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A system of nonlinear equations

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1 A system of nonlinear equations
Newton’s method Steepest gradient descent method Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

2 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Outline Matlab toolbox Newton’s method for nonlinear system solving Updating rule Matlab implementation Partial derivative Jacobi and Evaluation of Jacobi Gradient descent method Natural gradient decent method Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

3 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Nonlinear system Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

4 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Nonlinear equations Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

5 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
x=linspace(-2,2); plot(x,x); hold on; plot(x,sqrt(4-x.^2)) plot(x,-sqrt(4-x.^2)) Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

6 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
function F = myfun(x) F(1) = x(1).^2 + x(2)^2-4; F(2) = x(1) - x(2); return Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

7 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
x=linspace(-3.5,3.5); plot(x,sqrt(24-2*x.^2),'r');hold on; plot(x,-sqrt(24-2*x.^2),'r') x=linspace(-5,5); plot(x,sqrt(12+x.^2),'b') plot(x,-sqrt(12+x.^2),'b') Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

8 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Demo_lsq_2c source code Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

9 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

10 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
x=linspace(-3,3); x=x(find(abs(x) > 0.1)); plot(x,sqrt((x.^2-2)/2),'r');hold on; plot(x,-sqrt((x.^2-2)/2),'r') x=linspace(0.5,3); plot(x,2./x,'b'); x=linspace(-0.5,-3); plot(x,2./x,'b') Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

11 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

12 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Nonlinear systems A system of nonlinear equations Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

13 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Example Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

14 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
myfun function F = myfun(x) F(1) = 3*x(1)-cos(x(2)*x(3))-1/2; F(2) = x(1).^2 -81*(x(2)+0.1).^2+sin(x(3))+1.06; F(3) = exp(-x(1)*x(2))+20*x(3)+1/3*(10*pi-3); return Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

15 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

16 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
lsqnonlin x0= rand(1,3)-0.5; x = y=myfun(x); sum(y.^2); Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

17 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Demo_ex1 demo_ex1.m Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

18 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Example Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

19 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Neural dynamics Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

20 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Newton’s method Single valued function f Find x s.t. f(x)=0 A system of nonlinear functions F Find vector x s.t. F(x)=0 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

21 Newton’s method -Tangent line
y=f(x) yn=f(xn) x xn+1 xn Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

22 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Updating rule x : scalar x : vector Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

23 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Taylor series Second order expansion at x= Hessian matrix Jacobi matrix Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

24 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Hessian Matrix Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

25 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Jacobi matrix Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

26 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
First order expansion Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

27 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Newton’s method Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

28 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Flow Chart n=0; guess x0 ~ halting condition Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

29 MATLAB implementation
Newton method Partial derivatives Jacobi Evaluation of an inline function that is with multiple dependent variables Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

30 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Partial derivative ss='3*x1-cos(x2*x3)-1/2'; s=sym(ss) fx=inline(s); x1=sym('x1'); x2=sym('x2'); x3=sym('x3'); diff(s,x1) diff(s,x2) diff(s,x3) Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

31 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Partial derivative demo_pdiff.m Find partial derivatives with respect to each of three dependent variables for a given function, f(x1,x2,x3) Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

32 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Example s='3*x1-cos(x2*x3)-1/2'; [f1 f2 f3]=demo_pdiff(s) f1 = Inline function: fx1(x) = 3 f2 = fx2(x2,x3) = sin(x2.*x3).*x3 f3 = fx3(x2,x3) = sin(x2.*x3).*x2 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

33 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Form Jacobi s1='3*x1-cos(x2*x3)-1/2'; s2='x1.^2 -81*(x2+0.1).^2+sin(x3)+1.06'; s3='exp(-x1*x2)+20*x3+1/3*(10*pi-3)'; [f1 f2 f3]=demo_pdiff(s1); [f4 f5 f6]=demo_pdiff(s2); [f7 f8 f9]=demo_pdiff(s3); Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

34 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

35 Evaluation of an inline function
feva.m function v=feva(f,x) s=symvar(f); xx=[]; for i=1:size(s,1) ss=char(s(i)); switch ss case 'x' xx=[xx 0]; case 'x1' xx=[xx x(1)]; case 'x2' xx=[xx x(2)]; case 'x3' xx=[xx x(3)]; end v=f(xx); return Prepare an input vector, xx Use symvar to get dependent variables Add instances of dependent variables to xx Substitute xx to f Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

36 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
feva >> f1 f1 = Inline function: f1(x) = 3 >> v=feva(f1,[1 1 1]) v = 3 x=[1 pi 2*pi] f2(x(2),x(3)) ans = 4.8811 >> feva(f2,x) >> f3 f3 = Inline function: f3(x2,x3) = sin(x2.*x3).*x2 >> f3(x(2),x(3)) ans = 2.4406 >> feva(f3,x) Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

37 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
>> f4 f4 = Inline function: f4(x1) = 2.*x1 >> f4(x(1)) ans = 2 >> feva(f4,x) >> f5 f5 = Inline function: f5(x2) = -162.*x2-81./5 >> f5(x(2)) ans = >> feva(f5,x) >> f6 f6 = Inline function: f6(x3) = cos(x3) >> f6(x(3)) ans = 1 >> feva(f6,x) Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

