A teacher’s ongoing acquisition of content A teacher’s evolving insights about the meaning of the content The numerous decisions a teacher makes about the appropriateness Gather information about student’s individual learning needs Teacher interacts with student during formative or ongoing assessment, coaching, and questioning These interactions are vital for learning, assessment, diagnosis, and curriculum differentiation. Student-content consists of tasks such as reading, viewing, listening, and the processing of new content, concepts, and strategies. Students must be able to attend and perceive the new content in the learning environment, make a connection between their prior knowledge and this new content, compare and contrast, and search for patterns in order to find the similarities and differences between new content and the existing cognitive scheme.

5 Chapter Notes Curriculum is described as the purposeful, proactive organization, sequencing, and managing of these interactions across the three classroom elements: The Content Standards or general curriculum or grade-level expectations or mandated curriculum Knowledge and skills that students in various grade levels are expected to acquire The Student The Teacher Curriculum must be put together or it is the equivalent of handing a person flour, apples, a stick of butter, and sugar and tell them it is apple pie. Comprehensive curriculum plan may not always follow a linear process. A teacher may not begin by thinking about content or standards, move directly to thinking about an assessment plan, select an introductory activity, and so on. Early planning may begin with an assessment or product.

6 Pair-Share Discuss one formative assessment you have given this year.
How was it accepted by your students? How did it help you in the decision making of the lesson?

7 Components of a Curriculum Plan
Content (including standards) Students should come to know, understand, and apply Learning standards, objectives, benchmark assessments, grade-level expectations, or learner outcomes Assessments Tasks assigned to students in order to determine the extent to which they have acquired the knowledge and/or skills Provide tangible evidence of student understanding and growth Pre-assessment (allows teacher to know ho much and what kind of content students know at the onset of a unit)—Formative assessment (occurs throughout a unit of study and allows teacher to know who is mastering ideas and skills)—Summative assessment (teachers see who has mastered content and skills—many times this has a major impact on report card grades) Student’s interaction with the knowledge is the basis for a product and in turn the teacher uses the product to evaluate the student’s understanding of the targeted knowledge Participant + Content + Task + Cognitive Processing = Assessment Valid assessments measure what they say they measure. An assessment has several attributes: reliable, valid, efficient, equitable, seamless, and motivating. Introductory Activities Motivates and orients students to a new unit Start with a focusing question (essential question) Tease or “hook” (activator) Enable students to attach their own past knowledge, experience, interests, and/or strengths to the new content (anticipation guide)

8 Components of a Curriculum Plan Cont
Teaching Strategies Talk with a pair about 5 teaching methods Strategy or technique, selected purposefully, that educators use to instruct students or connect them with content. Teachers adjust the level of support, scaffolding, and coaching for various students. Learning Activities Tasks designed to develop the knowledge, understanding, and skills specified in the content goals. Talk with pair about thinking skills you have used in developing learning activities. Analytical, critical, and creative thinking skills require students to “do something” with the new information. Aligned with content goals and teaching methods Grouping Strategies Enable teachers to arrange students in configurations most likely to enhance the acquisition of content and skills Teachers employ a wide range of strategies from whole group to cooperative and collaborative groups to flexible small groups to pairs. Share with a partner grouping strategies you use in the classroom. Resources A tool, data set, learning opportunity, or source of information for teachers and students. Used primarily during the teaching and learning activities. Are either human or non-human. Discuss what resources you use when developing a unit with a partner

9 Components of a Curriculum Plan Cont
Products Produces tangible evidence of student learning Teachers use to measure students growth over time, to monitor and adjust instruction in order to promote student success Take many forms: tests, worksheets, journals, performances, problem solving, explanations, or reflections Extension Activities Expand the basic unit plans and emerge from the unit’s content goals as well as student interests Promote the transfer and application of content goals to real-world contexts and problems Opportunity to blend students interests and areas of expertise with content goals Can link content goals in one discipline to others Help students gather ideas for writing, products or problem solving Discuss with a pair, products you have used or want to try with students. Differentiation Based on Learner Need (AID) Should address students’ learning profiles, communication strengths an needs, reading levels, English language proficiency, or special education requirements As student shows increased sophistication then assignments should be modified in response to the student growth. Lesson and Unit Closure Summarize to help students see how a lesson makes sense and how it relates to students knowledge, experiences, and lives

10 Curriculum Remodeling Process
Page 62 chart 3.11 In groups of 4/5 discuss through the remodeling process and describe how it relates to creating a unit for your classroom

11 Learning Focused Unit Planning Connection
Essential Question Activator Excerpt from book Music Art Anticipation guide Vocabulary Teaching Strategy includes grouping and learning activities as well as products Distributed Guided Practice Differentiation Conducting re-teaching sessions Providing audio for chapter readings Varying amount of work assigned Centers Supplemental materials when teaching Summary 3-2-1 Ticket out the door

12 Reflection: Discussion Question
How would you describe The Process of Education (figure 3.1) as it relates to your experiences (and those of your students) in YOUR classroom?

13 Preview Finish up Chapter 3 next week
Lesson Plans for Unit due in Learning Focused Template…please this to me. I am available after class if you need help with this as well as through appointment this week. Read the case study on Steven for next week. No class next week for Hanes and Steve because of STAY training.

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