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Cooperative high school 1.

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1 Cooperative high school 1

2 Background Information
2006 Rossville-Alvin Deactivation Financial Uncertainty Discussion surrounding deactivation since 2011 State-level conversations surrounding forced consolidation = UNCHARTED TERRITORY Deactivation: Not a permanent solution Operates through a Tri-Party Agreement Financial Uncertainty: GSA/Transportation-prorated as low as 88%--loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars for each district Foundation level—6,119 since 2010 Discussion: Reached out to all prospective neighboring districts about what a cooperative high school may look like as well as reviewed student enrollment trends. 2

3 TIMELINE December 2016 March 2017 April 4, 2017 Election Day
Both School Boards Adopted Resolutions to put the question on the ballot about forming a cooperative high school. Submitted proposition to election authority March 2017 Publish notice in paper April 4, Election Day 3

4 Approximately 361 Students
Student Enrollment Bismarck-Henning- 235 high school students Rossville-Alvin 90 students attending Bismarck-Henning 36 students attending Hoopeston Area Total Enrollment= Approximately 361 Students 4

5 Enrollment Trends per District
Rossville-Alvin Enrollment Trends per District 5

Formed by two or more unit districts Governing board operates the school Comprised of three members from each board Seventh member (presiding officer) will be the board president from Bismarck-Henning Does not levy taxes or incur debt Funding is on a tuition basis 6

Agreement for a minimum of 20 years. May withdraw if the district is reorganizing with another district. 7

8 Cooperative High School Facts
Effective for the school year. Any student promoted from Rossville Alvin in 2017 and beyond would attend the cooperative high school. Exception: The Sibling Clause 8

9 The Sibling Clause If a student promotes from the Rossville-Alvin School District; As an 8th grader during the school year, has a sibling who is legally enrolled as a sophomore, junior, or senior on the first day of the school year at Hoopeston Area; As an 8th grader during the school year, has a sibling who is legally enrolled as a junior or senior on the first day of the school year at Hoopeston Area; 9

10 The Sibling Clause As an 8th grader during the school year, has a sibling who is legally enrolled as a junior or senior on the first day of the school year at Hoopeston Area; And resides within the Rossville-Alvin district then the student may choose to attend Hoopeston Area High School. 10

11 The Sibling Clause If the student qualifies;
Completion of a school selection form required Student will not have an opportunity to change schools at a later date. The class of 2020 and beyond will attend the cooperative high school. 11

12 Why a Cooperative High School?
Ability to prepare students for one high school. Common professional development for elementary and junior high Curriculum alignment Transition for students 12

13 Why a Cooperative High School?
Financial Uncertainties: A reality and hurdle for both districts Financial planning 13

14 Why a Cooperative High School?
Increased Enrollment + Shared Costs = Increased Opportunities Example, student surveys highlighted a strong interest for FFA and industrial arts programs. 14

15 STUDENT VOICE Twelve questions via Survey Monkey 317 students
Included 7-8 students at Rossville High School Students at Bismarck- Henning Rossville-Alvin Students at Hoopeston-Area 15

This graph represents the voice of all students surveyed. 16

This graph represents the voice of all students surveyed. 17

This graph represents the voice of all students surveyed. 18

Should Bismarck-Henning and Rossville-Alvin school districts pursue a cooperative high school? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 57.2% 99 No 42.8% 74 answered question 173 skipped question Bismarck-Henning High School Students from Bismarck-Henning Community 19

Bismarck-Henning High School Students from Rossville-Alvin Community 20

21 Student Voice Survey overwhelming supports cooperative high school.
Over 50% of students surveyed supported the concept. Rossville-Alvin students in grades 7-8 demonstrated highest support at 73%. 21

22 Question and Answer What would be the name of the cooperative high school? Both boards have agreed to use both names in the school name. 22

23 Question and Answer What about the students at Hoopeston Area?
They will be able to graduate from Hoopeston Area. 23

24 Question and Answer What happens if the referendum does not pass?
Both districts can survive for the short-term. With uncertainty in state funding we may need to evaluative additional options. 24

25 Question and Answer Why did Rossville-Alvin choose to pursue a cooperative high school with Bismarck-Henning? The decision was made based on factors including: Board representation on a governing board; Willingness to include Rossville-Alvin in the name of the school or change the name; Majority of Rossville-Alvin students attend Bismarck-Henning Future educational opportunities available for students. 25

26 Question and Answer Why did Bismarck-Henning choose to pursue a cooperative high school with Rossville-Alvin? The decision was made based on factors including: Increased financial stability; we have lost $1.3 million in General State Aide since Increased educational opportunities such as FFA/Vocational Courses; Ability to streamline education between the two schools; Future educational opportunities available for students. 26

27 Total Estimated Amount = $112,000
Question and Answer What are the financial benefits for a cooperative high school? Reorganization Incentive: $4,000 per certified staff for the first year Total Estimated Amount = $112,000 27

Question and Answer What are the curriculum advantages for the cooperative high school? INCREASED STUDENT ENROLLMENT + SHARED COSTS = EXPANDED OPPORTUNITES 28

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