38 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
>> f7 f7 = Inline function: f7(x1,x2) = -x2.*exp(-x1.*x2) >> f7(x(1),x(2)) ans = >> feva(f7,x) >> f8 f8 = Inline function: f8(x1,x2) = -x1.*exp(-x1.*x2) >> f8(x(1),x(2)) ans = >> feva(f8,x) Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

39 Flow Chart Function x=Newton(s1,s2,s3,x0) Create 3 inlines functions,
~ halting condition Create 3 inlines functions, F1,F2,F3 according to s1,s2,s3 Create f1,…,f9 that represent partial derivatives of F1,F2 and F3 Substitute x to f1-f9 to form J Substitute x to F1-F3 Refine x by x=x0;n=0; Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

40 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Example s1='(x1).^2+x2.^2+x3.^2-4'; s2='2*x1-x2+x3-1'; s3='x1+3*x2-x3-3'; x_ini=rand(3,1)*2-1; x=Newton(s1,s2,s3,x_ini) ' F1=inline(s1);F2=inline(s2);F3=inline(s3); er=F1(x(1),x(2),x(3)).^2+F2(x(1),x(2),x(3)).^2+F3(x(1),x(2),x(3)).^2; fprintf('%f %f %f mse = %f\n',x',er); for i=1:5 Exit Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

41 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
mse = mse = Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

42 Function x=Newton(s1,s2,s3,x0)
% s1, s2 and s3 are strings, each representing a nonlinear function of x1, x2 and x3 % x0 denotes an initial guess Use s1, s2 and s3 to create three inline functions, F1-F3 Create nine inline functions, f1-f9, that represent all partial derivatives of F1-F3 Set x to x0 While ~ (halting condition) Substitute x to f1-f9 to create a 3x3 matrix, J Substitute x to F1-F3 Refine x by the updating rule of the Newton’s method Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

43 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Halting condition The sum of abs(F1(x)), abs(F2(x)) and abs(F3(x)) is less than a pre-determined threshold Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

44 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Exercise due to 27 Oct Implement the Newton’s method for solving a three-variable nonlinear system Test your matlab codes with the following nonlinear system Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

45 Unconstrained optimization
A target function, y = g(x), where x  Rd A sample from the surface of f collects paired data S={(xi ,yi)}i Let G(x; ) denote an approximating function to g Minimizing the mean square approximating error induces an unconstrained optimization Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

46 Mean square approximating error
Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

47 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

48 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Minima dE/d = 0 Local minima : unsatisfied approximation Global minima : reliable and effective approximation Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

49 Gradient-based approaches
The gradient descent method The NG (Newton-Gauss) method The Levenberg-Marquardt method Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

50 Unconstrained Optimization
Translate solving nonlinear systems to a task of unconstrained optimization Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

51 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Square errors is translated to minimize Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

52 Unconstrained Optimization
Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

53 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Iterative approaches Gradient method Natural Gradient method Steepest gradient method Conjugate gradient method Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

54 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Gradient Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

55 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
An Iterative approach An iterative approach based on the gradient descent method Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

56 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Flow Chart n=0; guess x0 ~ halting condition Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

57 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Flow Chart n=0; guess x0 ~ halting condition Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

58 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Equivalent Flow Chart n=0; guess x0 ~ halting condition T Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

59 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

60 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Comparison Newton’s method Gradient descent method Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

61 Natural Gradient Descent method
Amari 1998 (Neural Computation) Wu, Chen & Lin Natural Gradient Method Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

62 Steepest gradient descent (SGD)
Choose to minimize the cost of the upcoming state Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

63 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Flow Chart n=0; guess x0 ~ halting condition EXIT T Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

64 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Quadratic polynomial Original nonlinear function of Approximate h by a quadratic polynomial determined by Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

65 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Quadratic polynomial Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

66 Quadratic Polynomial fitting
The polynomial that passes (0,f(0)), (0.5,f(0.5)), (1,f(1)) can be determined by f=inline('3*x.^2+2*x-1'); x=[ ]; y(1)=f(x(1));y(2)=f(x(2));y(3)=f(x(3)); p=polyfit(x,y,2) x_min=-p(2)/(2*p(1)) Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

67 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

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69 Flow Chart Function x=SGD(s1,s2,s3,x0) Create 3 inlines functions,
~ halting condition Create 3 inlines functions, F1,F2,F3 according to s1,s2,s3 Create f1,…,f9 that represent partial derivatives of F1,F2 and F3 Substitute x to f1-f9 to form J Substitute x to F1-F3 Find * x=x0;n=0; Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

70 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Exercise Implement the gradient descent method for solving a three-variable nonlinear system Test your matlab codes with the following nonlinear system Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

71 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Exercise Implement the natural gradient descent method for solving a three-variable nonlinear system Test your matlab codes with the following nonlinear system Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

72 Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU
Exercise Implement the steepest gradient descent method for solving a three-variable nonlinear system Test your matlab codes with the following nonlinear system Advanced Numerical Computation 2008, AM NDHU

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