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linux and related thing

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Presentation on theme: "linux and related thing"— Presentation transcript:

1 linux and related thing
Project 2 background linux and related thing

2 Linux -old time "Born" in early 1990s. Younger than me but may be older than you guys. Linus wrote the very first version, 0.01. Linus is still in charge, but thousand developers are contributing.

3 _and_the_Bazaar

4 Linux -now The newest verison is 3.16.3.
Get updates almost every week. It is the core part, kernel, of the system. A real linux system normally has much nore.

5 Linux -source code Where to get linux source code
How to read linux source code

6 Linux -"taste"

7 Linux -usage /bin /run /root /sbin /cdrom /selinux /dev /srv /etc /sys
/home /tmp /lib /usr /lib64 /var /media initrd.img /opt /root /proc /lost+found

8 Linux -compile (1) make menuconfig
(2) make (may also need make mrproper) (3) make modules_install (4) make install (5) reboot Now you have your own verison of linux 5eg Demo

9 Hints wget x/linux-3.x.y.tar.gz tar zxvf FileName.tar.gz sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev make menuconfig


11 Kernel compiling In project 2, you will be modifying the kernel. Steps
Means you need to compile it once you change it Steps Download --Done Configure --To be done Build --Your job Install --Your job

12 Kernel compiling Tips lspci list hardware in your machine
If you are not sure, include it make oldconfig Use the old configuration file If you don't have one, get one first and name it .config

13 grub Used for multi-operating systems load.
When you install linux with window or Mac OS X, grub is installed and used automatically so you can choose which one to use.

14 You can manually change the grub file.

15 Virtual Machine Another way to use Linux(free) along with Windows and Mac OS X VMware, VirtualBox(free)

16 Project 2 will be due on 10/22

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